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Verifiable new information is published almost immediately in revisions. If you have suggestions, corrections, or comments regarding The Banknote Book, please Contact Us.

Subscribers are entitled to download all revisions while their accounts are in good standing, and buyers of individual chapters are entitled to download revisions for a period of one year after their initial purchase.

The following is a list of the revisions made to previously published chapters:

13 December 2019
Jamaica (added listing for B240k)
Laos (added listing for B519)
Sri Lanka (added listings for B101as, B102as, B102bs, B103as, B104as, B104cs, B105as1/2, B106as1/2, B106s, B123as, B124as, B125as, B126as, B127as)
Straits Settlements (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listings for B106fs, B106gs, B112ds1/2, B119ap1/2, B119cp, B122as, B122cs, B123cs, B123ds, B123es1/2)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listings for B236 - B241; renumbered B228 - B232)
Zimbabwe (improved illustration for B192)

6 December 2019
China (added National listings for B2110b, B2111b, B2112b, B2901b, B2902b, B2903b)
Germany (added listings for Württembergische Notenbank)
Hong Kong (extended prefix ranges for Standard Chartered Bank listings)
Jordan (added listing for B230h)
Korea (added listings for B207ar, B208ar, B209ar, B209.5a, B209.5as; added illustrations for B424; extended series ranges throughout)
Kuwait (added listings for B102at, B222bs, B225as1/2; added prefix ranges throughout)
Romania (added listing for BNP203; removed Looking Forward item)
Southern Rhodesia (added listings for B104h5s, B104h6s, B106g2s)
South Sudan (added listing for B115d)

29 November 2019

Bahamas (improved illustration for B354)
China (added National, Occupation, and Foreign listings for B1428as3, B1429p, B1454p, B2001as2/3, B2002as2, B2202ap1/2/3, B2202bs, B2207p, B2301s, B4001as, B4003ap, B4004ap, B4005ap, B4006ap, B4009ap, B4009as, B4010ap, B4011ap, B4012ap, B4012as, B4015ap, B4015as, B4016ap, B4016as, B4017ap, B4018ap, B4018as, B4019as, B4020ap, B4021ap, B4024ap, B4025ap, B4025as, B4026ap, B4027ap, B4027as, B4028as, B4029ap, B4030ap, B4031ap, B4032ap, B4032as, B4033ap, B4033as, B4034ap, B4035bp, B4035bs, B4037as, B4039ap, B4039as, B4040bp, B4040bs, B4041ap, B4042ap, B4043ap, B4044a, B4044ap, B4045ap, B4045as, B4046ap, B4047ap, B4050ap, B4051ap, B4052ap, B4052as2, B4053ap, B4056ap, B4057ap, B4058as, B4059ap, B4060ap, B4066ap, B4067ap, B4068ap, B4070ap, B5636s, B5637as, B7801p)
Czech Republic (added Looking Forward item)
Eritrea (updated prices throughout)
Ghana (added listings for B160, B161)
Hong Kong (added listings for Oriental Bank, Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London and China, The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Agra and United Service Bank, Bank of Hindustan, China and Japan, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Company/Corporation, Commercial Bank Corporation of India and the East, and National Bank of China; renumbered B121 - B126 as B521 - B526, B701 - B720 as B801 - B820, B801 - B825 as B901 - B925)
Italian Somaliland (updated prices throughout)
Kenya (updated prices throughout)
Sao Tome and Principe (added Looking Forward item)
Romania (added Looking Forward item)
Scotland (added listings for National Bank of Scotland; renumbered B301 - B325 as B771 - B795, B801 - B811 as B1501 - B1511)
Somalia (updated prices throughout)
Somaliland (added listing for B122f; updated prices throughout)
South Vietnam (added prefix/series ranges throughout; added listings for B103ap1/2, B103as1/2, B107ap, B112at, B114at, B115as1/2, B116as4, B117as1/2, B121at, B122as1/2, B122at, B123as1/2, B126as4, B127as1/2, B134as3/4; deleted listing for B116b)
Tanzania (updated prices throughout)
Ukraine (added illustrations for B855, B857)

22 November 2019

Central African States (added listings for B106Cd/e)
China (split chapter into sections; added listings for Altai District, Fukien South-Eastern Bank, Tientsin Bank)
Cuba (added listing for B919)
Korea (added listing for B409as)
Malawi (added listing for B157e)
Mexico (added listing for B716b)
Nigeria (added listing for B229q)
North Korea (added listing for B360.05)
Solomon Islands (added listing for B225b)
Vietnam (added listings for BFX401 - BFX409)
West African States (added listings for B123Hr, B123Hs, B124Ds)

15 November 2019
Cambodia (improved illustration for B434)
Jersey (added listing for B131bs)
Philippines (added listings for B1085d, B1087b)
Samoa (added listing for BNP104)
Scotland (renumbered B301 - B325 as B771 - B795, B801 - B811 as B1501 - B1511)
South Africa (added listings for B713as, B752bs)
Vietnam (added listing for B343l)

8 November 2019
Bulgaria (improved illustration for B238)
China (added listings for Provincial Bank of Shantung, Qingdao City Agricultural and Industrial Bank, Tsingtao City Bank)
Eritrea (renumbered B109 - B112)
East Caribbean States (improved illustrations for B241)
Guinea (added listing for B341.5)
Lebanon (added listing for B544; renumbered B542 and B543 as B545 and B546)
Mexico (added listing for B672b1/2)
Morocco (added prefix information for B514)
South Africa (added listings for B701as, B707as, B710as1/2, B710cs, B710ds3, B710dt, B710es, B710et, B712fs, B714bs1/2, B714cs, B718cs1/2, B719cs, B719ds1/2/3, B719t, B720ds1/2, B721as1/2, B721es1/2/3, B722as, B723as1/2, B724as, B724cs1/2, B725as1/2, B725bs, B725cs, B725t, B726as, B727as1/2, B727at, B730as1/2/3, B731as1/2/3, B731bp, B732as1/2, B733as1/2/3, B734as1/2, B735as1/2, B736as1/2, B737bs1/2, B738as, B739as1/2, B744as, B745as, B746as, B761bs)
South Arabia (added listings for B102as1/2/3, B104as1/2/3, B104bs1/2/3)
South Korea (extended prefix/suffix and series ranges throughout; added listing for B208as1/2, B214as/cs, B225as1/2, B226as1/2, B228as1/2, B232as1/2, B233es1/2, B235as1/2, B236cs, B237as1/2/3, B238as1/2, B239as1/2, B242as1/2, B243as1/2, B247as1/2)
South Sudan (extended prefix ranges throughout)
Zimbabwe (added listings for B192, B193)

1 November 2019
Ceylon (improved illustration for B202)
China (updated prices for B4000-B4999; added listings for B2001as/c/d, B2002as, B2003as, B2011c1/2, B2012c1/2, B2013c1/2)
Mexico (added listing for B624is)
Nepal (added listing for B291b)
Ukraine (improved illustration for B859)
Uruguay (added listing for B551.5a/b)
West African States (added listings for B123Ds, B123Ts, B124Ks)
spreadsheet (added 2019.10.26 sheet)

25 October 2019
Central African States (added listings for B107Md, B110Md)
Germany (added illustrations for B1017, B1018)
Hong Kong (added listing for B221at)
Indonesia (added listing for B611e)
Iran (added listing for B295c)
Iraq (added listing for B356c)
Katanga (updated prices throughout)
Kosovo (corrected introductory text)
Macau (added illustrations for B090, B235)
Manchukuo (extended series ranges throughout)
Mexico (added listings for B696e, B706p, B708as, B717d)
Rwanda and Burundi (updated prices throughout)
Somaliland (added listings for B124c/d)
Zaire (updated prices throughout)

18 October 2019
Albania (improved illustrations for B322, B326)
Australia (improved illustration for B232)
Bulgaria (added illustration for B238)
Cameroon (extended series ranges throughout)
Chad (extended series ranges throughout)
China (added listings for Bank of Szechuan, Kirin Government Bank, Market Stabilization Currency Bureau)
Colombia (initial publication)
Equatorial African States (extended series ranges throughout)
Falkland Islands (added listing for B204c1)
Georgia (improved illustration for B255)
Malawi (added listings for B159d, B160c, B161b)
Mexico (added listings for B612bs, B613ds, B616as/ds/ip/js3, B619is, B622fs/gs/hp/hs2, B623is, B628js3, B629is/js/ms, B630bs/cs/ds/es/gs, B631as, B633es2/ip, B636p1/s2/ts1/ts2, B638s1/2)
Philippines (improved illustration for B1084)
Romania (added listing for B269as)
Somalia (added listings for B102as2, B104as, B108as2, B108cs4, B109ap)
spreadsheet (added 2019.10.13 sheet)

11 October 2019
Afghanistan (added listing for B363d)
Cambodia (added listing for B434)
Central African States (added listings for B109Td, B110Td; added Looking Forward item)
China (added listings for B1416as2, B1417as, B1447as, B1448as, B1468as2, B1726ap, B1727ap, B2201bs, B2201s1, B2201s2)
Indonesia (added listing for B609e)
Kazakhstan (added listings for BNP102, BNP103)
Morocco (improved illustration for B519)
North Korea (added listings for B316s, B322s; renumbered B320bs to B320as2)
Philippines (added listings for B1084d, B1085c)
Sierra Leone (added listings for B101as2, B102as3, B102bs2/3, B102cs, B102ds2/3, B104ds/es, B106bs/cs/ds/es/fs/gs/hs, B107bs/cs/ds, B108bs, B109bs2/3, B117as/bs)
Singapore (added listings for B101as, B102as, B106as, B111as2, B114as, B134as, B137as1/2)
Solomon Islands (added listings for B101as1/2, B102as1/2, B102bs, B103as1/2, B214as1/2)
United Kingdom (added listings for B171bs, B179bs, B199bs, B205)

4 October 2019
Bahamas (added illustration for B354)
China (added listings for Bank of Territorial Development)
Cuba (added listings for B906s/t, B908k/l, B910l, B912i)
Nigeria (added listing for B228v)
North Korea (added listings for BNP305 - BNP316, B363)
Philippines (added listing for B1086g)
Serbia (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listings for B103as, B204ap, B206s, B207s, B306as, B401as, B404bs, B408as, B410as, B419bs)
Seychelles (added listings for B113as1/2, B117as3, B304as1/2, B403as1/2, B412as4, B413as, B414as, B414cs, B415as, B416as, B417as, B417bs, B418as, B422as)

27 September 2019
Belize (added listing for B324f)
Czechoslovakia (added illustration for B150)
Germany (added listings for Bayerische Notenbank)
Guatemala (initial publication)
Indonesia (added listing for B613d)
Philippines (added listing for B1088e)
Poland (added listing for BNP823)

20 September 2019
Albania (deleted Looking Forward items; added listings for B322 - B327)
Chile (added listing for B299g)
China (added listings for Hainan Bank, B1701b, B1701br, B1702b, B1702br, B1703b, B1704b, B1704br, B1742at1/2, B5026as, B5033as, B7806p; added illustrations for B7806)
Denmark (updated prices throughout)
East Caribbean States (improved illustrations for B242, B244)
European Monetary Union (added listing for B105n3)

Faroe Islands (updated prices throughout)
Greenland (added listing for B204r; updated prices throughout)
Hong Kong (improved illustrations for B425, B823)
Mexico (added listings for B720 - B725)
Nigeria (added listing for B227y)
Persia (added listings for Reichsbank, Reichsschuldenverwaltung)
Poland (added listing for BNP823)
Tonga (corrected descriptions for B101 - B108)

13 September 2019
Central African States (added listing for B107Fd)
India (added Looking Forward item)
Mexico (added illustration for B716)
Poland (added Looking Forward item)
Sao Tome and Principe (added listings for B212as, B213as, B214as, B215as, B216as2, B217as2, B218as2, B301as2)
Saudi Arabia (added listings for B104as3, B110bs, B115as, B116bs, B118as2, B119as2, B119bs1/2, B121as2, B121cs, B122bs2, B123as2, B124as1/2, B125bs2, B125s, B128as)
Switzerland (added illustration for B358)
West African States (added listings for B120Ch, B123Cs, B124Cs)
spreadsheet (added 2019.09.07 sheet)

6 September 2019
Dominican Republic (updated prices throughout)
Belize (added listing for B329d)
Gambia (added illustration for B240)
Rwanda (added listings for B106as3, B106hs, B108gs, B109fs, B110fs2, B112as2, B113as2, B114as2, B115as1/2, B126p)
Rwanda and Burundi (added listing for B104as2)
Saint Helena (added listing for B306as)
Samoa (added listings for B117bs, B119bs)
Western Samoa (added listings for B201i (1955.07.13, 1955.10.06), B201k (1958.08.07), B404as2)
spreadsheet (added 2019.09.02 sheet)

30 August 2019
Bangladesh (added listing for B350.5g)
Bermuda (added listing for B232b)
Hawaii (added listings for B201, B301, B302, B303)
Namibia (added listing for B213c)
Republic of the Congo (added listings for B201as1/2, B201bs1/2, B201es, B207as, B202as, B205as, B206as1/2)
Reunion (added listings for B102ar, B207gs1/2, B213s, B408as3, B410as3, B503as1/2, B504as1/2)
Rhodesia (added listings for B102hs, B104at, B105at)
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (added listing for B101s, B101a3s, B101a5s, B101a8s, B101a19s, B101b33s, B101b34s, B102s, B102a8s, B102b49s, B102b52s, B103s, B103a6a/b, B104s)

23 August 2019
British North Borneo (updated prices throughout)
Brunei (updated prices throughout)
China (added listings for Bank of Canton, Ningpo Commercial Bank, B8501b, B8502b, B8503b)
Gambia (removed Looking Forward item; added listings for B235 - B240)
Malaya (updated prices throughout)
Malaya & British Borneo (updated prices throughout)
Malaysia (updated prices throughout)
Morocco (added listing for B519)
Philippines (added illustrations for B201, B202, B203, B204, B308, B310, B318, B505, B507, B510)
Singapore (updated prices throughout)
Trans-Dniester (added listing for BNP216)
Yemen (improved illustration and description for B131; added listing for B131b)

16 August 2019
Lithuania (added listings for B174b, B179b, B180b)
Nigeria (added listing for B236l)
Reunion (added listing for B103.5)
Solomon Islands (added listing for BNP205)
West African States (added listings for B122Ts, B124Tr)

9 August 2019
Bangladesh (added listing for B353k)
China (added listings for Sino-Scandinavian Bank, B7604bs, B69901b)
India (added listing for B128k)
Iran (added Looking Forward item)
Pakistan (added listing for B239n)
Vietnam (added listing for B347j)
spreadsheet (added 2019.08.05 sheet)

2 August 2019
Austria (updated prices throughout)
Bohemia and Moravia (updated prices throughout)
China (added listings for Bank of Anhui Provincial Government)
Czechoslovakia (updated prices throughout)
Fiume (updated prices throughout)
German-Austria (updated prices throughout)
German Democratic Republic (updated prices throughout)
Germany, Federal Republic of (updated prices throughout)
Romania (added Looking Forward item)
Saar (updated prices throughout)
Slovakia (updated prices throughout)
Slovenia (updated prices throughout)

26 July 2019
Belarus (improved illustrations for B144, B145)
China (added listings for B5017b1/2/3, B5018b1/2/3, B5019b1/2/3, B5020b1/2/3, B5021c1/2/3, B5022b1/2/3, B5506as, B5507as; added illustrations for B5506; improved illustrations for B5507)
Germany (added listings for Badische Bank)
Philippines (added listing for B1089e)
spreadsheet (added 2019.07.22 sheet)

19 July 2019
Afghanistan (added listing for B318.5)
Indonesia (added listing for B613c)
Nicaragua (added listings for B514, B515)
Pakistan (added listings for B231r, B235r, B237o, B238r, B239m)

12 July 2019
Bangladesh (added listing for B353j)
China (added listings for Beiyang Currency Bureau, China & South Sea Bank)
European Monetary Union (added listing for B109f3)
India (added listing for B302c)
Indonesia (added listing for B610e)
Kyrgyzstan (added listings for BNP202b, BNP203b)
Philippines (added listings for B1002bs, B1003bs1/2, B1004bs1/2, B1086f, B1089d)
Poland (added listing for BNP822b)
spreadsheet (added 2019.07.07 sheet)

5 July 2019
Bangladesh (added listing for B352k)
Brazil (added listings for B874f, B876d)
European Monetary Union (added Looking Forward item)
Georgia (added illustration and description for B255)
Philippines (added listing for B1088d)
United Kingdom (added listing for B712b1r)

28 June 2019
Aruba (improved descriptions for B121 - B125)
Ceylon (added listing for B231ds)
China (added listings for Banque Industrielle de Chine, B644as, B645as, B1201b, B1202as, B1204bs; added illustrations for B646; improved illustrations for B650, B1203)
India (added listing for B300c)
Indonesia (added listing for B609d)
Greenland (renumbered B405 - B407 as B407 - B409; added listings for B401a/b, B402a/b, B403a/b, B404a/b)
Kenya (improved illustrations for B144 - B148)
Nepal (added listing for BNP201.5)
Ukraine (renumbered B854 - B856 as B854 - B858; added listings for B857, B859)
Vietnam (added listing for B348o)
West African States (added listings for B105as4, B120Ah, B122As)
spreadsheet (added China sheet)

21 June 2019
Kenya (improved illustrations for B144 - B148)
Nepal (added listing for BNP201.5)
Argentina (corrected various details throughout)
Bulgaria (added listing for B124as)
China (added listings for B2313b, B8001p, B8003p, B8005p, B8011p, B8012p; improved illustrations for B1605)
German Democratic Republic (revised descriptions for B101 - B109)
Indonesia (added listing for B612e)
Jamaica (added listing for B250e)
Malaysia (added listing for B152c)
Mexico (added listing for B669f; renumbered B629, B630)
Namibia (added listing for B212b)
Philippines (added listings for B917hs2, B923as2, B1002as, B1003as, B1004as, B1005as1/2/3, B1006as1/2, B1006bs1/2/3, B1008as3, B1010as1, B1011as3, B1012as1, B1013as1, B1014as1/3, B1015bs3, B1016bs1/3, B1017as, B1030s, B1030as, B0131ds, B1031p, B1032bs, B1045as, B1048as, B1050fs, B1083n, B1088g)
Poland (added listing for B862b)

14 June 2019
Indonesia (added listing for B600e/f)
United Arab Emirates (renumbered B224a/b; added listing for B219c)
West African States (added listings for B120Bf/h, B121Bs, B122Bs, B123Br)

7 June 2019
Aruba (improved illustrations for B121 - B125)
China (added listings for B5644as, B7401as; added illustrations for B2313; improved illustrations for B2702)
European Monetary Union (added listing for B113s3)
Gambia (added Looking Forward item)
Indonesia (added listing for B615e)
Jordan (added listing for B233f)
Kenya (added listings for B144 - B148)
(updated prices throughout)
(updated prices throughout)
Nigeria (added listing for B235o)
Oman (added listing for B235.5)

Rhodesia & Nyasaland
(updated prices throughout)
Samoa (added illustration for B121)
Singapore (added listing for B219)
South West Africa
(updated prices throughout)
(updated prices throughout)

31 May 2019
Bangladesh (added listing for B354j)
Bulgaria (added listings for B123as, B130as)
Burundi (added listings for B236b, B238b, B239b)
China (added listings for American-Oriental Banking Corporation, Chinese-American Bank of Commerce, Industrial Development Bank of China)
European Monetary Union (added listings for B104s2x, B112r3, B113u3)
Germany Federal Republic of (added listing for B116ar)
Malawi (added listing for B162c)
Samoa (added listing for B121)
Solomon Islands (improved illustration for B221)
Sudan (improved illustration for B415; removed Looking Forward item)

24 May 2019
Argentina (added listing for B408c1/2)
Aruba (removed Looking Forward item; added listings for B121 - B125)
Barbados (added listings for B232c, B236b)
Belarus (deleted Looking Forward items; added listings for B144, B145)
China (renumbered B1203 - B1205 as B1204 - B1206; added listings for B1202b, B1203as, B8301a; added illustrations for B1605)
Malawi (added listing for B158e)
North Korea (added listing for B360.2)
West African States (added listings for B121Kas, B122Bp/q/r, B123Aas, B123Bq)
Zimbabwe (added listing for B190b)

spreadsheet (added 2019.05.19 sheet)

17 May 2019
European Monetary Union (added listings for B105v3, B106z3, B108w3; updated Pick cross-references)
Ghana (improved illustrations for B155 - B159)
Nigeria (added listing for B229p)
Turkey (added listing for B302c)
West African States (added listings for B120Dh, B122Ds)

10 May 2019
Bahamas (improved illustration for B350)
Burundi (added Looking Forward item)
Central African States (added listing for B106Cd)
China (added listings for Park-Union Foreign Banking Corporation, B2814as, B8704ap1/2; improved illustrations for B2814)
Hungary (added listings for Red Army Headquarters)
Montenegro (updated prices throughout)

Philippines (added listings for B1084c, B1088a/b)
Sri Lanka (added listings for B123c, B126d, B127c, B128d)
Trans-Dniester (renumbered B225, B226 as B223, B224; deleted B227; added listing for BNP215)
West African States (added listings for B120Kh, B121Ds, B122Cs, B122Hs, B122Ks, B123Bp, B123Dr, B123Ks)

3 May 2019
Albania (updated prices throughout)
Bangladesh (added listing for B209d)
Belarus (added Looking Forward item)
China (renumbered B4118, B4119 as B4123, B4124; added listings for B4118 - B4122, National Commercial and Savings Bank)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for B319c)
Dominican Republic (added illustration and description for B727; added listings for B720as/bs/cs, B721as/bs/cs, B722as/bs/cs, B723as/bs/cs, B724as/bs/cs, B725as/bs)
India (added illustration and description for B299)
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (updated prices throughout)
Kosovo (updated prices throughout)
Macedonia (updated prices throughout)
Namibia (added listing for B217b)
Philippines (added listings for B1079i, B1086c/d/e)
Serbia (updated prices throughout)
Serbian Krajina (updated prices throughout)
Sierra Leone (added listing for B127d)

26 April 2019
Aruba (added Looking Forward item)
Australia (added listing for B228m)
Azerbaijan (added Looking Forward item)
Bangladesh (added listing for B349i)
Bolivia (added illustration and description for B421)
Central African States (added listing for B109Cd)
China (added listings for Exchange Bank of China)
Dominican Republic (added listing for B723c)
French Pacific Territories (added listing for B105b)
Kazakhstan (added listings for B106b1/2, B113c; renumbered B139 - B148)
Philippines (added illustration for B1084; added listings for B1084b, B1086c)
Solomon Islands (added illustration and description for B221)
Sudan (added listing for B415)

19 April 2019
Albania (added listings for B214as1/2)
Australia (adding listing for BNP205.05)
Bangladesh (added listing for B352j)
China (added listings for Industrial and Commercial Bank, B630as1/2, B1442s1/2, B1463t, B3809bs1/2, B3809p, B3810p, B3831as1/2, B5032as, B5432as, B7503ap, B7503at3, B8204as, B8205as, B8206as, B8207as)
Guyana (improved illustration for B120; added listing for B114e)
Jamaica (added listing for B249d)
West African States (added listings for B121Ks, B122Kq, B122Kr)

12 April 2019
Azerbaijan (improved illustration for B403)
Ghana (added listings for B155 - B159)
Guinea (added listings for B342- B344)
Japan (added listings for B368 - B370)
Macau (added listings for B090, B235)
North Korea (added listing for B360.5)
Romania (add illustration for B286)
West African States (added listings for B123Tr, B124Br)

5 April 2019
Cameroon (updated prices throughout)
Central African Empire (updated prices throughout)
Central African Republic (updated prices throughout)
China (added listings for Asiatic Banking Corporation)
Croatia (added prefix ranges throughout)
Cuba (added listing for B912ds)
Equatorial African States (updated prices throughout)
Equatorial Guinea (updated prices throughout)
French Equatorial Africa (updated prices throughout)
Gabon (updated prices throughout)
Guinea (updated prices throughout; renumbered B337 - B342)
Mauritania (updated prices throughout)
Republic of the Congo (updated prices throughout)
Upper Senegal and Niger (updated prices throughout)
West African States (added listings for B120Hh, B121Hs, B122Tr)
spreadsheet (added 2019.03.30 sheet)

29 March 2019
Algeria (improved illustration for B118)
Bahamas (added illustration for B350)
Bolivia (renumbered B416d as B416e)
China (added listings for Imperial Chinese Railways)
Faroe Islands (added listings for B108as3, B109as3, B110as3; updated Pick cross-references for B201 - B206)
India (added listing for B301b)
West African States (added listings forB121As, B121Cs, B121Ts, B123As)

22 March 2019
Azerbaijan (added listings for B404 - B407; renumbered B403 and B404 as B406 and B407)
China (added listings for Chinese Italian Banking Corporation)
Romania (added listing for B290b)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for B139b)
Uzbekistan (improved illustration for B216)
West African States (added listings for B120Dg, B121Dr, B122Dr)
spreadsheet (added 2019.03.02 sheet)

15 March 2019
Algeria (added listings for B409, B410a, B411a)
Cuba (added listings for El Banco Español de la Habana, El Tesoro de la Isla de Cuba, El Banco Español de la Isla de Cuba, Republica de Cuba, La Republica de Cuba, Junta Central Republicana, and Banco Nacional de Cuba)
Nigeria (added listing for B234j)
German New Guinea (updated prices throughout)
Guinea (added listing for B344a)
Indonesia (updated prices throughout)
Mongolia (added listing for B431f)
Papua New Guinea (updated prices throughout)
Somalia (added listing for B309g)
Sudan (added illustrations for B410d date anomaly)
Switzerland (improved illustration and description for B360)
Ukraine (added listing for B855b)
West African States (added listings for B120Sg, B120Th, B123Ar)

8 March 2019
Brazil (added listing for B874e)
China (improved illustrations for B6602; added listings for Bank of Communications, B1203s, B1205s, B6601as3, B6602as2, B7503at1/2)
Guinea (added illustration for B105; added listings for B323bs1/2)
Northern Ireland (removed Looking Forward items; added listings for B136a, B137a, B503a)
Paraguay (added listings for B858c, B863c)
Switzerland (added illustrations for B360)
West African States (added listing for B124Ar)

1 March 2019
Ethiopia (added listing for B204ar)
Iran (removed Looking Forward item; added listing for B296)
Nicaragua (updated Pick cross-references for B506 - B513)
Northern Ireland (removed Looking Forward item; added listings for B939a, B940a)
Philippines (added listing for B1089c)
Romania (added illustration for BNP202a folder)
Rwanda (replaced illustrations for B141a, B142a)
Sierra Leone (added listing for B109c)
Ukraine (added illustration for BNP808a)
Vanuatu (added listing for B214a)
spreadsheet (added 2019.02.24 sheet)

22 February 2019
Australia (added illustration for B232)
Brazil (added listing for B877d)
China (added listings for Asia Banking Corporation, Mercantile Bank of India)
Gambia (improved illustrations for sig. 17)
Gibraltar (added listing for BNP102a)
Indonesia (added listing for B611d)
Libya (added listing for B550a)
Mongolia (added listing for B434b; removed Looking Forward item)
Nigeria (added listings for B228u, B232s)
Switzerland (updated prices throughout)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for BNP212 - BNP214, B227)
Uzbekistan (added listing for B216; deleted Looking Forward item)
Vietnam (added listings for B344i, B346l)
West African States (added listing for B124Dr)

15 February 2019
China (added listings for The National Bank of China Guangdong)
Czech Republic (improved illustration for BNP101a)
French Equatorial Africa (added tables for CCFL and CCFO S/N Ranges; added listings for B402bs, B403bs)
French Guiana (added tables for CCFL and CCFO S/N Ranges)
French Oceania (renumbered B314a-g)
Guadelupe (added table for CCFO S/N Ranges)
Guinea (added Looking Forward item)
Guyana (added Looking Forward item)
Hungary (added listing for B591c)
Indonesia (added listings for B612d, B614d, B615d)
Jersey (added listing for B129b)
Macau (added prefix ranges for B055 - B059; added listing for B057a1/2)
Malta (updated prices throughout)
Martinique (added tables for CCFL and CCFO S/N Ranges)
Myanmar (added listing for B117as)
Nepal (added listings for B207as, B207bs, B213as3, B215bs, B215.5p, B216a1s2, B217p2)
Nigeria (added listings for B235m/n)
Northern Ireland (added Looking Forward item; added listing for B425as)
Reunion (added tables for CCFL and CCFO S/N Ranges)
Romania (added illustration for B287a)
Rwanda (renumbered B138 - B140; added listings for B141a, B142a)
Rwanda and Burundi (added map)
Syria (added listing for B632b)

8 February 2019
Bahamas (renumbered B347.5 - B355)
Brazil (added listing for B879e)
China (added listings for Board of Revenue)
Czech Republic (added listings for B129a, BNP101a; deleted Looking Forward items)
India (added listings for Government of India)
Jamaica (added listing for B240j)
Sudan (added listings for B413a, B414a)

1 February 2019
Algeria (added listing for B405c)
Angola (renumbered B543 - B551)
Bahamas (added illustration and description for B347.5a)
China (added listings for The British & Belgian Industrial Bank of China Ltd.)
Hong Kong (improved illustration for B824)
Jamaica (added listing for B250d)
Paraguay (added listings for B846d, B857c)
Sri Lanka (added listing for BNP111a)
Sudan (added illustration for new 100-pound note)

25 January 2019
Central African States (added listings for B108Cd, B110Cd)
Fiji (added listings for Kingdom of Fiji Treasury, B101 - B119; Fiji Banking & Commercial Company, B201 - B205)
Indonesia (added listing for B614c)
Paraguay (added listings for B862c, B864c)
Portuguese India (initial publication)
Uganda (renumbered B159c to B159d)
West African States (added listings for B120Af, B120Ag, B120Cg, B121Ar, B121Cr, B122Aq, B122Ar, B122Cr, B123Cr, B124Cr)
Zambia (added illustration for B170)

18 January 2019
Algeria (added pricing for B151 - B153)
BNU Signature Varieties (added table showing dates branches established and notes issued)
China (added listings for B1606ds, B2102ap1/2, B2111ap3, B2902at, B5404as, B5404ap, B5405as, B5406as, B5410as, B5426as, B5602bs, B5625s, B5631s, B5640as)
Indonesia (added listing for B612c)
Kyrgyzstan (improved illustrations for B227, B233)
Mongolia (added Looking Forward item)
Poland (added listing for BNP810.000)
Singapore (added listing for B205j)
Thailand (added listing for B149.5as3)
Uganda (added listing for B155e)

11 January 2019
Algeria (added listings for Région Economique d’Algérie, B151 - B153)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for B209bs)
Gilbert and Ellice Islands (added illustration for B102)
Poland (improved illustrations for BNP810.001 - BNP810.500)
Seychelles (revised Pick cross-references for B416 - B418)
spreadsheet (added 2019.01.04 sheet)

4 January 2019
all chapters (added Revisions list)
Armenia (improved illustrations and descriptions for B319 - B321)
Cayman Islands (updated prices throughout; added listings for B218c, B220b)
Denmark (added listings for Allierede Overkommando, B1001 - B1006)
India (added listing for B302b)
Iran (added Looking Forward item)
Malaya (added listing for B208ar)
Mauritania (added listing for B110s3)
Philippines (added illustration for B813)
Saudi Arabia (added cross-reference to 1959 Reserve Bank of India Haj Issues)
Sudan (revised Looking Forward item)
Tajikistan (added listings for B217 - B221)
Ukraine (added listing for BNP808a)
Vanuatu (renumbered listings for BNP201 - BNP206)
Zambia (deleted listing for B160b; added listings for B165 - B170)

28 December 2018
Belize (updated prices throughout)
British Caribbean Territories (updated prices throughout; added listing for B111es1/2)
China (added illustrations for B2812, B7504, B7505; improved illustrations for B5306)

French Pacific Territories (added listing for B106b)
Guyana (updated prices throughout)
Kyrgystan (added illustrations for B227 and B233)
Myanmar (added face values throughout)
Nigeria (added listing for B228t)
Singapore (added listing for B206h)
West African States (added listings for B120Df, B121Tr, B122Tq)

21 December 2018
Belize (added listing for B325g)
Guernsey (improved illustrations for B011, B012)

14 December 2018
Botswana (added listing for B125e)
Cambodia (updated prices throughout)
China (added listings for B4118b and Bank of Agriculture and Commerce)
Hong Kong (improved illustrations for B427, B825)
Indonesia (added listing for B610d)
Mauritania (added listings for BNP101, B126as)
Mauritius (improved illustration for B436)
Thailand (updated prices throughout)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for B252a)
spreadsheet (added 2018.12.10 sheet)

7 December 2018
Algeria (added listings for B406d, B408b)
Armenia (added listings for B319 - B324)
China (added listings for National Industrial Bank of China)
Egypt (added Looking Forward item)
Iran (added listing for B289d)
Iraq (added illustrations and descriptions for B358, B359)
Mauritius (renumbered B434; added listings for B432 - B436)

Papua New Guinea (added listing for B160; added illustration for B154)
West African States (confirmed B121Se; added listing for B124Sq)

30 November 2018
Bermuda (added listing for B230c)
Canada (improved illustration for B379)
Croatia (updated prices throughout)
Dominican Republic (added listing for B728a)
Guernsey (improved illustration for B168)
New Caledonia (corrected date for B418)
Yemen (added listings for B104as, B106as3, B130b)

23 November 2018
Algeria (added listing for B402c)
Chad (updated prices throughout)
Chile (added listing for B300i)
China (added listings for Banque de l’Indo-Chine; B4119)

French Somaliland (updated prices throughout)
French Sudan (updated prices throughout)
French West Africa (updated prices throughout)
Malawi (added listing for B163b)
Mali (updated prices throughout)
Myanmar (extended prefix ranges throughout)
New Caledonia (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listing for B317bs)
New Zealand (added listings for B105as, B105ns3, B106as1/2, B106os3, B107as, B108as, B109as4, B110bs1/2, B110ds1/2, B111as1/2/3, B112as1/2, B112cs1/2, B113cs1/2, B115bs1/2)
North Korea (added listings for B361, B362)
West African States (added listings for B12Hg, B120Kg, B120Tg, B121Hr, B121Kr, B122Hr, B123Kr, B124Hr, B124Kr)
spreadsheet (added 2018.11.18 sheet)

16 November 2018
Australia (added listings for BNP213 - BNP218)
Bangladesh (added listings for B350.5f, B351h)
Bhutan (updated prices throughout)
China (added listings for B3807as, B5023as, B8651s1/2, B8654s1/2, B8655s1/2; added illustrations for B8652s, B8654s, B8655s; improved illustrations for B8651s, B8653s)
Cuba (added listings for B801as, B801bs1/2, B802as, B802bs, B803as, B803bs1/2, B804as, B804bs1/2, B804cs1/2, B805as, B805bs1/2, B805cs1/2/3, B806as, B806bs, B806cs1/2, B807as, B810as, B811as1/2, B811bs1/2, B811cs, B813as1/2, B814as1/2/3, B815as1/2, B816bs1/2, B904cs, B906ks, B908fs, B910gs)
Czech Republic (added Looking Forward item)
French Pacific Territories (updated prices throughout)
Guernsey (added listing for B168)
Liechtenstein (updated prices throughout)
Macedonia (added Macedonian Alphabet table)
Malagasy Republic (removed prefix ranges for B101 - B105)
Malaysia (renumbered B148-B152)
Malawi (updated prices throughout)
Maldives (updated prices throughout; added listings for B106as1/2, B106cs1/2)
Malta (added listings for B201as1/2, B201ap, B203ap, B205as3, B206es1/2, B207as1/2, B208bs, B209bs1/2)
Martinique (added listings for B225as, B405as1/2)
Mauritania (added listings for B108s2/3, B109s3, B127as, B128as, B129as, B130as)
Mauritius (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listings for B309c3s, B324cs, B401cs3, B403bs3, B408bs, B409as1/2, B410bs, B420as, B421as, B422as, B423as, B424as, B425as, B426as)
Mongolia (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listing for B315bs)
Morocco (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listings for B201ap, B201as, B202as, B206as, B208as, B212cs, B212ds, B220as1/2, B222as3, B222bs, B233s5, B234s5, B405as1/2/3, B406as1/2/3, B407as1/2/3, B207bs1/2, B513as1/2, B514as)
Mozambique (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listing for B201as1/2)
Myanmar (updated prices throughout)
Nepal (added listings for B201as1/2, B202as1/2, B205as1/2, B207ds, B208cs1/2, B214as3, B215cs1/2, B218cs1/2, B229as3/4, B232as1/2, B235bs1/2, B246bs1/2)
Northern Ireland (added illustrations of upcoming polymer issues)
Sri Lanka (updated prices throughout)
Vanuatu (updated prices throughout)
West African States (added listing for B120Kf)

9 November 2018
Egypt (updated prices throughout)
Iraq (renumbered B353-B360)
Macedonia (extended prefix ranges throughout)
Madagascar (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listings for B203as, B208cs, B302bs, B305as1/2, B306as1/2, B311s, B316as1/2, B316s)
Madagascar and Comoros (extended prefix ranges throughout)
Malagasy Republic (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listings for B203as4, B204as3/4, B205as4)
Malawi (extended prefix ranges throughout; renumbered B157 - B162; added listings for B103bs1/2, B103p, B105p, B107as4, B109bs, B110as1/2, B110bs, B112bs, B113ds, B115as3, B115es, B115fs, B117as1/2, B118as, B119as, B119bs, B120as, B120bs, B121as, B122as)
Malaysia (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listing for B105as1/2)
Maldives (extended prefix ranges throughout)
Mali (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listing for B202as)
Malta (added listings for B120as1/2, B121as, B210as1/2, B211as1/2, B212as1/2, B213as1/2)
Martinique (extended prefix ranges throughout)
Mauritania (extended prefix ranges throughout)
Morocco (updated prices throughout)

2 November 2018
China (added listings for Bank of East Asia)
Georgia (updated prices throughout)
Iraq (added listings for B359 - B361)
Latvia (added listing for B208as3)
Lebanon (added listings for B224hs, B225bs, B229as1/2/3, B309bs1/2, B310as1/2, B310bs1/2, B311ap, B501es1/2, B502gs1/2, B504ds1/2, B504es1/2, B505es1/2, B505fs1/2, B506as1/2, B506bs1/2, B507hs1/2, B509as3, B510as1/2, B514bs, B515bs, B533as, B534as, B535bs, B537bs; corrected and added details throughout; renumbered B533-B537)
Lesotho (added listings for B201bs, B202ar, B203bs, B203r, B217as;
extended prefix ranges throughout)
Liberia (added listing for B107.5; added illustration for B109; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Libya (added listings fro B104as3, B203as, B204as, B301as3, B303bs, B304p, B403as1/2, B505as, B508bs, B509bs1/2, B510bs, B512as1/2, B513as1/2, B521cs, B522cs, B524bs; renumbered B544-B547)
Lithuania (added listings for B173as, B179as; added prefix ranges for B158 - B181)
Luxembourg (added listings for B328as, B331as1/2, B331bs1/2, B331cs, B332as1/2, B335as, B338as1/2, B401at, B401bs, B402as3/4)
Maldives (added listings for B204bs, B205bs1/2, B206bs, B208as, B209as1/2)
Syria (corrected and added details throughout; added listing for B214.5)
United Arab Emirates (added listings for B244 - B251)

26 October 2018
Australia (improved illustration for B233)
Central African States (added listings for B109Ue, B110Ue)
China (added listings for B636ap, B2406as, B5012as, B5013as, B5014as, B5015as, B5016as, B5017as, B5018as, B5019as, B5020as, B5021as)
Cook Islands (added listing for B102.5)
Denmark (added listing for B937f)
Ghana (added listing for B145h)
Japan (added listings for B328as4, B362as, B363as, B365c)
Jersey (added listings for B107as3, B108as3, B109as3, B127bs)
Jordan (added listings for B106as3, B106cs3, B107as1/2, B108as1/2/3, B109as, B204as3, B205cs2/3, B206bs3, B208ds3, B208es3, B209ds1/2, B210bs, B211as3, B212as3, B212bs1/2/3, B212bt, B213as3, B229fs, B229gs, B229hs, B230ds, B230es, B232cs, B232ds, B233ds, B233es, B234gs, B234hs)
Kazakhstan (added listings for B111bs, B139as1/2, B144as)
Kenya (added listings for B102as1/2, B102bs, B103bs, B106cs, B106ds, B106t, B107bs, B107cs, B108bs, B108ds, B109bs, B109p1/2, B110as1/2, B110p1/2, B111cs1/2, B112bs, B112cs, B113cs, B113ds, B114cs, B114ds, B115as, B116as1/2, B117as, B118as1/2, B119bs, B119cs1/2, B120as1/2, B120bs, B120cs, B120ds1/2/3, B120es, B120fs, B121as1/2, B121bs, B121ds, B121es, B122bs1/2/3, B122es1/2, B123bs, B123cs, B123ds1/2/3, B123fs1/2/3/4, B124bs, B125ds, B125es, B126as, B126bs, B128cs, B128ds, B128es, B128fs, B128gs, B129cs, B129ds, B129es, B130bs, B130es, B130fs, B132ds)
Kuwait (added listing for B203as1/2, B223as1/2, B224as1/2, B225bs)
Laos (added listings for B201as3, B212as3, B214bs1/2/3)
Moldova (added Looking Forward item)
Papua New Guinea (renumbered B139c/cs as B149b/bs; added Looking Forward item)
Uganda (added listing for B158d)

19 October 2018
Botswana (updated prices throughout)
China (added listings for Ta Chung Bank)

Hong Kong (added listing for B420e)
Ireland, Republic of (added listings for B201gs, B212as3, B212bs, B215cs, B216ds, B217bs, B219as; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Jamaica (added listings for B204ds1/2, B205as, B205cs1/2, B205ds1/2, B206cs1/2, B206es, B214as, B214bs, B222as1/2, B222bs, B223ds, B223es, B224as, B224bs, B224ds, B225as1/2, B225bs, B225cs, B225ds, B226as, B226bs, B227as, B227bs, B227cs1/2, B227ds, B228bs, B228ds, B230bs; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Rhodesia (updated prices throughout)
Southern Rhodesia (updated prices throughout; added listings for B103h1s, B106c1s1/2, B109a1t, B110a1t, B203a5s)
Sri Lanka (added listings for B125c, B128c)
Zambia (updated prices throughout; added listings for B101as3, B102as1/2)
spreadsheet (added 2018.10.15 sheet)

12 October 2018
China (added listings for Netherlands Trading Society)
Cuba (added listing for B905f)
East Africa (added listings for B220c1/2/3, B220c3s)
Hungary (added listings for B509as1/2, B510as3, B520as1/2, B521as1/2, B523as1/2, B525as1/2, B526bs, B528bs, B537as, B538as, B540as, B543as, B558ds, B559es/fs/gs/hs, B560bs/cs, B562as/bs, B564as/bs, B565as/bs/cs/ds, B577as, B581bs, B582as, B585as, B586as, B588as/bs, B590as; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Isle of Man (added listing for B109cs1/2)
Israel (updated prices throughout; added listings for B103ap3, B104ap1/2, B106as, B108as, B109as. B305as1/2)
Persia (updated prices throughout; added listings for B102as3, B105es)
Philippines (added illustration of JAPWANCAP stamp B2)
Turkey (updated prices throughout)
United Arab Emirates (added listings for B237b, B238b)

5 October 2018
Albania (added listings for B208as, B209as, B210as, B211as1/2, B212as1/2)
Armenia (added listing for B314as1/2)
Azerbaijan (added listing for B304as)
Bahamas (added illustration and description for B351; added listings for B347.5, B348.5)
Bangladesh (added listings for B207g, B207gs, B209c, B209cs, B351gs, B353fs, B354hs)
Haiti (added listings for B845g, B847f)
Iran (added listing for B282c)
Ireland, Republic of (added listings for B209bs, B213as)
Macau (added listings for B068d, B071d, B073c)
Netherlands New Guinea (improved illustration for B207)
Papua New Guinea (added illustrations for B158; added listings for B155as, B158as)
Poland (added listings for BNP817b, BNP821b)
Solomon Islands (added listing for BNP204a)
Sudan (added Looking Forward item)
Vietnam (added listings for B348n)
West African States (added listing for B124Tq)
spreadsheet (added 2018.09.30 sheet)

28 September 2018
Bahamas (added listings for B117as1/2, B118as1/2)
Belarus (added Looking Forward item)
Fiji (added listing for B318fs)
Germany (added listings for Kongelige Danske Krigsministerium, B1651-B1656)
Gibraltar (added listings for B115ep, B116ep, B117ep)
Grenada (added listing for B102as; improved illustration of B102)
Jersey (updated prices throughout)
Pakistan (added listing for B238q)
Scotland (updated prices throughout)
Uzbekistan (added Looking Forward item)
Yemen (added listings for B115as, B119as)

21 September 2018
China (added listings for National Commercial Bank, B1201-B1205; B5035as, B5036as1/2, B5037as1/2)
European Monetary Union (added listings for B112, B113)
Germany (added listings for Service Financier de l’Armée, B1551-B1558)
Guernsey (added illustrations for B041, B044)
Ireland, Republic of (added listing for B212as1/2)
Uruguay (added listing for B559)
West African States (added listing for B123Tq)

14 September 2018
Aruba (added listing for B119as; updated prices throughout)
Costa Rica (updated prices throughout)
East Africa (added listings for B209as1/2, B210as1/2, B211as1/2, B213as1/2/3)
East Caribbean States (added listings for B240 - B244)
Macau (added listings for B080, B081, B225, B226)
Panama (updated prices throughout)
Taiwan (updated prices throughout)
Yemen (improved illustration for B132)
spreadsheet (added 2018.09.08 sheet)

7 September 2018
Czech Republic (added listings for B127, B128)
Gambia (added listings for B101as1/2, B102as1/2)
Germany, Federal Republic of (added listing for B113as6, B228as1/2; extended prefix ranges for B222 - B232)
Ghana (added listings for B101as2/3, B101bs, B101ds, B102as3, B102bs, B103as4, B104as1/2, B110ap, B111cs, B113cs, B116s2s, B129gs; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Gibraltar (added listings for B116cs, B116hs3, B118as1/2/3, B118bs1/2, B118cs1/2, B120as1/2/3, B120bs1/2, B121cs)
Guyana (added listings for B101as3, B101bs, B101cs1/2, B101ds, B101es1/2/3, B101fs1/2, B101gs, B101hs, B101is, B102bs1/2, B102is, B103ds, B103fs1/2, B103is1/2, B104ds1/2, B104es1/2, B104fs1/2, B105as, B105bs, B106as1/2, B106bs, B107ap, B107bs, B108as, B110as, B111as; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Maldives (added listings for B216b, B219b)
Poland (improved illustration for BNP822)
Thailand (improved illustrations for B196, B197)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for B242b)
West African States (added listings for B120Sf, B122Sq, B123Sq)

31 August 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina (added listings for B224bs, B225bs, B226bs, B227bs, B228bs, B229bs, B230bs, B231bs)
Cyprus (added listings for B136ds1/2, B201as1/2, B202as1/2/3, B203as1/2, B301bs1/2, B301cs1/2, B301es1/2, B301ns, B302ds1/2, B302es1/2, B302ks, B304cs1/2/3, B304ds, B309bs, B310as1/2, B310cs1/2, B310dsm B312cs, B315as)
Denmark (added listings for B914ds, B928as)
Djibouti (added listings for B103as, B205as1/2)
Dominican Republic (added listings for B610bs1/2, B612bs, B619as, B620as, B628as, B638bs1/2, B638cs1/2, B638es1/2, B639as1/2, B658as1/2, B725b)
East Africa (added listings for B229as3, B230as1/2)
East Caribbean States (added listings for B101b6s1/2, B102b5s1/2, B102b7s, B103a1s1/2, B103b7s1/2, B103cks1/2, B104cgs1/2, B204as, B212us, B217as; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Egypt (added listings for B108bs, B108ds, B110as3, B117bs1/2, B121cs1/2, B122ds, B123as, B124as1/2, B128cs, B129bs, B129s, B131as, B132ds, B212fs, B212hs, B213fs, B213hs, B301bs, B305bs, B307bs, B317as1/2)
Ethiopia (added listings for B101as, B202as, B203as, B204as, B205as, B318as, B322as1/2, B334bs)
Falkland Islands (added listings for B209as, B213as3, B213bs, B215bs1/2, B216cs1/2, B217as, B221ap, B221as)
Fiji (added listings for B329as, B329ds, B330es, B330fs, B336as1/2, B337as, B403bs3, B406bs1/2, B412as)
Guyana (added listings for B108g1/2, B108h1/2, B116b)
India (improved illustration for B301)
Macedonia (added listing for B208js, B213bs, B214bs)
Manchukuo (added listing for B115.5)
Mongolia (added listing for B430f)
Nigeria (added listing for B229o)
South Africa (updated prices throughout)
South Arabia (added listings for B101as, B101bs1/2, B102as, B103as1/s, B103bs1/2, B105as1/2; added prefix ranges throughout)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for B229b)
Zambia (added listing for B160b)
Zimbabwe (updated prices throughout)
spreadsheet (added 2018.08.28 sheet)

24 August 2018
Bahamas (added listing for B203as2/3)
Belize (added listing for B310as1/2)
Bermuda (added listings for B126as1/2, B127as1/2)
Brazil (added listings for B802p, B875d, B878c/d)
Burundi (added listings for B111as1/2, B114as3, B207cs, B208bs, B210ct, B212p, B215as, B215bs, B216es, B217es, B217fs, B218as1/2, B218bs1/2, B218cs1/2, B220bs, B220hs, B221as1/2, B228as; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Cape Verde (added listings for B201ap; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Falkland Islands (added listing for B212as, B213as1/2, B214as; updated prices throughout)
Gibaltar (updated prices throughout)
Pakistan (added listing for B233p)
Saint Helena (updated prices throughout)
South Africa (added listing for B755bs; improved illustrations for B772 - B776)
South Sudan (improved illustration for B116)
Switzerland (improved illustration for B359)
Thailand (added listings for B193b, B194b, B195b)
Yemen (added listing for B132a)

17 August 2018
Angola (added listings for B403bs, B410as1/2, B426as3, B427as2/3, B431b, B533as, B537as1/2; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Bangladesh (added listing for B354i)
Barbados (added listings for B202as3, B206as3)
Central African States (added listing for B107Cc)
China (added coverage of Imperial Bank of China, Commercial Bank of China)
Costa Rica (added listing for B561b)
Guinea (added listing for B339b)
Iceland (added listing for B807ds)
Solomon Islands (added listing for B216d)
Switzerland (added illustration and description for B359)
Yemen (added listing for B131a)
spreadsheet (added 2018.08.11 sheet)

10 August 2018
Bahrain (updated prices throughout; added listings for B102as1/2, B103as1/2, B104as1/2, B105as1/2, B106as1/2)
China (added coverage of Greater Japan Imperial Government)
Kiau Chau (added illustrations for B205, B206)
North Korea (added listings for BFX417 - BFX424)
Pakistan (added listing for B239l)
Qatar & Dubai (updated prices throughout)
United Arab Emirates (updated prices throughout)

3 August 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina (added listings for B203as, B205as, B206as, B207as, B208as, B209as, B210as)
Central African States (added listing for B108Td)
Chile (updated prices throughout; added listings for B297e, B297f, B298e, B300f)
Dominican Republic (added listing for B722c)
Ireland, Republic of (added listing for B202is)
Northern Ireland (added listings for B937e, B938h)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for B140b)
Sierra Leone (added listing for B128c)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for B241b)
West African States (corrected order for signatures 37/38)
Zambia (added Looking Forward item)

27 July 2018
Chile (added listing for B297d)
Comoros (updated prices throughout)
Estonia (updated prices throughout)
Guyana (added listing for B108i)
Hong Kong (added listings for B423 - B427, B821 - B825)
India (added illustration for B301)
New Caledonia (improved signature table for Trésorerie de Nouméa)
Poland (updated prices throughout)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for B231b)

20 July 2018
China (added listing for B3805bs)
Ghana (added listing for B147g)
Indonesia (added listing for B615c)
Ireland, Republic of (added listings for B209cs1/2, B214bs)
Pakistan (added listings for B234o, B235q)
Poland (added listing for B861b)
Solomon Islands (improved illustration for B226)
Ukraine (added listing for B856)
West African States (added listing for B121Dq)
spreadsheet (added 2018.07.14 sheet)

13 July 2018
China (added listings for B3801a/b; added coverage of Greater Japan Southern Expeditionary Army Headquarters)
French Guiana (updated prices throughout)
Ireland, Republic (added listings for B207as, B214as3, B223bs)
Jordan (added listing for B230g)
Poland (added listing for BNP822)
Solomon Islands (added listing for B226)
West African States (added listing for B123Tp)

6 July 2018
Afghanistan (added listings for B355as1/2, B356as1/2)
Cook Islands (updated prices throughout)
French Oceania (updated prices throughout)
Hungary (added listing for B587.5)
Iran (added listing for B129bs1/2, B286c)
Jamaica (added listing for B241k)
Jersey (added listings for B127b, B131b)
New Hebrides (updated prices throughout)
Philippines (added listings for B1043c1/2, B1047g1/2)
Sudan (improved illustration for B412)
West African States (added listing for B124Aq)

29 June 2018
Azerbaijan (improved illustration for B404)
Bahrain (added listing for B308b)
Italy (added information for B303 regarding inverted back)
West African States (added listings for B113Has, B120Hf, B122Hq, B123Aq, B123Hq, B124Bq)

22 June 2018
Afghanistan (added listings for B361d, B362d)
Chile (added listings for B296h, B299f)
Djibouti (added listing for B203b)
French Guiana (enlarged signature table)
Gambia (added listings for B225d, B227c)
Lithuania (added listings for B126at, B137as)
Macedonia (added listing for B208l)
Martinique (enlarged signature table)
Moldova (improved illustration for B119)
Nepal (added replacement note info throughout)
Nicaragua (added listings for B445as - B450as, B455as, B458as)
Nigeria (added listing for B236k)
Philippines (added listing for B1085b)
Russia (improved illustration for B840)
South Africa (added listings for B772 - B776)
South Sudan (renumbered B101 - B115; added listing for B116)
Sudan (added listing for B412)
spreadsheet (added 2018.06.10 sheet)

15 June 2018
Azerbaijan (added listings for B206, B207, B208)
Belgian Congo (added BCB signature variety 2.5; added new date variety for B205a)
Ghana (added listings for B148g, B151e, B152d)
India (added listing for B295e)
Iran (added listing for B287b)
Ireland, Republic of (added listing for B209cs)
Japan (added listing for B353as)
Republica Srpska (updated Pick cross-references for B205 - B213)
Saudi Arabia (added listings for B106cs, B111as3, B112as3, B113bs1/2, B118bs1/2, B122as1/2)
West African States (added listing for B113Aps)

8 June 2018
Belarus (updated prices throughout)
Belize (added listing for B327f)
Dominican Republic (added listing for B726as)
Guinea (added listing for B340b)
Latvia (added listing for B207at; updated prices throughout)
Lebanon (added listings for B541as, B542as)
Macedonia (improved illustrations for B217, B218)
North Korea (added listing for B350b)
Oman (added listing for B225as1/2)
Philippines (added illustration for B102; added listing for B1089b)
Russia (updated prices throughout)
Trans-Dniester (updated prices throughout)
Ukraine (updated prices throughout)

1 June 2018
China (added listing for B5624as; added illustration of message hidden on B5624)
Ethiopia (added listing for B320as)
Hungary (added listing for B588b)
Indonesia (added listings for B609c, B610c)
Ireland, Republic of (added listings for B204as, B210as, B214as1/2)
Ivory Coast (added illustration for B107)
Northern Ireland (added listing for B133b)
spreadsheet (added 2018.05.27 sheet)

25 May 2018
Azerbaijan (added listing for B404)
Belize (added listing for B328f)
Cameroon (added historical background to introductions)
Central African States (added listing for B106Ug)
Dahomey (added series ranges throughout)
East Africa (updated prices throughout)
French Equatorial Africa (added s/n ranges for B101 - B103)
French Guiana (added listing for B208c)
French India (updated prices throughout)
French Oceania (added s/n ranges for B505 - B508)
French Somaliland (renumbered B201 - B206)
Guinea (added series ranges for B101, B102; added listing for B101c1/2)
India (updated prices throughout)
Iran (added listings for B114b1/2, B119as1/2, B149as, B150as, B151as1/2, B151bs1/2, B152as, B153as1/2, B154as, B155as, B156as, B157as, B208bt, B209bt, B212at, B213at, B264as, B265bs, B266as1/2, B275as, B277as, B278as, B284bs, B295b)
Italian East Africa (updated prices throughout)
Ivory Coast (added series ranges for B101 - B103; deleted listing for B101e)
Malaysia (added listing for B132ds)
Malta (added listing for B110as)
Morocco (added listings for B102, B209s; renumbered B102 - B106)
New Caledonia (added listings for B410b1/2, B411b1/2)
Northern Ireland (added Looking Forward item)
Russia (added listing for B840)
Senegal (added series ranges for B201 - B203)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for B226, BNP211)
Upper Senegal and Niger (added series ranges for B102)

18 May 2018
Cambodia (added listing for B433)
India (added listing for BR101as)
Indonesia (added listing for B611c)
Jamaica (added listing for B250c)
Kuwait (added listing for B202at)
Lebanon (added listings for B211bs1/2, B220bs1/2)
Macedonia (added listings for B217, B218)
Moldova (added listings for B111as, B116as)
Mongolia (added listing for B432c)
Nigeria (added listing for B232r)
Persia (added listings for B102as1/2, B106as, B107as3/4, B110as4, B110at, B111as1/2/3, B114as1/2/3/4, B118as1/2)
Poland (added listing for B864b)
Solomon Islands (added Looking Forward item)
Sudan (added listings for B310is1/2, B321as1/2)
spreadsheet (added 2018.05.12 sheet)

11 May 2018
British Honduras (updated prices throughout)
China (added listing for B5606as)
East Caribbean States (added listing for B101b3s)
Egypt (added listing for B117bs)
French West Africa (added listings for B102Cbs, B104Gas, B104Pbs, B105Pa1s)
Grenada (updated prices throughout)
Hong Kong (added listings for B404cs, B406bs)
Ireland, Rep. of (added listings for B202fs, B213bs2)
North Korea (added listing for B318b)
Sudan (updated prices throughout)
Turks & Caicos Islands (updated prices throughout)
Uganda (added listings for B157e, B159c)
West African States (added listings for B121Aq, B121Tq, B122Tp)

4 May 2018
Angola (added listing for B548b)
Belgian Congo (added listing for B221cs)
Cape Verde (added listings for B218as, B221as)
Chile (added listing for B300g)
China (added listings for Central Reserve Bank of China)
Ghana (added listing for B154)
Hong Kong (updated prices throughout)
Japan (updated prices throughout)
Korea (updated prices throughout)
Manchukuo (updated prices throughout)
Mongolia (updated prices throughout; renumbered B434-B436)
Nepal (added listing for B292)
South Sudan (added listing for B111c)
Sudan (added listing for B408d)

27 April 2018
Angola (added listing for B547b)
China (added listings for B3815b, B3830as, B3831as, B5433bs)
Ethiopia (added listing for B332e)
Guyana (added listing for B118b)
Ireland, Republic of (added listings for B208as2, B210bs, B212cs, B213bs)
Malaysia (added listing for B153b)
Philippines (added listing for B1081g)
Singapore (added listing for B208l)
Thailand (improved illustrations for B193, B194, B195)
spreadsheet (added 2018.04.28 sheet)

20 April 2018
Australia (added listing for BNP212)
China (added listings for Agricultural and Industrial Bank of China)
Iran (added listing for B289c)
Suriname (added listings for B548c, B549c; added prefix ranges for B531 onward)
spreadsheet (added 2018.04.14 sheet)

13 April 2018
Bangladesh (added listings for B349g, B349h, B353g/h/i, B354h, B359, BNP305)
China (added listings for B2906as, B3802bs, B3811bs; improved illustrations for B2903, B2906; added prefix info for FBC issues).
Costa Rica (added listing for B524k1/2)
Cuba (added listings for B910k, BFX905f, BFX907g)
Czech Republic (added illustrations for Looking Forward item)
Ethiopia (added listings for B301as3, B302as3, B303as3, B306bs, B308as/bs, B309as, B310as1/2)
Ireland, Republic of (added listings for B110Bat, B211as, B211ds, B212as)
Lebanon (added listing for B543a)
Macedonia (added Looking Forward item)
Republika Srpska (updated prices throughout)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for B120as)
Swaziland (added listing for B232c; improved illustrations for B236 - B238)
Uganda (added listing for B156e)

6 April 2018
All chapters (updated Pick cross-references to SCWPM 24th edition as necessary)
Bangladesh (added listings for B207fs, B209bs)
Barbados (added listings for B232b, B233b, B234b, B235b)
Biafra (updated prices throughout)
British West Africa (updated prices throughout)
Chile (added listing for B288as)
China (added listings for B3809bs, B3810bs, B3828bs)
Hedjaz (updated prices throughout)
Yemen (renumbered B128/B129; added listing for B130)

30 March 2018
Bahamas (renumbered B344 - B347)
Cuba (added listing for B811ap)
West African States (added listings for B120Cf, B121Sq, B122Cq)

23 March 2018
Albania (added listings for B214as, B217bs1/2, B232as, B233as)
Ethiopia (added listing for B331f)
India (added listing for B293d)
Netherlands Antilles (added listing for B225h)
Nigeria (added listing for B227x)
Pakistan (added listing for B231q)
Somalia (added listing for B310g)
Sudan (added listing for B329bs1/2)

16 March 2018
Brazil (updated prices throughout)
Canada (added listings for B378, B379)
China (added listings for B5201, B5202)
European Monetary Union (added Looking Forward item)
Paraguay (updated prices throughout)
Thailand (added listings for B193 - B197)
Ukraine (added Looking Forward item)
Uruguay (updated prices throughout)

9 March 2018
Cayman Islands (added listings for B221b, B222b)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for B321c)
Haiti (added listing for B837f)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for B130d)
Swaziland (added listings for B237, B238)
Ukraine (added listing for BNP807b)
West African States (added listing for B123Do)
spreadsheet (added 2018.03.03 sheet)

2 March 2018
Central African States (updated prices throughout)
China (added listings for Farmers Bank of China)
Dahomey (updated prices throughout)
India (added listing for B298b, B300b)
Ivory Coast (updated prices throughout)
Liberia (added listings for B311b, B314b, B315b, B316b)
Senegal (updated prices throughout)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for B225, BNP210)
Western Samoa (renumbered B203a/g)

23 February 2018
Bhutan (renumbered B225 to BNP202)
Brunei (added listing for B301c)
Costa Rica (renumbered B557 - B563)
Cuba (updated prices throughout)
Denmark (added listing for B938d)
Germany, Federal Republic of (added listing for B111bs)
Haiti (updated prices throughout; added listing for B839f)
Mauritius (added listings for B422h, B429d)
Nicaragua (updated prices throughout)
Uruguay (added listing for B551.5)

16 February 2018
Albania (added Looking Forward item)
Australia (added listings for B232, B233, B234)
Botswana (added listing for B129)
Costa Rica (added listing for B522m1/2)
European Monetary Union (updated prices throughout)
French West Africa (added listing for B106Gbp)
Germany (added Watermark Varieties table)
Iceland (updated prices throughout)
Jamaica (added listing for B249c)
Lithuania (updated prices throughout)
Sierra Leone (added Looking Forward item)
Singapore (added dates of introduction and prefix ranges throughout; deleted listing for B111b; renumbered B102/B206/B207 varieties; added listing for B209e)
South Africa (added Looking Forward item)
Sri Lanka (improved illustration for B130)
Sudan (added listing for B407c)
West African States (added listings for B120Td/e/f)

9 February 2018
Afghanistan (added listing for B360c)
Albania (added listing for B317c)
Cayman Islands (added listing for B108as1/2)
China (added listings for Red Army Headquarters, BFX1001bs, BFX1005as, BFX1006as, BFX1008as)
Costa Rica (added listing for B558c)
Czech Republic (added Looking Forward item)
Djibouti (updated prices throughout)
Germany (added missing illustrations)
Malaysia (improved illustration for BNP106)
Mauritius (added listing for B432c)
Pakistan (added listings for B107as3, B233o, B234n, B235p, B237m, B238p, B239k)
Singapore (added listings for B206i, B210m)
South Vietnam (updated prices throughout)
Sri Lanka (added listing for B130)
Vietnam (updated prices throughout)

2 February 2018
Central African States (added listing for B109Tb/c)
Danzig (updated prices throughout)
Malaysia (added listing for B151b)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for B136b)
Sierra Leone (added listing for B126b)
Uruguay (added illustration and description for B557)
Vietnam (added listings for B343k, B344h, B345i, B346k)
West African States (added listings for B121Tp, B121Bq, B122Bo)

24 January 2018
Biafra (added listing for B101ar)
Brazil (added listing for B877c)
Mauritius (added listing for B313.5; assigned variety letters to B305 - B309; added various detail throughout)
Nigeria (added listing for B228o1/2)
Sao Tome and Principe (expanded listings for B308 - B313)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for B239b; extended prefix ranges and added replacement info for B236 - B243)

17 January 2018
China (added listings for Deutsch-Asiatische Bank)
Egypt (renumbered B336-B341)
Guyana (added listings for B101fs, B102as3, B102bs, B102es1/2, B102fs, B102gs, B102hs, B102is, B103bs1/2, B103cs1/2, B103fs, B103hs, B103is, B104bs, B104cs, B104es, B104fs, B104gs)
Northern Ireland (added listing for B938g)
Sao Tome and Principe (added listings for B209as1/2, B210as1/2)
Ukraine (improved illustration for BNP807)
spreadsheet (added 2018.01.12 sheet)

12 January 2018
Cape Verde (added prefix ranges throughout)
French West Africa (added listing for B201b)
Malaysia (added listings for BNP106, BNP107)
Mauritania (renumbered B120-B125; improved illustrations for B126-B129)
Ukraine (added listing for BNP807)
Uruguay (renumbered B552-B558)
West African States (added listings for B120Ke, B121Cq, B121Kq, B121So/p, B122Kp, B123Cq, B123Kq, B124Bp, B124Dq, B124Kq, B124To/p)

5 January 2018
Afghanistan (renumbered B359-B364)
Angola (added listings for B409bs1/2, B412bs1/2)
Bahrain (added listings for B207as, B209as, B210as, B211as)
Central African States (added listings for B107Uf, B108Uf)
Fiji (added listing for B320t)
German New Guinea (improved illustrations)
Hawaii (added listing for B104ar)
Liberia (added listings for B312b, B313b)
Madagascar and Comoros (added preliminary series/prefix ranges throughout)
Mali (added listing for B204es; added preliminary series/prefix ranges throughout)
Nepal (renumbered B280-B291)
Samoa (renumbered B117-B120)
Solomon Islands (added listing for BNP203; renumbered B221-B225)
Sudan (added listing for B409c)
Vanuatu (renumbered B208-B213)

29 December 2017
Belgian Congo (updated prices throughout)
Burundi (updated prices throughout)
Congo Democratic Republic (updated prices throughout)
Djibouti (added listing for B205as)
Moldova (added listing for B117.5)
Rwanda (updated prices throughout)
Sarawak (updated prices throughout)
Straights Settlements (updated prices throughout)
Tunisia (added listing for B537)

22 December 2017
Australia (updated prices throughout)
Bangladesh (added listing for B351g)
British Solomon Islands (updated prices throughout)
Gilbert and Ellice Islands (updated prices throughout)
Netherlands New Guinea (updated prices throughout)
New Zealand (updated prices throughout)
Northern Ireland (added listing for B502b)
Tonga (updated prices throughout)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for B223, B224)

15 December 2017
Multiple chapters (repaginated)
Armenia (improved illustrations for BNP301)
Chile (added listing for B296g)
Djibouti (added listings for B102cp, B103bp, B104bp)
Namibia (added listing for B211bs)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for B138b)
South Korea (added listing for BNP201)
spreadsheet (added 2017.12.10 sheet)

8 December 2017
Australia (repaginated)
British Solomon Islands (repaginated)
Cook Islands (repaginated)
Czech Republic (added Looking Forward item)
Djibouti (added listing for B205)
Egypt (added listings for B201d/e)
Fiji (repaginated)
French Oceania (repaginated)
French Pacific Territories (repaginated)
German New Guinea (repaginated)
Gilbert and Ellice Islands (repaginated)
Hawaii (repaginated)
Jamaica (added listings for B240i, B241j)
Korea (added listings for B413bs, B427as3)
Mauritania (added listings for B126 - B130)
New Zealand (repaginated)
North Korea (added listing for B319a1/2)
Oceania (repaginated)
Papua New Guinea (repaginated)
Samoa (repaginated)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for B137b)
Solomon Islands (repaginated)
Tonga (repaginated)
Trans-Dniester (improved illustrations for B221, B222)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for B233b)
Uruguay (added illustrations for Looking Forward item)
Vanuatu (repaginated)
West African States (added listings for B120Bd/e)
Western Samoa (repaginated)

1 December 2017
China (added listings for Hua Hsing Commercial Bank)
Iraq (updated prices throughout; added listing for B109ds)
Lithuania (added listing for BNP102)
Mauritius (updated prices throughout)
Seychelles (updated prices throughout)
Solomon Islands (added listing for B224)
Yemen (added listing for B129)
Zanzibar (updated prices throughout)

24 November 2017
Armenia (added listings for BNP301 and 2018 proposed designs)
Australia (added listing for BNP211)
Gambia (added Looking Forward item)
Israel (improved illustration for B442)
Kazakhstan (added listings for B148, B149)
Kyrgyzstan (added listing for BNP201b)
Lebanon (added more precise dates for modern listings)
Namibia (added listings for B216as, B217as)
Vanuatu (improved illustration and description for B210)
spreadsheet (added 2017.11.18 sheet)

17 November 2017
China (added listing for B4109d and Crédit Commercial Sino-Français)
Italian Somaliland (added listing for B305as3)
Kyrgyzstan (added listing for B233)
North Korea (added listing for B360)
Pakistan (added listings for B231p, B231ps, B233n)
Turkey (added listing for B305c)

10 November 2017
Bahamas (updated prices throughout)
Barbados (updated prices throughout)
British Guiana (updated prices throughout)
China (added listings for Federal Reserve Bank of China)
Croatia (added listing for B504b)
East Caribbean States (updated prices throughout)
India (added listings for B287f, B295d)
Jamaica (updated prices throughout)
Leeward Islands (updated prices throughout)
Mauritius (added listing for B429c)
New Zealand (added listings for B106ns, B109as3, B110cs, B110ds, B110es1/2, B111cs, B116bs1/2, B117as1/2/3, B117bs1/2, B118bs1/2, B119bs3, B120bs1/2, B122bs3, B123as, B124as, B125as, B126as, B127as)
Saint Lucia (updated prices throughout)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for B221, B222, BNP209)
West African States (added listing for B124Hq)

3 November 2017
Angola (added listing for B546b)
Cambodia (added listings for B431, B432)
Hungary (corrected identifications for signature varieties)
Namibia (added listing for B207ds)
Netherlands Antilles (added listings for B208bs, B209bs, B210bs, B211bs, B214as, B214bs, B215as, B215bs, B216as, B217as, B218as, B218bs, B219as, B220as, B222as, B223as, B224as)
Russia (improved images for B838)
Trans-Dniester (added cross-references, language info, and native denominations)
West African States (added listing for B120Ce)

27 October 2017
Angola (added listing for B544b)
Belarus (added listings for B001 - B008)
Canada (updated prices throughout)
Dominican Republic (added listing for B724c)
Estonia (added listing for BNP203)
Japan (improved images for B301, B309, B515)
Lebanon (added listings for B503hs, B505as1/2, B505fs)
Malawi (added listing for B158d)
Sudan (added listing for B410d)
Tajikistan (added listing for B216)
West African States (added listings for B111Db3, B121Ap, B122Ap)

20 October 2017
Azerbaijan (added listing for B402b)
Bangladesh (added listing for B207f)
Burma (updated prices throughout)
China (added listings for B4056as, B4059as2, B4068as, B4069as, BFX1001 - BFX1009)
Dominican Republic (added listing for B630as)
Malawi (added listings for B157d, B160c, B162b)
Nepal (updated prices throughout)
Pakistan (updated prices throughout)
Tajikistan (added listing for B209c)
Thailand (added listings for B101bs, B102as)
Tunisia (added listing for B508as3)
West African States (added listing for B121Hq)

13 October 2017
Brunei (added listings for B305, BNP302, BNP303, BNP304)
Dominican Republic (added listing for B726)
Nigeria (added listing for B229n)
Russia (added listings for B833 - B839)
South Sudan (added listing for B105d)
Switzerland (added illustration and description for B355)
Syria (added language info; expanded specimen descriptions; repaginated)
Tangier (updated prices throughout)
Thailand (added listings for B144as, B147bs, B149.5as1/2)
West African States (added listings for B120Ae, B121Bp, B122Bn, B122Tom B123Bo)

6 October 2017
Algeria (updated prices throughout)
Bahamas (added illustration and description for B348)
Bangladesh (added listing for B352h)
Cayman Islands (added listing for B219b)
Chile (added listings for B299e, B300f)
Cyprus (added listings for B123as, B125bs8)
Hong Kong (added listings for B716at, B716as)
Indonesia (added listings for B302as5, B501as4, B533bs, B538as)
Italian Somaliland (added listing for B303as3)
Lebanon (added listings for B505es, B505gs)
Libya (updated prices throughout)
Tunisia (updated prices throughout)
Turkmenistan (improved illustrations for B228 - B233)
West African States (added listings for B120Sd/e, B123So/p)

29 September 2017
Bhutan (added listings for B109as3, B201as1/2, B202as1/2, B203as1/2)
Cambodia (added listings for B101as3, B013as4, B111ds1/2)
China (added listings for Mengjiang Bank)
European Monetary Union (added listing for B111r3)
Hong Kong (added listing for BNP805)
India (added listing for B305b)
Luxembourg (added illustration for B207)
Madagascar (improved illustrations and descriptions for B332 - B335)
South Sudan (added listing for B106d)
Tajikistan (added listings for B208c, B215b)
Thailand (improved illustrations and descriptions for B188 - B192)
Turkmenistan (added listings for B228 - B233)
West African States (updated prices throughout)

22 September 2017
Afghanistan (added listing for B345d1/2)
Angola (added listing for B405as1/2)
Australia (improved illustration for B231)
Azerbaijan (added listing for B401b)
Bangladesh (added listing for B207e; updated prices throughout)
British Honduras (added listing for B125as)
Ceylon (added listing for B332as3; updated prices throughout)
Cyprus (added listing for B104as1/2, B106as1/2, B108p, B110as, B117cs, B118ds, B120bs, B121js, B122as, B122hs, B124gs1/2, B125js, B134t, B302cs1/2, B302ls1/2)
German Democratic Republic (revised descriptions for B101 - B109)
Hawaii (added signature table; corrected quantities of gold certificates printed)
Malawi (added listings for B109cs, B110cs1/2, B112cs)
Malaya (added listing for B108a1/2, B108a2s)
Nepal (added listings for B215as3, B220as3, B291)
Oman (added listings for B201as1/2, B203as1/2, B204as1/2, B205as1/2, B206as1/2, B214as)
Rwanda (added listing for B111as1/2)
Saudi Arabia (added prefix ranges throughout; added listings for B110as1/2, B112as1/2, B113as3, B114as1/2, B114bs, B117as, B118bs, B122as, B123bs, B127as)
Uzbekistan (improved illustration for B215)
Zambia (added listings for B101as1/2, B103as3)
spreadsheet (added 2017.09.17 sheet)

15 September 2017
China (added listings for B4034as, B4053as, B4054as, and Jidong Bank)
Cuba (added listings for BFX836ap - BFX842ap)
Georgia (repaginated listings)
Israel (improved illustrations for B444)
Moldova (improved illustrations for B118, B120)
Qatar (added listings for B105as, B106as1/2, B107as3, B108as3, B109as3, B110as2, B111as3, B218b)

8 September 2017
Angola (updated prices throughout)
Azores (updated prices throughout)
Brazil (added listing for B875c)
Cape Verde (updated prices throughout)
French Cochinchina (added listing for B103as)
Georgia (expanded listing and improved image for B254)
Mozambique (updated prices throughout)
Nigeria (added listing for B232q)
Sao Tome and Principe (updated prices throughout; added listings for B308 - B313)
Thailand (added listing for B185b)
spreadsheet (added 2017.08.28 sheet)

1 September 2017
Abyssinia (updated prices throughout)
Armenia (updated prices throughout)
China (added listings for Chinese Engineering & Mining Company)
Ethiopia (updated prices throughout)

25 August 2017
China (added listings for B4020as2, B4050as, B4057as, B4075bs, B4076bs; added illustration for B4063)
India (added listings for B298 - B305)
Macau (added listing for B069d)
Maldives (improved image for B223)
Manchukuo (added illustrations for B102, B103)
Nepal (added listing for B290)
Poland (added listing for BNP821)
Sudan (extended prefix ranges throughout)
Uzbekistan (added listing for B215)

18 August 2017
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for B321b)
Czech Republic (updated prices throughout)
Jamaica (added listing for B249b)
Lebanon (updated prices throughout)
Memel (updated prices throughout)
Nigeria (added listings for B228s, B236j)
Timor (added listings for B110ap, B111ap, B112ap, B118fs, B118fs, B119cs, B120ds, B120fs, B121as)
United Arab Republic (updated prices throughout)

11 August 2017
Bermuda (updated prices throughout)
Central African States (added listings for B108Mb/c)
Kazakhstan (added listing for B147)
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (added listing for B117x3)
Maldives (added listing for B106bs)
Poland (added Looking Forward listing for BNP821)
South Sudan (added listing for B106c)
Swaziland (added listing for B236)
West African States (added listing for B124Cq)
spreadsheet (added New 2017.08.05 sheet)

4 August 2017
Afghanistan (updated prices throughout)
Angola (added listing for B409bs)
Indonesia (added listing for B614b)
Korea (added listing for B417as5)
Rhodesia (added listings for B102as1/2, B102is, B102js, B102ks, B102ls, B102ms, B102s1-5, B105as, B106as, B109as)
Somalia (added listings for B201as3, B204as3, B303as1/2)
Southern Rhodesia (added listings for B102b6s, B103e1s, B103e2s, B103e3s, B103f5s, B104d1s, B104d2s, B103d3s, B104h5s, B104h6s, B104i2s, B104i3s, B104i5s, B104i6s, B104i7s, B104j5s, B106i1s, B106t, B107a2s, B107a6s, B108a7s, B109a1s1/2)
Thailand (added listing for B182d; updated Pick cross-references)

28 July 2017
Ghana (updated prices throughout)
Indonesia (added listings for B612b, B615b)
Nigeria (updated prices throughout; added listing for B235l)
Sierra Leone (updated prices throughout)
Singapore (added listings for B104as1/2, B106t, B111as, B113as, B117as)
South Sudan (added listing for B105c)
Thailand (added listings for B188 - B192)
spreadsheet (added New 2017.07.22 sheet)

21 July 2017
Azerbaijan (updated prices throughout)
Cuba (added listings for B821as3, B826ls, BFX801as, BFX802as, BFX803as, BFX804as, BFX810as1/2)
Japan (fixed several illustrations; removed erroneous replacement note information)
Liberia (updated prices throughout; added illustration for B107)
Madagascar (improved images and expanded descriptions for B336 - B339)
Mongolia (added listings for B431e, B433c)
Mozambique (added listing for B204as1/2)
Nagorno Karabakh (updated prices throughout)
Pakistan (added listings for B109ap, B110as3, B117as, B201ap, B202as3, B203as1/2, B204bs3, B218as1/2, B220as1/2, B239j, BR201as1/2)
Somaliland (added listings for B106as, B107as)
Turkey (added listings for B303c, B304c)
Vietnam (added listing for B348m)
West African States (added listing for B122Hp)

14 July 2017
Australia (added listing for BNP206.03)
Brunei (added listings for B3040 BNP301)
Central African States (added listing for B108Fc)
Fiji (added listing for BNP510)
Ghana (added listing for B151d)
Isle of Man (updated prices throughout)
Madagascar (added listings for B332 - B339)
Mozambique (added listing for B237b)
Northern Ireland (updated prices throughout)
Poland (added illustrations for BNP801, BNP819b, BNP820a)
Singapore (added listings for B218, BNP208)
Sudan (added listings for BNP301, B411c)
Vanuatu (added Looking Forward item)

7 July 2017
Andorra (updated prices throughout)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listings for B320c, B326b)
Cuba (added listings for B903as, B904as, B906as, B906q, B907as, B909as, B912h, B915as1/2)
Malaysia (added listing for B152b)
Monaco (updated prices throughout)
Mongolia (added listing for B430e)
Samoa (added listings for B113c, B114b, B115c, B119c, B120c)
San Marino (updated prices throughout)
Syria (added listing for B632)
Sudan (added listing for B328cs)

30 June 2017
Angola (added listings for B405bs, B410bs1/2, B411bs3, B412as5, B412bs)
Bangladesh (added listing for B209b)
Dominican Republic (added listing for B721c)
Indonesia (added listing for B613b)
Malaysia (added listing for B149c)
Morocco (added listings for B233s4, B234s4, B234s5, B236s4, B404as1/2/3, B507as)

23 June 2017
Bangladesh (added listings for B350.5d, B351f, B352g, B353g)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listings for B317d/ds)
Eritrea (updated Pick cross-references)
French Antilles (updated prices throughout; added listing for B110ap)
Iran (improved illustrations for B295)
Martinique (updated prices throughout)
Pakistan (added listings for B235o, B237l, B238o)
Trinidad and Tobago (updated prices throughout)

16 June 2017
Azerbaijan (added listing for B205c)
Bhutan (added listing for B223b)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listings for B324ap, B324bs1/2)
Ethiopia (added listings for B106as, B301as1/2, B302as1/2, B303as1/2, B304as1/2/3, B305as1/2/3)
Republika Srpska (added listings for B213ar, B214ar)
Uganda (updated prices throughout)
West African States (added listing for B122Dp)
spreadsheet (added New 2017.06.10 sheet)

9 June 2017
Bangladesh (added listing for B314as1/2)
Brazil (added listings for B815as, B816as1/2)
British Caribbean Territories (added listing for B111es)
British Guiana (added listing for B103bs)
Canada (added listing for B377)
Georgia (added illustration of B254)
Morocco (added listing for B218bs)
North Korea (updated prices throughout; added listing for BNP303b; added cross-references to overprints throughout)
Pakistan (added listing for B234m)
South Africa (added listing for B744bs)
South Korea (updated prices throughout)
Uganda (added listing for B155d)
Yemen (added listing for B128c)

2 June 2017
Costa Rica (added listing for B536cs)
Djibouti (added listing for B103p)
European Monetary Union (added listings for B111s3, B111u3)
Libya (added listings for B504as, B516as, B517as, B519as, B526as, B532as, B533as, B535as, B536as, B538as, B539as)
Mozambique (added prefix ranges throughout; expanded specimen descriptions throughout; added listings for B234b, B235b, B236b, B238b, B239b)
Netherland Antilles (updated prices throughout)
Serbia (added listing for B303as)
Suriname (updated prices throughout)
West African States (added listing for B120De)

26 May 2017
China (added listing for B2903as)
Fiji (updated prices throughout)
Hong Kong (added listing for B817e)
Libya (added listings for B104as1/2, B528as, B530as, B542as)
Malaysia (added listings for B110as1/2, B111as1/2, B133bs, B150b)
Oceania (updated prices throughout)
Solomon Islands (updated prices throughout)
Western Samoa (updated prices throughout)

19 May 2017
China (added listings for B2701 - B2703, B2901 - 2906)
Denmark (added listing for B935f)
Iraq (added listings for B354b, B355b)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for B231b)
West African States (added listing for B121Bo)

12 May 2017
Arab Republic of Yemen (updated prices throughout; added listing for B101as)
China (added listing for B4048bs)
Democratic Republic of Yemen (updated prices throughout)
Fiji (improved illustration for B531)
Madagascar (added listing for B327c)
Maldives (added listings for B215as, B223a)
Moldova (improved illustration for B123)
Nigeria (added listing for B234i)
Samoa (added listings for B101as1/2, B102as1/2, B103as1/2, B104as1/2)
Sierra Leone (added listing for B128b)
South Arabia (updated prices throughout)
South Sudan (added listing for B110b; updated Pick cross-references)
Sri Lanka (added listing for B124c, B126c)
Straits Settlements (added listings for B101as1/2, B116as)
Suriname (added listings for B516as, B517as, B518as, B519as)
Switzerland (added listing for B356)
Taiwan (added listing for B309ap)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listings for B108a1s, B203bs, B203cs1/2, B204as1/2, B204bs, B204cs1/2, B204p1/2, B208as)
Turkey (added listings for B301c, B306b)
Uganda (added listings for B104ap, B154e/es)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for B213as)
Western Samoa (added listings for B402as, B404as)
Yemen (updated prices throughout; added listings for B101as, B106as1/2, B112as)

5 May 2017
Brazil (added listing for B874d)
British North Borneo (added listing for B106d1/2)
British West Africa (added Font Varieties table for B108p)
European Monetary Union (added listings for B111e3, B111m3, B111v3, B111w3, B111z3)
French Somaliland (added illustration for CCD signature 3; added listings for B128ap, B129ap, B301ap)
Laos (updated prices throughout)
Netherlands Antilles (added listings for B221bs, B222bs, B226i, B227h, B228h)
Pakistan (added listing for B231o)
Poland (added listing for B859b)
Qatar (added listing for B217b)
South Sudan (added listing for B111b)
Vanuatu (added listings for BNP202, BNP203, BNP204)
West African States (added listing for B120He)
spreadsheet (added New 2017.04.29 sheet)

28 April 2017
Brunei (updated prices throughout)
Cayman Islands (added listings for B109as, B201as, B202as, B203as, B204as, B205as, B218b)
Czech Republic (updated cross-references)
Ethiopia (added listing for B334cs)
Falkland Islands (extended serial number ranges throughout)
Fiji (added listing for B531)
French Afars and Issas (updated prices throughout)
French West Africa (added illustration for B106G; identified several signatories by full name)
India (added listings for B286j/k)
Italian Somaliland (updated prices throughout; added listings for B303as1/2)
Maldives (added Looking Forward item)
Nigeria (added listing for B227w)
Pakistan (added listing for B233m)
Samoa (added listings for B119b, B120b)
Singapore (updated prices throughout)
Slovakia (updated cross-references)
Somalia (updated prices throughout; added listing for B105bs1/2)
Somaliland (added listings for B108as, B109as, B110as, B111as, B114as, B115as, B116as, B117as, B118as, B120as, B121as, B123d, B124c)
Sudan (added listings for B303bs1/2, B303es1/2, B304cs1/2, B304es1/2, B305bs1/2, B305ds1/2, B310as3, B311as1/2, B315bs1/2, B317bs1/2, B319as1/2, B322as1/2, B323as1/2, B323bs1/2, B324as1/2, B324bs1/2/3, B325as1/2, B326as1/2, B327as1/2, B328as1/2)
spreadsheet (added New 2017.04.22 sheet)

21 April 2017
East Caribbean States (added signature variety 2.7; added listings for B104a2.7, B104a2.7s)
Falkland Islands (added listings for B205a/b; added serial number ranges for B201 - B216)
Malaya (updated prices throughout)
Papua New Guinea (added listings for B154 - B159)
Solomon Islands (added listing for B221b)
Sudan (added listings for B403as1/2, B406as1/2)
Ukraine (added listing for B849es)

14 April 2017
Bangladesh (added listing for B352e)
Bohemia and Moravia (revised descriptions throughout)
Canada (added Looking Forward item for confederation commemorative)
Chile (added listing for B269d)
Costa Rica (added listings for B510s1/2, B523g1/2, B524s1)
Czech Republic (revised several descriptions; added illustrations of adhesive stamps on B101, B102)
Israel (added listings for B401as1/2, B403as3, B404as3)
Katanga (updated prices throughout)
Malaya (corrected illustration for B205)
Moldova (updated prices throughout)
Oceania (added printer imprints throughout)
Pakistan (added prefix ranges for BR201 - BR208)
Slovakia (revised descriptions throughout; added illustrations of adhesive stamps on B206 - B210)
Sudan (added prefix ranges throughout)
Taiwan (added listing for B392as)
West African States (added listing for B111Hbs1/2)
Zaire (updated prices throughout)

7 April 2017
Aruba (added listings for B101as, B102as, B103as, B104as, B105as, B106as, B107as, B108as, B109as, B110as)
Barbados (added listing for B237b)
Belgian Congo (added listings for B217bs3, B304as1/2, B312as1/2, B312ds/es/fs/gs/ms/ns/os, B315as1/2, B315fs; improved illustration for B224)
British North Borneo (improved llustration for B106)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listings for B206as3, B207as, B208as3, B210as3)
East Africa (added listings for B228bs1/2, B230bs)
European Monetary Union (added listings for B111p3, B111w3)
Faroe Islands (added listing for B111as1/2)
French Guiana (added placeholder illustration for B417)
Iraq (added listings for B102ap1/2, B104as, B105ap1/2, B106ap1/2, B112bs1/2, B115as, B124as1/2, B305ap1/2, B307ap1/2, B343as, B345as, B342.5, B343.5; added illustration for B209)
Martinique (added placeholder illustration for B418)
Mauritius (added listings for B310as1/2, B320ap, B401bs2, B432b)
Republic of the Congo (added listing for B202fs; added prefix range info for B101, B201 - B206)
Serbia (renumbered signature varieties for B200 series; renumbered B201 varieties)
Somaliland (added listings for B103as, B104as, B106as)
Ukraine (added listing for B849e)
Uruguay (added listing for B523cs)

31 March 2017
Brazil (added listing for B814cs)
Brunei (added listing for B110cs)
Cyprus (added listings for B301bs, B301cs, B301ds, B301gs, B302cs, B302es, B304bs1/2; completed prefix ranges for B301 - B304)
Dominican Republic (added listings for B646as1/2, B648gs1/2, B653gs1/2, B659cs, B663cs, B668as/cs, B679as/bs/ds, B682as)
Haiti (added listings for B848e, B849g, B850f)
India (added listings for B286j, B295c)
Maldives (added listing for B105as3, B107as1/2)
Nicaragua (added listing for B513as)
Pakistan (added listing for B235n)
Serbia (added listing for B206c)
spreadsheet (added New 2017.03.25 sheet)

24 March 2017
China (added listing for B4097bs)
Hong Kong (added demonetization dates for B700 series)
India (added listing for B294c)
Kenya (updated prices throughout)
Manchukuo (added listing for B119ap)
Nicaragua (improved illustration for B513)
Serbia (updated prices throughout; added listings for B416as, B418as; added prefix ranges for B400 series)
Tanzania (updated prices throughout)

17 March 2017
Barbados (improved illustrations for B238; added listing for B103as)
China (added listing for B4028ap)
Dominican Republic (added listings for B637as1/2, B642cs1/2, B645as, B647cs, B647es, B648hs, B651as, B652bs, B653hs, B655bs, B656gs, B656hs, B659fs, B661as, B661bs, B663gs, B664as, B665bs, B667as, B668es, B671as, B672bs, B675as, B677as)
Ethiopia (added listing for B331bs)
Ghana (added listing for B120as; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Kuwait (updated prices throughout)
Kyrgyzstan (improved illustrations for B228, B229)
Muscat and Oman (updated prices throughout)
Oman (updated prices throughout)
Poland (added listings for B815as1/2, B821at)
Qatar (updated prices throughout; added listing for B104at, B107as1/2, B108as1/2, B109as1/2, B110as1/2, B111as1/2; B112as1/2)
Saudi Arabia (updated prices throughout)
Sudan (added listing for B303bs, B306hs)

10 March 2017
Bahrain (added listings for B306, B307, B308)
Dominican Republic (added listings for B653es1/2, B656ds)
Ghana (added listing for B153)
Gibraltar (added listings for B115bs, B116bs)
Kyrgyzstan (added listings for B228, B229)
Lesotho (updated prices throughout; added listings for B201ap, B202ap, B203ap, B204ap)
Manchukuo (added listing for B114b)
Namibia (updated prices throughout)
Pakistan (added listing for B239i)
Poland (added listing for B860b)
South West Africa (updated prices throughout)
Swaziland (updated prices throughout)
Uzbekistan (added listing for B214)
Vietnam (added listing for B328bs)
Zimbabwe (added listing for B191)
spreadsheet (added New 2017.03.04 sheet)

3 March 2017
Bangladesh (added listing for B209)
Canada (added listing for B358c2)
Cuba (added listing for B905e)
Denmark (updated prices throughout)
Hong Kong (added listings for B363ds, B363hs, B364ds1/2, B366bs1/2, B366ds1/2, B367ds3, B368as1/2, B369as, B376as)
India (added listings for B293c, B298b)
Iran (added Looking Forward item)
Jamaica (added listings for B240g, B250b)
Macedonia (added listing for B214d)
Nigeria (added listings for B207b, B207bs1/2)
Southern Rhodesia (added listing for B104g5s)
Tunisia (added prefix ranges throughout; added listings for B503at, B506as3)
Vietnam (added listings for B343j, B347h)
West African States (added listings for B116Sg, B120Ad, B120Kd, B122Ko, B122So, B122Sp, B124So, B124Sp)

24 February 2017
Angola (added listings for B402as1/2, B405s, B411as, B416as3, B422as1/2)
Australia (added listing for B231)
Bermuda (added listing for B111as1/2)
Burma (added listings for B702as3, B703as1/2)
Canada (added listing for B351as1/2)
Denmark (added listing for B937e)
Egypt (added listing for B342)
Fiji (added listings for B338bs, B339bs1/2, B340bs, B341bs1/2, B408as1/2, B510as, B513as)
Hong Kong (added listings for B402as, B806as, B807as, B808as, B809as, B810as)
Iceland (added listing for B816d)
Indonesia (added listings for B599r, B608b/c)
Paraguay (added listings for B857b, B858b, B862b, B863b, B864b)
Solomon Islands (improved illustration for B223)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listings for B230b, B232b)
Uganda (added listings for B112as, B125as)
Zaire (added listing for B101as1/2)

17 February 2017
Albania (updated prices throughout)
Azerbaijan (added listing for B403)
Costa Rica (corrected illustrations for backs of B544 and B545)
Ghana (added Looking Forward item)
Jersey (added listings for B102b, B105b)
Korea (added listings for B206as1/2, B414as1/2)
Kosovo (updated prices throughout)
Macedonia (updated prices throughout)
Madagascar (updated prices throughout)
Madagascar and Comoros (updated prices throughout)
Malagasy Republic (updated prices throughout)
Nepal (added Looking Forward item)
Poland (added listing for B864)
Serbian Krajina (updated prices throughout)
Somaliland (added listings for B105as, B105bs)

10 February 2017
Bhutan (added listing for B225)
European Monetary Union (added listing for B110z3)
Hong Kong (added listings for B418e, B419e)
Indonesia (added pricing for B101 - B129; added listing for B597n)
Israel (added illustrations and descriptions for B442 and B444)
Malaysia (added listing for B148b; added prefix ranges throughout)
Sao Tome and Principe (added listings for B301as, B302as)
Singapore (added listing for B206h)
Sudan (added listings for B313as1/2, B314as1/2, B315as1/2, B317as1/2, B318as1/2; added prefix ranges for B306 - B310)
spreadsheet (added New 2017.02.05 sheet)

3 February 2017
Costa Rica (added listings for B551bs, B558as1/2, B562as)
India (improved illustration for B298)
Indonesia (added listings for B604i, B605g)
Mauritania (added listing for B107cs; added series ranges throughout; updated prices throughout)
Vietnam (added listings for B345i, B346j)
Uruguay (added listings for B555, B556)
spreadsheet (added New 2017.01.15 sheet)

27 January 2017
Chile (added listing for B296f)
Equatorial African States (updated prices throughout)
Falkland Islands (added illustration for B205; added listings for B214bs1/2, B218ap)
Gibraltar (improved illustration for B135)
Liberia (improved illustration for B316)
Myanmar (added listing for B106b)
Nigeria (added listings for B228r, B234h)
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (updated prices throughout)
Serbian Krajina (added listings for B101ar, B102ar, B103ar)
Singapore (added listings for B205i, B208h-k)
Slovakia (updated prices throughout)
Slovenia (updated prices throughout)
Solomon Islands (added listing for B223)
Uzbekistan (added listing for B110bs; updated prices throughout; expanded specimen descriptions throughout; added prefix ranges throughout)

20 January 2017
Angola (added listings for B550, B551)
Austria (added listing for B255b)
Bangladesh (added listing for B208)
Cuba (added listing for B832as)
Djibouti (added prefix ranges throughout)
Haiti (added listings for B823ap, B824ap)
India (added listing for B294b)
Indonesia (added listing for B606g)
Kyrgyzstan (improved illustration for B230)
Singapore (added listings for B208h, B208j, B210j)
Somalia (added listings for B106as1/3/4, B107bs1/4, B108as4, B109as2/4, B109bs1, B109cs1, B203as3, B305as1/2, B310bs, B312as; expanded specimen descriptions throughout; added prefix ranges throughout)
Uruguay (improved illustration for B554)
West African States (added listing for B118Ths)

13 January 2017
Albania (added prefix ranges for B312 - B321)
Cameroon (updated prices throughout; added listing for B303as)
Central African Empire (updated prices throughout)
Central African Republic (updated prices throughout)
Equatorial Guinea (updated prices throughout)
Gabon (updated prices throughout; added listing for B202es)
Indonesia (added listings for B609 - B615)
Japan (added listing for B324as1/2)
Korea (added listing for B210as)
Kyrgyzstan (added prefix ranges throughout; expanded specimen descriptions throughout; added listings for B202as, B203as, B210as, B212as, B213as, B214as, B215as, B216as, B217as, B218bs, B219as; improved illustrations for B231, B232)
Pakistan (added listing for B234l)
Republic of the Congo (updated prices throughout)
Zanzibar (added listing B103b1/2)

6 January 2017
Botswana (added listings for B110as1/2, B124d; deleted listing for B112bs; added prefix ranges throughout)
Canada (added listings for B339s, B341as, B347as, B347bs)
Costa Rica (added listings for B557b, B558b)
Cuba (added listings for B833as, B902c, B908j)
Iran (updated prices throughout)
Italian Somaliland (added listing for B305as1/2)
Kenya (added listing for B134a1/2)
Liberia (added illustration for B106)
Nigeria (added listing for B236i)
Poland (added Looking Forward item about new 10- and 20-złoty notes)
Singapore (added listing for B207h; added prefix ranges for B201 - B210)
South Africa (added illustrations for B711, B713)
Sudan (added listing for B339cs)
Uruguay (added listing for B554)

30 December 2016
Cyprus (updated prices throughout; added listings for B106as1/2, B111as1/2, B114as, B301es, B301js, B302ds, B302hs, B303cs1/2, B303hs, B304cs, B304gs)
Hong Kong (corrected illustration for B710)
India (added listing for B297b)
Japan (added listings for B131cs2, B328es)
Jordan (updated prices throughout)
Korea (added listings for B403as)
Macedonia (revised listings for B215, B216)
Malawi (improved illustration for B163)
Mongolia (added listings for B407as1/2, B408as1/2, B412as, B413as, B421d; added prefix ranges and replacement note info for B401 - B436)
Palestine (updated prices throughout; added listings for B100, B101cs, B102bs1/2, B102cs1/2, B104bs, B105t, B106as1/2)
Saudi Arabia (improved illustrations for B136 - B140)
Zimbabwe (added listing for B190)

23 December 2016
Brazil (added listing for B879d)
Cayman Islands (added listings for B106as, B110as)
Central African States (added listing for B106Uf)
Denmark (numbered governor signatures for easier reference; added listing for B935e)
India (added listing for B293bs)
Malta (updated prices throughout; added listings for B118as, B122as, B123as, B201as, B203as)
Nepal (added listing for B289)
South Korea (added Looking Forward item about commemorative Olympic note)
Sudan (added listings for B201ap, B201as1/2, B202as1/2; expanded specimen descriptions throughout)
spreadsheet (added New 2016.12.18 sheet)

16 December 2016
Brazil (added listing for B876c)
China (added listings for B4094b, B4096b)
Egypt (added listings for B101 - B134, B201 - B220, B226 - B235)
Libya (added listings for B302as1/2, B304as)
Mongolia (revised descriptions for B428 - B431)
Saudi Arabia (added listings for B136 - B140)
Seychelles (improved illustrations and descriptions for B419 - B422)
United Arab Republic (added listings for B221 - B225)
Vietnam (added listing for B348l)

9 December 2016
Guinea (updated prices throughout)
Guinea-Bissau (updated prices throughout)
Greenland (added listings for B401 - B502)
Kyrgyzstan (added listings for B230, B231, B232)
Seychelles (improved illustrations and descriptions for B419 - B422)
Upper Senegal and Niger (updated prices throughout)

2 December 2016
Arab Republic of Yemen (expanded specimen/color trial descriptions throughout)
Bhutan (added listing for B224a)
Gambia (updated prices throughout; added listings for B103as3, B201fs4/5, B201gs1/2/3, B202ds1/2/3, B203cs3/4, B208as3, B208bs)
Kazakhstan (added listing for B146)
Sierra Leone (added listings for B125b, B127b)
Zaire (added listing for B102t)

25 November 2016
Bohemia and Moravia (updated prices throughout)
Ethiopia (added listing for B333g)
German Democratic Republic (updated prices throughout)
Germany, Federal Republic of (updated prices throughout)
Haiti (added listings for B801as1/2, B806as1/2, B808as1/2/3, B812as, B813as1/2, B813bs, B822as1/2, B827as1/2, B828bs, B829bs, B831as, B831bs, B833as, B837bs, B839bs, B840bs, B843bs, B847cs, B848bs, B849bs, B850cs, B851as)
Iraq (added listing for B357)
Nicaragua (added listings for B512, B513)
Saar (updated prices throughout)
West African States (added listing for B120Dd, B121Cp, B121Ko/p, B122Cp, B123Kp)

18 November 2016
Bahamas (improved illustration for B350)
Belize (added listings for B325f, B326e, B329c)
Burundi (added listings for B109as3, B109ds, B110as1/2, B113as3)
Comoros (added illustration of B301 watermark)
Egypt (added listings for B301as, B305as)
Italian Somaliland (added listing for B301as1/2)
Kazakhstan (added listing for B145)
Netherlands Antilles (added info about polymer B228a)
Northern Ireland (added listing for B934as)
Samoa (updated prices throughout)
Singapore (added listings for B101cs1/2, B101ds, B102ds, B105as1/2, B106cs, B108cs)
South West Africa (added listings for B201as, B203as, B204as)

11 November 2016
Australia (added listings for BNP209, BNP210)
Haiti (added listing for B851)
Hong Kong (added listings for B422e, B818e, B820e)
India (added listings for B298, B299)
Macedonia (added listings for B215, B216)
Madagascar (added prefix ranges for B202 - B310)
Malagasy Republic (added prefix ranges for B106 - B205)
Malawi (updated prices throughout; added listing for B163)
Mauritius (added listing for B422g)
Seychelles (added info about B409c with commemorative overprints)
South Africa (added listing for B720ds)
Zimbabwe (added warning about suspect Cargill Cotton cheques)

4 November 2016
Bhutan (updated prices throughout)
Egypt (revised face values throughout)
German New Guinea (updated prices throughout)
Guinea-Bissau (added listing for B107as3)
Nigeria (added listing for B227v)
Saudi Arabia (updated Minister of Finance entries in signature table)
Seychelles (added listings for B419 - B422)
Sri Lanka (extended prefix ranges throughout; added listings for B103a1/2, B123a1/2)
Vanuatu (updated prices throughout)

28 October 2016
Brazil (added listings for B874c, B876b, B877b)
Guinea (added listings for B301as2/3/4, B302as4, B303as4, B305as3, B312as, B319ap, B324cs, B327as, B328as, B329as, B330as, B330bs, B336as, B339as, B340as)
Indonesia (added listing for B201as, B301as4, B302as4, B501as3, B508as4/5, B509as1/2/3/4, B510as4, B511as1/2/3, B512as3, B513as1/2, B514as1/2, B515a1s1/2/3, B516as4, B540as, B566as1/2)
Jamaica (added listings for B240g, B241i)
Jersey (added listing for BNP101.3)
Kazakhstan (updated prices throughout)
Kyrgyzstan (updated prices throughout)
Liberia (improved illustrations for B311, B312)
New Zealand (added listings for B131as, B132as)
Rhodesia Nyasaland (added listings for B101a18s, B101b21s, B101b22s, B101b23s, B101b24s, B101b25s, B101b26s, B101b27s, B101b29s, B101b35s. B102a9s, B102a28s, B102a40s, B102a41s, B102a42s, B102a43s, B102a45s, B102a46s, B102b60s, B102b61s, B102b62s, B102b63s, B102b64s, B102b65s, B102b66s, B102b77s, B103a6s, B103b12, B103b12s)
Singapore (added illustrations for BNP201 and BNP202 folders)
South Sudan (added replacement note information)
Swaziland (expanded specimen descriptions throughout; added listings for B220cs, B231as1/2, B232as1/2, B233as1/2, B234as1/2, B235as1/2)
Switzerland (added listing for B352j)
Tajikistan (updated prices throughout)
Turkmenistan (updated prices throughout)

21 October 2016
Brazil (added listing for B810as1/2)
British North Borneo (added listing for B109e; renumbered B108f-h)
Cambodia (updated prices throughout)
French Pacific Territories (updated prices throughout)
Libya (improved illustration for B548)
Manchukuo (added listing for B117as1/2)
New Zealand (added listings for B133as, B134as, B135as)
Somaliland (updated prices throughout)
Ukraine (added listing for BNP805b)
Uruguay (added listings for B523bs)

14 October 2016
Bangladesh (added listings for B350.5cs, B352bs, B353ds, B354ds)
Belize (updated prices throughout)
British Caribbean Territories (updated prices throughout)
Central African States (added listing for B110Ac)
Egypt (added listings for B340b, B341)
Gibraltar (added listings for B115ds. B116es1/2, B116gs1/2/3, B116hs1/2, B117bs, B117es3, B117gs1/2/3, B117hs1/2, B118as, B118cs, B119as, B120as, B121as, B122as, B123as1/2, B124as1/2, B126as1/2, B130as1/2, B131as1/2, B132as1/2, B133as1/2, B134as1/2)
India (added listings for B293, B294, B296b)
Nepal (added listings for B246as1/2, B288)
Seychelles (added listings for B107cs, B108bs, B109bs, B111as, B118as, B119as, B123bs2, B123cs2, B203as2/3, B305as1/2, B401as2/3, B402as2/3, B404as2/3)
Uruguay (added listings for B521bs, B522bs)
West African States (added listings for B106Aes, B107Ad2s, B115Abs, B116Bes, B120Hd, B121Hp, B121To, B122Ho, B123Ap, B123Ko, B124Ap, B124Bo, B124Do, B124Dp, B124Hp)

7 October 2016
Bahamas (added listing for B326as)
Cuba (added listings for B903c, B905d, B912g)
Egypt (updated prices throughout)
German Democratic Republic (added listings for BFX401 - BFX406)
Guinea (added listing for B341)
Indonesia (updated prices throughout)
Japan (added listing for B350as)
Malaya and British Borneo (updated prices throughout)
Republic of Congo (added listing for B201bs)
Rhodesia (updated prices throughout)
Suriname (added listings for B546b. B547b)
Zambia (updated prices throughout; added listings for B104as, B105as, B106as, B108as1/2)
spreadsheet (added New 2016.10.01 sheet)

30 September 2016
Bahamas (added listings for B348 - B353)
Cambodia (added comparison illustrations of real/fake Khmer Rouge issues, B501 - B505)
East Africa (added listing for B224ds)
French Pacific Territories (added listings for B101es, B102hs, B103es, B104es)
German Democratic Republic (added listings for B301as5, B302bs2, B303as6, B304bs1/2, B305as6)
Korea (added listing for B412as3)
Lebanon (added listings for B538as, BNP502, BNP503, BNP504)

23 September 2016
Bangladesh (added listing for B354g)
British Guiana (added listings for B101s, B104bs)
Costa Rica (added listings for B518s, B519s1, B520s1)
Indonesia (added Looking Forward item)
Lebanon (added listings for B536bs, B537bs)
Papua New Guinea (updated prices throughout)
Ukraine (added listings for B833as1/2, B834as1/2, BNP806)
West African States (added listings for B120Cd, B123Cp, B123Cp)

16 September 2016
Australia (added listings for B225i, B225j, B226h, B228l, B229e)
Bahrain (added listings for B309, B310)
Chile (added listing for B290x1/2)
Maldives (updated prices throughout)
Rwanda and Burundi (updated prices throughout)
Sri Lanka (updated prices throughout)
Switzerland (added listings for B201t, B322as1/2, B323bs1/2)
Tonga (added listings for B113s1/2, B114s1/2, B115s1/2, B116s1/2, B117s1/2)

9 September 2016
Australia (added listing for B230)
Botswana (updated prices throughout)
Central African States (added listing for B104Cg)
India (added listing for B287c1/2)
Maldives (added listings for B102bs, B103bs1/2)
Myanmar (updated prices throughout)
Papua New Guinea (expanded specimen descriptions throughout)
Scotland (added listings for B803bs1/2, B804as, B809as, B810as)
Tonga (added listing for B101f)

2 September 2016
Belarus (added listings for B112.1as - B112.6as)
Central African States (added listings for B106Ac, B107Ac, B107Ue, B110Fc)
Eritrea (updated prices throughout)
Ethiopia (added listing for B334g)
Gibraltar (added listing for B135)
Guyana (added listing for B108h)
Hong Kong (added listings for B367bs, B376bs)
India (added listing for B289e1/2)
Israel (updated prices throughout; added listing for B408as3)
Maldives (added listing for B107p)
Malta (added listings for B202as1/2/3, B219as)
Mongolia (added listing for B312as)
Morocco (added listing for B233s3)
Nepal (added listings for B225as, B231as1/2, B235as1/2, B236as)
North Korea (added listings for B348b, B349b)
Scotland (updated prices throughout; added listing for B804bs3)
Somaliland (extended prefix ranges throughout)
South Vietnam (added listings for B126as3, B132as1/2, B133as1/2, B134as3, B135as4, B136as4)
Thailand (added listing for B181c)
Ukraine (added listing for BNP805)

26 August 2016
Bangladesh (added listing for B353f)
East Caribbean States (added listings for B236b, B237b, B238b, B239b)
Georgia (added demonetization date info; various revisions throughout)
Guyana (updated prices throughout)
Jordan (added listings for B209cs1/2, B209es1/2)
Libya (added listings for B516ap, B517ap, B519ap, B520ap, B529as, B537as)
Malaysia (updated prices throughout; added listings for B103as1/2, B106at, B113as1/2, B113bs, B119bs1/2, B121as1/2, B124as1/2, B135as1/2, B135bs, B138bs)
Singapore (added listing for B109as)
Somaliland (added listing for B123c; added prefix info throughout)
Sudan (added listing for B407b)
Thailand (added listings for B183c, B187as; improved illustration of B187)
Uganda (added listings for B157d, B158c)

19 August 2016
Egypt (added listing for B339b)
Falkland Islands (updated prices throughout)
Japan (added listings for B128bs, B347as)
Korea (added listing for B203as1/2)
Malawi (added listing for B158c)
Mali (updated prices throughout)
Mongolia (added listings for B428b, B429b)
Northern Ireland (added listings for BNP103, BNP104)
Scotland (expanded specimen descriptions)
Singapore (added listing for B206f)
Sudan (added listings for B402as1/2, B407as, B408as, B409as, B410as, B411as)
United Arab Emirates (updated prices throughout)
West African States (added listing for B108Kfs)
spreadsheet (added New 2016.08.14 sheet)

12 August 2016
Canada (added listing for B375c)
Gambia (added listings for B103as1/2, B201fs3, B203cs2, B208cs1/2, B213as1/2, B214as1/2, B215as1/2, B216as1/2, B217cs)
Lesotho (added listings for B222b, B224b)
Libya (added listings for B103as3, B106as3, B506as1/2, B506bs, B507as1/2, B507bs, B508as1/2, B510as1/2, B525bs)
Madagascar (extended prefix ranges for B317 - B329)
Sri Lanka (added listing for B127b)

5 August 2016
Comoros (updated prices throughout)
Georgia (updated prices throughout)
Liberia (added listings for B311 - B316)
Libya (added listings for B201as5, B202as4/5, B404as3, B405as2, B408as2/3)
Senegal (corrected descriptions for B102 - B104)
Southern Rhodesia (updated prices throughout)
Thailand (added listing for B187)

29 July 2016
Bahrain (updated prices throughout)
Belarus (improved illustrations for B137 - B143; added listings for B137b, B139b)
Botswana (expanded specimen descriptions throughout)
Egypt (added listing for B337b)
Kenya (added listings for B106p, B107p, B107as1/2, B108p, B108cs, B108s, B109p, B109as, B110s, B110p, B110bs, B116as)
Mozambique (added listing for B211as)

22 July 2016
Croatia (updated prices throughout)
Egypt (added listing for B338b)
Iraq (added listings for B305ap, B305as, B307ap, B307as, B308cp, B308ct, B308p, B309ap, B309cp, B310ap1/2, B311ap, B311as, B311bp, B311bs, B312ap1/2, B312bs, B312cp, B312t, B313ap3, B313at, B314at, B315ap, B315at, B316ap1/2, B316at, B317ap1/2, B317at, B318bs, B319as, B320bs, B321as1/2, B321bs1/2, B322as1/2, B322bs, B323as, B324as, B325as, B326as, B329as, B346as, B347as, B351as, B352as)
spreadsheet (added New 2016.07.16 sheet)

15 July 2016
Bangladesh (added listing for B354f)
Denmark (added cross-references to Faroe Islands)
Israel (added listing for B408as1/2)
Japan (added listings for B130as1/2, B132as4, B133cs, B325bs, B328as3, B348ds, B352cs)
Jordan (added listing for B103as3)
Maldives (added listing for BNP202)
Manchukuo (added listings for B116bs, B118as)
Turkey (updated prices throughout)

8 July 2016
Belarus (added listing for BNP105; improved illustrations and added descriptions for B137-B143)
Egypt (added listings for B331g, B336b)
Estonia (updated prices throughout)
European Monetary Union (added listing for B111)
French Guiana (updated prices throughout)
Iraq (added listings for B107cs, B107es, B108as, B108bs, B109ap, B121bs, B124as, B124at, B203as, B208ap, B210as, B211bp, B212bs, B213as, B213bs1/2, B214as, B214bs, B221bs, B221s1/2)
Isle of Man (added listings for B107bs1/2, B110as3)
Jamaica (added listings for B107cs, B204bs1/2, B205es1/2, B224p; expanded specimen descriptions throughout)
Manchukuo (added listings for B114as, B115as, B116as)
Morocco (updated prices throughout)
New Hebrides (improved illustration for B101)
Northern Ireland (added illustration for B401)
Saint Helena (added listing for B301as)

1 July 2016
Costa Rica (various corrections throughout)
Haiti (added listing for B849f)
Indonesia (added listings for B604h, B605f, B606f, B608b)
Libya (added listings for B548, B549)
Malawi (added listings for B157c, B160b, B162)
Nigeria (added listing for B232p)
Oman (added listing for B236b)
Poland (updated prices throughout)

24 June 2016
East Africa (updated prices throughout)
East Caribbean States (added signature 2.5; added listings for B101b4s, B101b5s, B101b6s, B101b7s, B101c8s, B101c9s, B101c10s1/2, B101cas, B102b4s, B102b5s, B102b6s, B102c8s1/2, B102c10s, B102c9s, B103b5s1/2, B103b6s, B103b7s, B103c9s1/2, B103c10s1/2/3, B103cks, B103cls, B103cvs, B104as2.5s, B104c9s, B104c10s1/2/3)
Egypt (added listing for B316n)
Gambia (added listings for B201at1/2, B201fs1/2)
Georgia (added listings for B231.5, B232.5, B233.5, B234.5, B235.5, B236.5, B237.5)
Guinea (added listings for B302as3, B303as3, B304as3, B322s)
Guyana (added listing for B119as)
Haiti (added listing for B807as1/2)
Indonesia (added listing for B541.5s1/2)
Japan (added listings for B132as3, B325as1/2)
Mauritius (added listing for B429b; added Looking Forward item)
Moldova (added listing for B109as)
New Zealand (added listing for BNP113)
Nigeria (added listing for B229m)
Seychelles (added listings for B301as1/2, B302as1/2, B303as1/2)

17 June 2016
Cambodia (added listings for B105as, B105at, B106et, B107as3, B107bs1/2, B107ds1/2, B107e, B107es1/2, B111as3, B111cs1/2, B111ds, B111es, B111fs1/2/3, B115as1/2/3, B116bs1/2, B116cs1/2/3, B117at, B118as1/2; expanded specimen descriptions throughout)
Cayman Islands (updated prices throughout)
Cyprus (added listings for B120js, B121fs, B124as, B202at, B203at1/2, B301rs1/2)
Danzig (added listing for B402as3, B403as1/2, B408as1/2; expanded specimen descriptions throughout)
Guyana (added listing for B114d)
India (corrected B286f-i)
Japan (added listing for B131as)
Jordan (added listings for B229h, B234i)
Mauritius (added listings for B309cs1/2, B311as, B411as, B412as; added new date varieties for B306, B309, B310)
Mongolia (added listings for B414as, B421as)
Nepal (added listing for B287)
Republic of the Congo (added listing for B206as)
Slovakia (expanded specimen descriptions throughout)

10 June 2016
Bhutan (added listing for B217c)
Brunei (added listings for B104at, B105at)
Burma (added listings for B701as1/2, B1010as)
Djibouti (corrected descriptions for B102 varieties)
Egypt (added Looking Forward item)
Hong Kong (added Looking Forward item)
Japan (added listing for B301as)
Persia (added listing for B119as1/2)
Sarawak (added listings for B213as1/2, B215bs, B218as3; improved illustrations of various notes)
Zimbabwe (corrected identification of various vignettes)

3 June 2016
Cayman Islands (added listing for B103as1/2)
Costa Rica (added listings for B537e1/2, B454b1/2)
New Zealand (improved illustrations for B139 - B141)
Paraguay (added listing for B822g)

27 May 2016
Bahamas (added listing for B113ds)
Bangladesh (added listings for B319as1/2, B319cs1/2)
Belize (added listing for B317as)
Bermuda (added listings for B107s1/2, B119as, B120as/bs/cs, B121as1/2, B122as1/2)
Cuba (added listing for B818as1/2)
Eritrea (improved illustrations for B111 - B117)
Hong Kong (added listings for B421d, B422d, B715as)
Iran (added listing for B286b)
Jersey (updated prices throughout)
Northern Ireland (added listings for B611cs, B617cs)
Poland (added listings for B824as, B827cs1/2)
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (added listing for B103a2a/b)
Serbia (added listing for B422a)
South Sudan (added listing for B105b; updated prices throughout)
Vietnam (added listings for B308as, B309bs, B310as, B311as, B312as, B314as, B328as, B330as, B332as, B346i)
spreadsheet (added New 2016.05.21 sheet)

20 May 2016
Australia (added listings for BNP206.05, BNP206.10, BNP206.20)
Belgian Congo (added listings B215es, B218as1/2, B218is)
French Sudan (updated prices throughout)
Hong Kong (added listing for B816e)
Iran (identified printer for post-2002 issues)
Korea (added illustrations for B102, B104, B206)
Kuwait (added listings for B229as, B230as, B231as, B232as, B233as, B234as)
Laos (added listings for B207as3, B210bs/3/4/5, B216as3, B218as3)
Uruguay (added listing for B553)

13 May 2016
Aruba (updated prices throughout)
Belgian Congo (added listings for B201b1s, B202a1s, B203b1s, B205as, B206fs, B215as3, B306bs)
Chad (updated prices throughout)
Guyana (added listing for B119)
Indonesia (added listing for B602g)
Japan (added listing for B506as)
Macau (added listings for B223, B224)
Namibia (added listing for B211b)
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (added listing for B101b39s)

6 May 2016
all (updated Pick cross-references per SCWPM 22nd edition)
Ethiopia (added listings for B103cs, B206ct)
European Monetary Union (added Looking Forward item)
India (added listing for B289h)
Liechtenstein (updated prices throughout)
Madagascar (added listing for B320c)
New Hebrides (updated prices throughout)
Oman (added listing for B202as)
Tonga (added listing for BNP202)
Zimbabwe (added Looking Forward item)
spreadsheet (added New 2016.04.30 sheet)

29 April 2016
Burundi (added listing for B108as)
Iran (added listings for B291, B292, B293, B294)
Malaysia (added info about new governor to signature table)
North Korea (added listings for B339as, B340as, B341as, B342as, B343as)
Sierra Leone (added listings for B105bs/cs/ds/es)
South Sudan (added listings for B110, B111)
Tonga (corrected NRBT signature table entries 7-9)
Trans-Dniester (updated prices throughout)
Uruguay (added Looking Forward item about B553)

22 April 2016
Algeria (identified signatories)
Canada (added listing for B371c; extended prefix ranges for B371 - B375)
East Africa (added listings for B217p, B218p, B219p, B228as3, B231as1/2/3/4, B232as1/2/3/4, B233as1/2/3/4)
Ghana (extended prefix ranges throughout)
Latvia (updated prices throughout)
Lesotho (added listings for B223b, B225b, and B226)
Pakistan (added listing for B237k)
West African States (added listings for B111Hbs, B124Co)

15 April 2016
Afghanistan (added listings for B302as1/2, B304as4, B304as5, B319as3, B320as3, B321as3, B322as3, B323as3, B324bs3, B325as3)
Australia (added Looking Forward item)
British Caribbean Territories (added listing for B105as1/2, B110bs1/2, B111bs/12)
Fiji (corrected signature table entries 1-3, 11)
Hong Kong (added listing for B224at, B368cs)
Iceland (added listings for B703as1/2, B801t, B803as1/2, B803cs1/2, B803es, B804gt, B805s, B805as1/2, B805bs1/2, B805cs1/2, B805ds, B805ht, B806at, B809ds, B810cs)
Indonesia (added listing for B599q)
Iran (added listing for B283i)
Japan (added listing for B305as1/2)
Lebanon (added listing for B503is1/2, B507ds, B507fs, B541, B542)
Madagascar (improved illustration of B102; added listing for B321c)
Pakistan (added listing for B238n)
Panama (updated prices throughout)
Russia (added Looking Forward item)
Ukraine (added listing for B848d)
West African States (added listings for B121Ao, B121Co, B121Do, B122Ao, B122Co, B122Do, B123Co, B123Ho, B124Ho)
Western Samoa (added listings for B201p, B202p, B204p1/2, B201k dated 29.10.1959, B309at)
Zimbabwe (updated prices throughout)
spreadsheet (added New 2016.04.10 sheet)

8 April 2016
British Guiana (added listing and improved illustration for B104as)
Canada (added listing for B326s)
Gibraltar (updated prices throughout)
Indonesia (added listing for B598h)
Pakistan (added listing for B231n)
South Sudan (added Looking Forward item)
United Arab Emirates (added listings for B101as1/2, B102as1/2, B103as1/2, B104as1/2, B105as1/2, B106as1/2/3, added illustration for B241)
Vietnam (added listing for BNP302)
West African States (confirmed B123Sm, B123Sn; added listing for B121Ho; added Looking Forward item)
spreadsheet (added New 2016.03.26 sheet)

1 April 2016
Comoros (added listing for B310b)
South Sudan (added listing for B102b)
Uruguay (updated prices throughout)

25 March 2016
Brunei (added listing for B106hs1/2, B112bs)
Cambodia (added listing for B115bs1/2, B116as1/2, B116bs)
Falkland Islands (added listings for B202d/e; added illustration for 1920 signatures)
Georgia (added award info to B256 and B257 listings)
Hong Kong (added listings and improved illustrations for B221as, B222as, B223as, B224as, B225as, B243bs1/2, B243cs3, B243ds1/2, B243es3)
India (added listings for B238c3, B288g)
Indonesia (added listings for B528as, B530as, B531as, B537as)
Jamaica (added listings for B201as1/2, B206as)
Kazakhstan (added Durasafe and award info to B144 listing)
Laos (expanded specimen descriptions throughout)
Malaysia (expanded specimen descriptions throughout; added listings for B129as1/2, B132as3, B132cs)
Manchukuo (added listing for B110as)
Moldova (added Looking Forward item about new governor)
Singapore (added listing for B115as)
South Vietnam (added listing for B134as1/2)
Vietnam (added listing for B334g)

18 March 2016
Bangladesh (added Looking Forward item about resignation of Governor Atiur Rahman)
European Union (added listing for B110v3)
Japan (added Printing Branch Varieties table for B354)
Saint Helena (updated prices throughout; added listing for B301ap, B302ap1/2, B303ap, B304ap, B304p)

11 March 2016
Belarus (updated prices throughout; added listing for B133as)
Hong Kong (added listings for B363cs2, B363gs2, B364at, B364bs, B366cs3, B367at, B368bs, B369ds2, B370as2, B401ds, B403cs, B405as, B406cs)
Iran (added listing for B289a3)
Mauritius (added listing for B405as, B406as, B408as, B409as, B410as)
spreadsheet (added New 2016.03.05 sheet)

4 March 2016
Brunei (added listing for B202c)
Central African States (added listing for B107Fc)
Cook Islands (updated prices throughout)
South Sudan (added listing for B106b)

26 February 2016
Belize (added listing for B327e)
Cuba (added listing for BFX908f)
East Africa (added listing for B217ds)
French Pacific Territories (added listing for B104as)
Israel (added listing for B436d)
Madagascar (added listing for B322d)
Singapore (added listing for B210k)
Southern Rhodesia (added listings for B102c3s, B105a1s1/2, B106e1s)
Sudan (updated prices throughout)

19 February 2016
Burma (added listings for B809as3, B812as1/2)
Haiti (added notation about polymer version of B845)
Zimbabwe (added listing for B182.5)
spreadsheet (added New 2016.02.14 sheet)

12 February 2016
Burma (added listings for B704as1/2, B807as1/2, B808as, B809at3, B810at1/2, B811as3, B814as1/2)
Burundi (added listing for B114ap, B209at, B210fp, B212cp, B212dp, B212ep, B220bp, B220dp, B220fs)
Ceylon (added listings for B303bs1/2, B306as1/2, B309as1/2, B309bs, B312ds, B312gs, B316t, B316bs, B316cs, B317t, B321bp, B322p, B325p, B331as1/2, B332bs1/2, B337as1/2, B338as1/2, B339as1/2, B340as1/2, B341as1/2, B342as1/2)
New Zealand (added listings for B121at1/2/3/4)
Poland (revised illustration for B863)
Sao Tome and Principe (added listings for B208as1/2, B307bs)
Southern Rhodesia (added listing for B106j4s)
Ukraine (updated prices throughout)

5 February 2016
Angola (added listing for B412as4)
Georgia (revised illustrations for B256 and B257)
Ghana (added listings for B145g and B152c)
Hong Kong (updated prices throughout)
Maldives (revised illustrations for B216 - B221)
Sao Tome and Principe (added listing for B305e)
Singapore (added listing for B208h)
Sudan (identified building on back of B342 - B344)
Zambia (revised illustrations and descriptions of B161 - B164)
spreadsheet (added New 2016.01.26 sheet)

29 January 2016
Algeria (added listings for B303as1/2, B401as, B402as, B403as, B404as, B405as, B406bs, B407as, B408as)
Angola (added listing for B525.5)
Bangladesh (added listing for B354e)
Denmark (added listing for B936d)
French Oceania (corrected dates for B201 - B205)
Qatar & Dubai (updated prices throughout)
Turkey (reverted prefix ranges throughout; restored listings for B298b and B299b)
West African States (added listing for B118Kjs)

22 January 2016
Bangladesh (added listings for B351e, B353d/e)
Cuba (updated prices throughout)
Hong Kong (added listing for B819e)
Indonesia (added listing for B403as, B404bs, B461as, B462as, B463as, B464as, B465as, B503as, B516as3, B522as, B523as, B527as, B529as, B553as, B555bs)
Kuwait (added listing for BNP201b)
New Zealand (added footnote to B105 listing)
Northern Ireland (added illustration of B301)
South Vietnam (combined listings for B107as; added listings for B105bs1/2/3/4, B119as3, B120as3, B122bs1/2, B123bs, B125as1/2/3, B128as3, B129as3, B130as1/2/3, B131as1/2/3, B135as1/2/3, B136as1/2/3, B137as1/2/3, B138as3, B139s2/3)
Sri Lanka (added listings for B125b, B126b)
Turkey (extended prefix ranges throughout; deleted listings for B298b and B299b)
Uganda (added listing for B140c1/2)
West African States (removed "Unconfirmed" annotation from B120Bc, B123Tn; added listing for B109Hs)
Western Samoa (added footnote to B201 listing)

15 January 2016
Biafra (updated prices throughout)
Ghana (added listing for B148f)
Indonesia (added listings for B301as3, B302as3, B605e)
Israel (replaced illustration and description for B445)
Morocco (added listing for B407bs)
Tanzania (added listing for B140b)
Uganda (added listing for B154d)

8 January 2016
British Honduras (updated prices throughout)
Ethiopia (added listing for B331e)
Ghana (added listing for B120b2)
Indonesia (added listing for B302as2)
Nicaragua (added listings for B506as, B507as, B508as, B509as, B510as, B511as)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for B235)
Tunisia (added listing for B506as2, B507as3, B525as2, B531as)

1 January 2016
Brazil (updated prices throughout)
Cambodia (added listing for B422b)
European Monetary Union (added listings for B104f3, B108m3)
Gambia (added listing for B228as)
Madagascar (added listings for B323c, B328b)
Malawi (added listings for B104as1/2, B157b, B160a, B161a)
Nigeria (added listing for B232ls)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for BG134c)
United Arab Republic (added listings for B103p1/2, B104.5p)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.12.26 sheet)

25 December 2015
Albania (added introduction dates for BFX201 - BFX216; identified several BSS signatories)
Armenia (added listings for B315b, B315bs)
Bhutan (added listing for B221c)
French India (added listings for B105s1/2, B107gs1/2, B109s1/2)
Libya (added listings for B546, B547)
Pakistan (added listing for B239h; extended prefix ranges)
Russia (added listing for B832)
Ukraine (added listing for B855)

18 December 2015
Italian East Africa (updated prices throughout)
Nicaragua (added printer info for B506 - B510)

11 December 2015
Australia (updated prices throughout; added listing for B222as)
French India (added listing for B104as1/2)
Malaya and British Borneo (added listings for B104as, B106as1/2)
Mauritania (added listing for B121b)
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (added listing for B102a22s)
Western Samoa (added listing for B203e dated 10.12.1958)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.12.07 sheet)

4 December 2015
Burma (added forgery information to listing for B104)
Brunei (added listing for B301b)
Central African States (added listings for B102Fg, B104Ff, B106Mc, B109Cc, B109Mb, B110Mb/c)
Eritrea (added listings for B113 - B117)
European Monetary Union (added listing for B109t3, B110e3, B110m3, B110n3, B110r3, B110s3, B110u3, B110w3, B110x3)
Gambia (added listings for B201gs, B206as1/2)
Gibraltar (added listings for B117es1/2, B117gs1/2)
Kazakhstan (added listing for B144)
Sarawak (updated prices throughout)
Swaziland (added listings for B231b, B232b, B235b)

27 November 2015
Bangladesh (added listings for B350.5a1/2, B352c1/2)
Brazil (added listing for B875b)
Burma (updated prices throughout)
French Guiana (added listings for B217s, B402as1/2, B403as1/2)
Guinea (added listing for B340)
Tanzania (added listing for B141b)
Tonga (added listings for several new date varieties)
Turks and Caicos Islands (updated prices throughout)

20 November 2015
Canada (added listing for B372c)
Hong Kong (added listings for B418d, B419d, B420d)
Oman (added listings for B207as1/2, B208as1/2, B236)
Paraguay (updated prices throughout)
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (added listing for B104a dated 17.06.1960)
Russia (updated prices throughout)
Rwanda (replaced illustration for B140)
Saudi Arabia (added listings for B113ap, B113as1/2, B113bs, B114as, B126as1/2)
Zambia (added listings for B159 - B164)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.11.14 sheet)

13 November 2015
Bahamas (added listing for B347)
Cuba (added listing for B808as)
French India (updated prices throughout)
Ghana (added listing for B146f)
Iraq (added listing for B356)
Macedonia (added listing for B213c)
Malawi (added listings for B101bs, B102as1/2, B102at, B103as1/2, B116as1/2)
Nigeria (added listing for B227u)
Senegal (updated prices throughout)
Suriname (added listing for B548b)
Tonga (updated prices throughout)
Uganda (added listings for B154c, B155c, B156d)

6 November 2015
Albania (added listings for BFX201 - BFX216)
Angola (added listing for B511b)
Belarus (added listings for B137 - B143)
Brazil (added listing for B874b)
Eritrea (added Looking Forward item regarding new banknotes)
French Guiana (added listings for B100, B408as1/2, B412as1/2, B414as1/2, B416as1/2)
Georgia (added listings for B254 - B258)
Ghana (added listings for B147f, B151c)
Iran (added listing for B290)
Malawi (added listing for B158b)
Maldives (added illustrations and descriptions for B216 - B221)
Nicaragua (added replacement note info for B506 - B510)
Rwanda (added and revised Pick cross-references)
Suriname (added Pick cross-references for B545 - B549; added listing for BNP501)
Ukraine (added listing for B853d)

30 October 2015
Central African States (updated prices throughout)
Cuba (added listings for BFX801 - BFX911)
Egypt (added listings for B338, B339)
Haiti (updated prices throughout; added listings for B837cs, B837ds, B839ds)
Ivory Coast (updated prices throughout)
Nicaragua (added listings for B506 - B511)

23 October 2015
Albania (added listing for B103as3)
Angola (extended prefix ranges throughout)
Ceylon (added listings for B301.5 and B302.5)
Danzig (updated prices throughout)
Kazakhstan (added listings for B113as3, B117as, B118as, B120as, B122as, B123as, B124as, B125as, B126as; extended prefix ranges throughout)
Macau (updated prices throughout)
Nambia (added illustration of B216 and B217)
New Zealand (added illustrations of B137, B138)
Rwanda (added listing for B140)
Singapore (added illustration for BNP205)
West African States (added listings for B123Ao and B124Ao)

16 October 2015
Angola (added prefix ranges; added Pick cross-references for B543-B549)
Central African States (added listing for B108Ue)
Cuba (added listings for B824fs, B905c, B910j)
Isle of Man (added listing for B115c)
Moldova (added listings for B117 - B123)
Singapore (added listings for B212b, B215b, B216b)
Sri Lanka (added listing for B101c1/2)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for B107b, B207bs)
Ukraine (revised face values throughout)

9 October 2015
Azores (updated prices throughout)
British West Africa (updated prices throughout)
Canada (updated prices throughout)
Mongolia (updated prices throughout)
Namibia (added listings for B216 and B217)
Netherlands New Guinea (updated prices throughout)
Sudan (added listing for B411b)

2 October 2015
Bangladesh (added listing for B352e)
Belize (added listing for B324e)
Burundi (added illustration and dimensions for B237)
Palestine (corrected color description for B106)

25 September 2015
Jamaica (added listing for B108fs)
Maldives (added listing for B105bs)
Southern Rhodesia (added listings for B103g5s, B103j3s, B103j4s)
United Arab Emirates (added listings for B238 and B243)
Vietnam (added listing for B348k)
Western Samoa (added listings for B301a1/2, B301cs, B304as1/2/3, B305as1/2/3, B306as1/2/3)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.09.19 sheet)

18 September 2015
Afghanistan (added listing for B304as3, B310at, B321as1/2, B350as, B351as, B352as, B353as, B354as)
Angola (added listing for B403b)
Cape Verde (added descriptions for B218 and B221)
Ceylon (added listing for B301as2)
Djibouti (updated prices throughout)
European Monetary Union (added printer info throughout)
Kazakhstan (added listing for B129b)
Lithuania (updated prices throughout)
Saint Lucia (updated prices throughout)
Seychelles (added listings for B124es, B125cs)
Sudan (added listing for B410c)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for B237)
Zambia (added listing for B107as)

11 September 2015
Canada (added listing for B376)
Cape Verde (added illustrations for B218 and B221)
Dahomey (updated prices throughout)
French Afars and Issas (added listings for B104as, B105as, B106as)
Rwanda and Burundi (added listing for B105cs)
Sri Lanka (corrected identification of dam on B106; added listings for B123b, B124b)
Syria (updated prices throughout)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for B217as, B218as, B219as, B220as)
United Arab Emirates (changed identification of bird from sparrow-hawk to Saker falcon)
West African States (added listings for B113Tks, B115Bcs, B115Cds)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.09.08 sheet)

4 September 2015
Burundi (updated prices throughout; added illustration and description for B237)
East Caribbean States (updated prices throughout)
Estonia (identified printer of BNP202)
Fiji (added listings for B407as1/2, B409as2, B413as, B524as, B525as)
Guinea (added listing for B339)
Maldives (deleted listing for B222; added listing for BNP201)
Serbia (updated prices throughout)
Singapore (added listings for B213b, B214b)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for B217 - B220, BNP208)
Tunisia (updated prices throughout)
West African States (added listings for B111Ams, B111Bms, B111Dhs, B111Kls, B112Hjs, B113Bos, B113Tms, B114Kls, B115Ads, B115Kbs, B116Bas, B116Ces, B116Dds, B116Hds, B116Kds)
Zambia (added listing for B101ap)

28 August 2015
Ceylon (updated prices throughout)
Comoros (added prefix ranges for B306 - B310)
Maldives (identified MMA signatories 4)
Singapore (added listings for B212 - B217, BNP203 - BNP207)
South West Africa (added listing for B204b4)
Tonga (added listing for B216b)

21 August 2015
Botswana (added listing for B125d)
Ceylon (added listing for B303bp, B304bs1/2, B306at, B307as, B308bs, B318as, B319t1/2, B320as, B321p, B322t, B322dt, B323at, B324bt, B324bp, B325t, B325ct, B327ap, B330bp, B333p, B344bs1/2/3, B345bs1/2/3; added illustration of change to legality panel on B326; removed replacement note info for B337 - B342)
Croatia (added listing for B204b)
Indonesia (added listings for B599p, B604g)
Guinea (completed listing for B337)
Madagascar (added listing for B329b)
Nigeria (added listings for B229k and B235j)
Northern Ireland (added illustration for B402 and B403)
Paraguay (corrected signature info for B861 - B864; corrected Presidente signatory identification for BCP signature 22)
Serbian Krajina (corrected front/back designations for B104 - B228)
Sri Lanka (added listings for B103s, B113bs; corrected replacement note info for several listings)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.08.15 sheet)

14 August 2015
Armenia (updated prices throughout)
Bangladesh (added listings for B207d, B349d1/2)
British Guiana (updated prices throughout)
Cayman Islands (added listings for B107as, B108as, B114as)
Libya (updated prices throughout)
Northern Ireland (added illustration for B302)
Pakistan (added listing for B235l)
Poland (added listing for BNP819)
Singapore (added listing for B205h)
Sri Lanka (added listing for B128b)
Straits Settlements (updated prices throughout; added listing for B123as)
Uganda (expanded specimen descriptions throughout)

7 August 2015
Egypt (added listings for B336, B337)
Ethiopia (added listing for B332d)
European Monetary Union (updated prices throughout)
Iran (corrected order of CBI signature 30)
Jordan (added info on changes to bank name on B229 - B234)
Libya (added listings for B008as, B101as1/2, B102as1/2, B103as1/2, B104as, B105as, B106as1/2, B107as1/2, B201as1/2/3/4, B202as1/2/3, B204at, B207at, B301as1/2, B301t, B302as, B302bt, B304at, B402as, B404as1/2, B407at, B501bt, B509as1/2, B509bs, B514as1/2, B515as1/2, B518as, B520as)
Tangier (updated prices throughout)
Turkey (added listings for B241as1/2)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.08.01 sheet)

31 July 2015
Bahamas (updated prices throughout; added listings for B108as1/2, B108cs, B108es, B109as, B109bs, B110as, B110cs, B111cs, B112bs, B112ds, B114ds, B118bs1/2, B121as1/2, B124bs1/2, B301as, B302as, B303as1/2, B304as1/2, B305as, B306as, B504bs1/2)
Iraq (added listings for B330.4p, B330.5p1/2, B341.5p)
Lebanon (added listing for B540)
Maldives (added listings for B216 - B222)
Mongolia (expanded descriptions for specimens throughout)
Paraguay (added listings for B862 - B864)
Rwanda (updated prices throughout)
Syria (added listing for B631)

24 July 2015
Algeria (updated prices throughout)
Cuba (added listings for B809as, B812bs, B814as, B817ds, B913as)
Iraq (updated prices throughout)
Lebanon (updated prices throughout)
Namibia (added listing for B213b)
Nepal (updated prices throughout)
Nicaragua (updated prices throughout)
Nigeria (added listing for B228q)
Pakistan (updated prices throughout; added listings for B234k, B235l)
Qatar (added listings for B215b, B216b)
United Arab Emirates (added listings for B236 - B243; renumbered CBA B36 as B239, and CBA B37 as B240)
Zaire (added listing for B143as)
spreadsheet (added simplified numbers throughout)

17 July 2015
Bangladesh (added listings for B349e/f)
Canada (added listing for B374b)
Chad (added listing for B205as1/2)
Guinea (added listings for B337, B338)
Israel (added listings for B438d, B439e)
Namibia (added listing for B204b)
Nigeria (added listing for B232)
Pakistan (added listings for B106r, B231m, B233l)
Tonga (added listings for B219 - B224)
Zaire (added listings for B115as1/2, B134as, B138as, B139as)

10 July 2015
Bangladesh (added listings for BB B48.5b and B52d)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listings for BCC B17cs, B24bs, B25bs; deleted listing for BNC B7as)
Cuba (extended various prefix/series ranges)
Guinea-Bissau (added listing for BNGB B5as3)
Ukraine (added listings for NBU B46e, B50f)

3 July 2015
Afghanistan (added listings for MOF B8as, B10as, B11as, B12as, B13as)
Kazakhstan (added listing for NBK B41b)
Northern Ireland (added listing for UBL B25as, B29as1/2, B30as, B31as, B33bs)
Samoa (added listing for CBS B18as)

26 June 2015
Central African States (added listing for BEAC B6Mb)
Cyprus (added listings for GOC B20es, B20gs, B22ks, and B22ms)
Denmark (added listing for DN B26as)
Gilbert and Ellice Islands (updated prices throughout)
Haiti (added listing for BRH B7bp)
Indonesia (added listing for BI B98g)
Iraq (corrected descriptions of threads and identified printer for CBI B53-B55)
Italian Somaliland (added illustrations for BISI B2 and B3)
Lebanon (added listings for BDL B19as, B20as, and B21as)
Mauritius (updated prices throughout)
Morocco (corrected description of thread for BAM B17)
Pakistan (added demonetization dates for SBP B10-B29)
Papua New Guinea (added listings for BPNG B51 and B52)
Poland (added listing for NBP B63; added Looking Forward item for 500-złoty note)
Samoa (added demonetization dates for CBS B1-B12)
Turkey (expanded prefix ranges for TCMB B88)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.06.21 sheet)

19 June 2015
Abyssinia (updated prices throughout; renumbered several proofs and specimens)
Barbados (added listings for GOB B2s1/2, B3t1/2)
Cape Verde (added listings for BCV B1as3, B2as3, B3as4)
Denmark (added listing for DN B27as)
Falkland Islands (added listing for GFI B4d)
Hong Kong (identified several signatories)
Northern Ireland (added coverage of Ulster Bank Limited issues)
Pakistan (added listing for SBP B37j)
South Vietnam (updated prices throughout; added listings for NBV B4as1/2, B10ap, B16as3, B20as1/2, B23ap, B38as1/2)
Slovakia (corrected some prefix ranges)
Slovenia (added coverage of Hranilnica Ljubljanske Pokrajine issues, HLP B1-9)
Zimbabwe (added demonetization information)

12 June 2015
Burundi (improved illustrations for BRB B36-B40)
Ghana (added listing for BOG B52b; extended many prefix ranges)
Guinea-Bissau (added listings for BNGB B8as1/2, BCGB B5bs, B6bs)
Libya (added illustrations for MAT B7 and B8)
Seychelles (updated prices throughout; added listings for GOS B13ap, B22p, B23bp, B23bs, B23cp, B24cs, B25ep, B25es)
Tanzania (added listings for BOT B42b, B43b)
United Arab Emirates (deleted listing for CBA B34b)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.06.06 sheet)

5 June 2015
Bhutan (added listing for RGB B11as2)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B8y3)
Guinea-Bissau (added listings for BNGB B5as1/2, B6as1/2, B7bs, BCGB B4as)
Jamacia (added listing for BOJ B50)
Macedonia (added listing for NBRM B8k)
New Zealand (updated prices throughout; added listings for RBNZ B1as, B2as, B3as, B4as, B5ks, B5np, B6os1/2, B6r, B7es1/2, B9cs, B9ds, B9es, B10es, B11bs1/2, B12ds, B12bs1/2/3, B13es1/2, B14cs1/2, B15as3, B16as1/2, B16bp, B17bp, B19ap, B19as1/2, B19bp, B19bs1/2, B20bp, B21ap, B21as1/2, B21at, B22bp, B22bs1/2)
Uganda (added listing for BOU B58b)

29 May 2015
Central African States (added listing for BEAC B6Cc)
Cyprus (added listings for Government of Cyprus; updated prices throughout; added listings for ROC B3at, CBC B1as1/2, B2as1/2, B3cs, B7as, B10bs, B13ds)
Ghana (added listings for BOG B36bs, B39bs, B45f; added prefix ranges throughout)
Leeward Islands (updated prices throughout)
Moldova (added listing for BNM B10as)
Mozambique (updated prices throughout; added listing for BDM B2as4)
Myanmar (added listing for CBM B18)
Nicaragua (added listings for BCN B54as and B96as)
North Korea (added listings for DPRK B57as, B58, B59)
Paraguay (added listing for BCP B27s)
Sri Lanka (added listings for CBSL B5as, B5cs)

22 May 2015
Bermuda (updated prices throughout)
Botswana (added listing for BOB B26c)
Ethiopia (updated prices throughout; added listings for BOE B2as, B4p, B5as2, SBE B1as, NBE B6as2, B9bs2, B11as, B15as, B25as1/2, B26as)
Guinea-Bissau (corrected titles in BNGB signature table)
North Korea (updated prices throughout; added font varieties table before CBNK B4 listing)
Papua New Guinea (added Looking Forward item regarding 2015 commemorative notes)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for GTT B4p1/2)
Zanzibar (added listings for ZG B2bs, B4bs, B4bs, B5as, B6bs; improved illustrations for B5 and B7)

15 May 2015
Albania (added listing for BES B11bs)
Bahamas (added listing for CBB B46)
French Territory of Afars and Issas (added listing for TP B1as)
Gambia (added listings for CBG B29as, B30as, B31as, B32as, B33as, B34as)
Hong Kong (added listings for Mercantile Bank of India Limited and Mercantile Bank Limited)
Maldives (added Looking Forward item about new polymer note family)
North Korea (renumbered DPRK B22as1/2 as B22bs1/2)
Southern Rhodesia (added listings for SRCB B2b3s, B2b4s, B2b5s, B3g1s)
Tonga (added listings for GOT B21j dated 02.08.1984 and B22b dated 10.08.1979)
Trans-Dniester (added illustrations for backs of TDRB B15, B16)
Trinidad and Tobago (added IBNS Banknote of 2014 information)
Turkey (added listing for TCMB B78b1/2)
Uganda (added listing for BOU B55b)

8 May 2015
Bermuda (added listings for BG B1p1/2, B8bs1/2, B12as1/2, B20p1/2, B28as1/2)
Burundi (added listings for BRB B36-B40)
Cambodia (added listing for NBC B30)
Equatorial African States (updated prices throughout; added listings for AEC B1fs, EAE B5as1/2)
Guinea (added Looking Forward item about expected new 20,000-franc note)
Hong Kong (added listings for Asiatic Banking Corporation and The Chartered Bank)
Malaya (updated prices throughout)
Nicaragua (deleted several dubious replacement note listings)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B28p)
Pakistan (added listing for SBP B38m)
Serbian Krajina (updated prices throughout; added listings for RSK B1-B3)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for TDRB B15as, B16as)

1 May 2015
Bangladesh (updated prices throughout)
Cape Verde (updated prices throughout; added listing for BCV B2ap)
Central African States (added hybrid substrate information to descriptions of BEAC B7Ud and B8Ud)
Czech Republic (updated prices throughout; added listing for CNB B12b)
Gambia (renumbered CBG B30 as B28; added images for CBG B29 - B34)
Hong Kong (added listings for BOC B16b/c/d, B17d, B18d, B19c/d, B20d)
Macau (added listing for BDC B15b)
Malawi (added listing for RBM B59)
Nepal (added listing for NRB B86)
Oceania (updated prices throughout)
Poland (added listing for NBP BNP18)
Solomon Islands (added listing for CBSI B22)
Tonga (added listing for GOT B16b dated 01.07.1974)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for TDRB B15, B16, BNP7)

24 April 2015
Albania (added listing for BES B21b)
Armenia (added listing for CBA B7as1/2)
Bangladesh (added listings for GOB B2bs1/2, B3as1/2, B3at1/2; BB B6bs1/2, B7as1/2, B7bt, B8as1/2, B8at, B11as1/2, B11at1/2, B18as1/2)
Belize (added listing for CBB B8as1/2)
Bermuda (added listing for BG B24as1/2, BMA B3as1/2, B4bs1/2, B4cs1/2, B4ds1/2, B4es1/2, B5as1/2/3, B5bs1/2/3, B5cs1/2, B6as1/2)
Bhutan (added listings for RGB B7as1/2, B8as1/2, B9as1/2, B10as1/2)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listings for CMRC B3as1/2, BNC B1as)
East Africa (revised prefix range information for various listings)
Indonesia (added information about KOMSCO printing recent notes)
Kuwait (added withdrawal dates for CBK B23-B28; added listings for CBK B24as, B25as, B26as, B27as, B28as)
Malawi (added listing for RBM B10cs)
Maldives (added listing for GOM B1as1/2)
United Arab Emirates (corrected illustration for CBA B37)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.04.19 sheet)

17 April 2015
Angola (reclassified BDA B2s as B2r)
British Honduras (added listing for GBH B8a dated 01.04.1919)
Burma (added information about counterfeits of JG B8)
Congo Democratic Republic (updated prices throughout)
East Africa (added listings for EACB B12as1/2, B25bs1/2, B26ds)
Falkland Islands (added listing for CFI B16bs)
Fiji (updated prices throughout; added listing for RBF BNP1b)
French Antilles (added margin overprint information to listings)
French Guiana (added margin overprint information to listings)
Mongolia (added listings for MB B30d, B31d)
Tonga (added listing for NRBT B5p)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for CBA B37)

10 April 2015
Iran (added CBI signature 7b)
Isle of Man (updated prices throughout; added listings for IOMG B5cs, B7bs, B7s, B10as2, B17cs)
Rwanda (added listing for BNR B16as)
Sao Tome and Principe (updated prices throughout)
South Korea (updated prices throughout)

3 April 2015
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B35as)
British Solomon Island (updated prices throughout)
Democratic Republic of Yemen (added MWR cross-references)
Ghana (added listing for BOG B51b)
Jamaica (updated prices throughout; added listings for GOJ B10ks, B11as2, B16bs, BOJ B7as2, B7ds2, B31as2)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B36h)
Paraguay (renumbered BCP B54e as B61a; added listing for BCP B60)
Singapore (added listing for MAS B7g)

South Arabia (added MWR cross-references)
Sudan (added MWR cross-references)
Suriname (added MWR cross-references)
Tonga (added MWR cross-references)
Tunisia (added MWR cross-references)
Turkey (added MWR cross-references)
Uganda (added MWR cross-references)
Ukraine (added MWR cross-references)
Uruguay (added MWR cross-references)
Uzbekistan (added MWR cross-references)
Yemen (added MWR cross-references)
Zaire (added MWR cross-references)
Zanzibar (added listing for ZG B1as; updated prices throughout)
Zimbabwe (added MWR cross-references)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.03.29 sheet)

27 March 2015
Arab Republic of Yemen (updated prices throughout)
Azerbaijan (updated prices throughout; added listing for ROA B5as)
Burundi (added listings for BDB B9as2, B13as2, BRB B6as2, B7as2)
Cambodia (added listing for NBC B21c)
Ceylon (added MWR cross-references)
Haiti (added listing for BRH B47e)
Nigeria (updated prices throughout; added listings for CBN B9bs2, B17as2)
Somalia (added MWR cross-references)
Southern Rhodesia (added listings for SRCB B2c4s, B3d2s, B3f2s, B4g4s)
South West Africa (added listings for SBSA B1s1/2, B3s, B4s)
Sri Lanka (added MWR cross-references)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for CBA B36)

20 March 2015
Bangladesh (added listing for BB B54d)
Belize (added listings for GOB B1cp, B1cs, B2cp, B3bp, B3bs, B4cp, B4cs, B5cp, B5cs, MAB B5as3, CBB B1as2, B15as2)
East Caribbean States (added listing for ECCA B4b5s)
Guinea (added listing for BCRG B5s2)
Iran (added listing for CBI B82b)
Mauritania (corrected description for BCM B24)
New Hebrides (extended series ranges)
Nicaragua (added listings for BCN B97as, B98as, B99as, B100as, B102as)
Pakistan (corrected identification of SBP signature 19)
Sao Tome and Principe (
added MWR cross-references)
Sierra Leone (added MWR cross-references)
Slovakia (added MWR cross-references; added prefix info for NBS notes)
Slovenia (added MWR cross-references)
Straits Settlements (added listing for GSS B20ds1/2)
Zambia (added listings for BOZ B52c, B53c, B54c, B55c)

13 March 2015
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B56as)
Angola (added listing for BDA B5d)
Haiti (added listing for BRH B48d1/2)
Hong Kong (added listing for BOC B16c)
Libya (
added listing for CBL B42b)
Nagorno Karabakh (updated prices throughout)
Pakistan (added listing for SBP B39g)
Qatar (added MWR cross-references)
Ukraine (added listing for NBU B54)
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (updated prices throughout; assigned unique variety letters throughout; added many specimen listings)
Rwanda (added MWR cross-references)
Trinidad and Tobago (updated prices throughout; added MWR cross-references; added listings for CBTT B1as, B1dp, B1p, B2cp, B2p, B3cp, B3ct, B3p, B4cp, B4p; GTT B1as, B2at, B9bs, B10cs)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.03.08 sheet)

6 March 2015
Afghanistan (updated prices throughout; added DAB B1.5s2, B3as3, B6.5s3, B8at, B14at; deleted DAB B6.5s2, B15t)
Angola (corrected dates for BDA B18 and B19)
British West Africa (added listing for WACB B9b2)
Gambia (added listings for CB B28-B33)
Indonesia (confirmed BI B95b)
Malaysia (added listing for BNM B1at)
Monaco (updated prices throughout)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B34g)
Pakistan (extended many prefix ranges; added listing for SBP B34j)
Paraguay (added MWR cross-references)
Poland (added MWR cross-references)
Singapore (added listings for BCCS B1t, B2t)
Southern Rhodesia (added listings for SRCB B3d4s, B3d5s, B3j5s, B3j6s, B3j7s)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for CBTT B4ds)
Vietnam (added listing for SBV B43i)
Yemen (updated prices throughout)

27 February 2015
Angola (updated prices throughout)
Arab Republic of Yemen (added listing for ARY B10at)
British Guiana (improved illustrations for GBG B1, B2, B3, BG9; added listings for GBG B5a1/2, B8cs1/2; prefix ranges extended)
Democratic Republic of Yemen (updated prices throughout)
European Monetary Union (corrected country code info for Europa issues; added listing for ECB B10)
Ghana (updated prices throughout)
Haiti (added listing for BRH B49e)
Lebanon (added listing for BDL B32as1/2)
Mauritania (improved illustration for BCM B24)
Memel (updated prices throughout)
Pakistan (added MWR cross-references)
Samoa (added listing for CBS BNP3)
Tunisia (added listing for BCT B33b)
Yemen (added listing for CBY B9at)

20 February 2015
Afghanistan (added listings for DAB B58bs)
British Honduras (added listings for GBH B1as, B7t4-7, B13as1/2, B14as1/2, B15as1/2, B16as; improved illustrations)
Cuba (added listings for BCC B16-B18)
Germany, Federal Republic of (added listing for BDL B13as5)
Nigeria (added MWR cross-references)
Tunisia (added listings for BCT B12as1/2, B13as1/2, B14as1/2, B15as1/2, B16as1/2, B22as1/2)
Vietnam (added listing for SBV B44f, B45h, B47g)

13 February 2015
Afghanistan (added listings for DAB B39b, B41a1/2, B42a1/2, B43b, B45a1/2)
Andorra (updated prices throughout)
Bermuda (added listings for BG B12at1/2/3)
British Honduras (added listing for 1895 GBH B9a, 1895 B9as, B9s, B10s; added illustrations for GBH B2, B11, B26as; deleted listing for GBH B26b)
British Solomon Islands (added illustration for BSI B4; added listing for BSI B3cs)
Cook Islands (added illustrations for CI B1 and B2)
East Africa (added listings for GEAP B3bt4/5)
Ghana (added listings for BOG B14a1/2 and B16a1/2)
Haiti (added listings for BRH B39e, B45f, B48d, B50e)
Italian Somaliland (updated prices throughout; added listings for CCMS B4as1/2, B6as)
Jordan (updated prices throughout)
Malagasy Republic (updated prices throughout; added listings for IEM B8as1/2, BFRM B5as3)
Nicaragua (added MWR cross-references)
Nigeria (added illustrations for GON B2 and B3; added listings for CBN B34f, B38)
Paraguay (added listing for BCP B59)
Seychelles (improved illustration for GOS B7; added listing for GOS B7es)
Singapore (added listing for MAS B8g)
Turks and Caicos Islands (added listings for GTC B2t1/2, B5a1/2, B5p)
Zambia (added listing for BOZ B56c)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.02.08 sheet)

6 February 2015
Cambodia (added listing for BNC B14es)
Cameroon (updated prices throughout)
Haiti (added listing for BRH B37e)
Indonesia (added listing for BI B107c1/2)
Jordan (added listings for HKJ B1bs3, B2as2, B3as2, B4as3, B4as1/2, B6as1/2, B6bs1/2, B7bs1/2, B7cs3, B8bs1/2, B8cs3, B9cs3, B9ds1/2, CBJ B1as1/2, B3as3, B5as1/2, B5bs, B6as1/2, B6bs1/2, B7as3, B7bs2/3, B8ds2, B8es2, B9bs2, B10cs1/2, B13as2, B13.3s2, B13.5s2, B13.7s2)
Namibia (added MWR cross-references)
Netherlands Antilles (updated prices throughout)
New Zealand (added MWR cross-references)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B36d1/2)
Sierra Leone (updated prices throughout; added listing for BSL B4bs, B4cs)
Singapore (added listings for MAS B10i/j)

30 January 2015
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B55as)
Cambodia (revised listings and illustrations for NBC B28 and B29)
Cameroon (added listing for BEAC B1es)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for BCC B25b)
Denmark (adjusted some prefix ranges; added several secondary signature varieties)
Jamaica (added listing for BOJ B41h)
Jordan (added listing for CBJ B14as2)
Liberia (updated prices throughout)
Lesotho (updated prices throughout)
Malawi (added MWR cross-references)
Mongolia (added listings for CIB B1as2, B2as2, B3as2, B4as2)
Mozambique (added MWR cross-references)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B32n)
South Arabia (updated prices throughout)
Suriname (updated prices throughout)
spreadsheet (added New 2015.01.25 sheet)

23 January 2015
Belarus (revised face values)
Cambodia (added listings for NBC B28 and B29)
Central African States (added listings for BEAC B7Cb, B8Ac, B8Cc, B9Cb, B10Cc)
Cuba (added listings for BCC B3b and B12f)
Hong Kong (added listing for SCB B6as2)
Kenya (updated prices throughout)
Madagascar (added MWR cross-references)
Mauritania (updated prices throughout)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B32m)
Slovakia (updated prices throughout; added listings for SR B4as3, NBS B1bs, B1cs1/2, B1ds, B1es, B2bs, B2cs, B2ds, B5bs, B5cs2, B6as1/2, B6bs1/2, B6cs, B6ds, B10as, B10bs, B11as, B12as, B12bs, B13as1/2, B20as)
Suriname (added listing for CBVS B21as)
Turkmenistan (revised face values)

16 January 2015
Afghanistan (added listings for DAB B59cs, B60cs, B62cs, B63b, B63bs, B64b, B64bs, B65as)
Angola (added listings for NBA B47as, B48as, B49as)
Cape Verde (added listings for BCV B17-B21)
Ghana (added listing for BOG B48e)
Mongolia (added listings for SB B2as, B3as, B5as)
Somaliland (added listing for BOS B23b)
Trinidad and Tobago (added illustrations for CBTT B30 and B31)
Vietnam (added listing for SBV B48j)

9 January 2015
Central African States (added listing for BEAC B6Cb)
Cuba (added listings for NBC B20bs, B21as1/2; revised watermark info for notes dated 2014)
Cyprus (added listings for CBC B6as1/2; removed erroneous replacement note info for 1997-2005 Issues)
Guinea (added listing for BCRG B34b)
Iraq (added listing for CBI B30.5s)
Jordan (added listing for CBJ B34h)
Kazakhstan (improved illustration of NBK B43)
Lesotho (added MWR cross-references)
Liberia (added MWR cross-references)
Lithuania (added MWR cross-references)
Madagascar and Comoros (updated prices throughout)
Malta (updated prices throughout; added MWR cross-references; added listings for GOM B10p, B11p, B13as, B15as2, B16cs, B17as, B20as, CBM B21as)
Mauritania (improved illustration of BCM B25)
Qatar (updated prices throughout)
Republic of the Congo (improved illustration of BC B1)
Rwanda (added illustrations for BNR B38 and B39)
Somalia (updated prices throughout; added listings for CBS B1as2, B4bs, B4cs, B5bs, B5cs, B6as, B6bs, B6cs, B7as, B7cs, B8as, B8bs, B8cs, B8ds, B9as, B9bs, B9es, B9fs, B10fs, B13as, B14as)

2 January 2015
Botswana (added listing for BOB B28d)
Canada (added listing for BOC B73b)
Cuba (added listing for BNC B32b; renumbered B32as to B32bs)
Ghana (added listings for BOG B46e, B47e)
Indonesia (corrected printer imprint info for BI B51)
Iraq (added listings for CBI B22as, B30.4s, B30.5p)
Ivory Coast (corrected identification of signatory)
Kyrgyzstan (added listing for KB B19.5s; added MWR cross-references)
Laos (updated prices throughout; added MWR cross-references; added listings for BNL B10as1/2, B13as3, B17as3)
Latvia (added MWR cross-references)
Lebanon (added listings for BDL B36b, B37b; added MWR cross-references)
Mongolia (added listings for MB B21cs, B22c, B22cs, B23as, B24as, B25as, B30cs, B31cs, B32bs, B33bs, B34bs, B35bs, B36as)
Pakistan (added listing for SBP B37i)
Republic of the Congo (updated prices throughout)
Saar (updated prices throughout)
Uganda (updated prices throughout; added listings for BOU B7as1/2, B35as)
Ukraine (added Looking Forward item regarding new 100-hryvnia note)

26 December 2014
Afghanistan (added listing for DAM B20as1/2)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B3m3, B4d3)
Iraq (added listings for CBI B53, B54, B55; added prefix ranges for CBI B46-B55)
Jamaica (added MWR cross-references)
Jordon (added MWR cross-references; added listings for CBJ B30f, B33e)
Madagascar (updated prices throughout; added listings for BDM B2as1/2, B4p, BFM B4as1/2, B11as, B12as)
Oman (updated prices throughout)
Pakistan (added listings for SBP B33k, B35k; added prefix ranges for SBP B30-B39)
Paraguay (added listing for BCP B54e)
Rwanda (added listings for BNR B38 and B39)
South Korea (added MWR cross-references)
Ukraine (added listing for NBU B44c)

19 December 2014
Central African Republic (updated prices throughout)
Guinea (added listing for BCRG B24as)
Iraq (added MWR cross-references)
Isle of Man (added MWR cross-references)
Kazakhstan (added listing for NBK B43)
Maldives (added listings for GOM B2ap, B3ap, B4ap, B5ap)
Netherlands Antilles (added listing for BNA B25g)
Singapore (updated prices throughout)
Swaziland (updated prices throughout)
Trinidad & Tobago (added listing for CBTT B34)
Uzbekistan (updated prices throughout)

12 December 2014
Israel (corrected typo in Hebrew denominations for SOI B3-8)
Georgia (added listing for NBG B52d; corrected identification for NBG signature 8)
Mauritania (added listings for BCM B24 and B25)
Solomon Islands (added listings for SIMA B1as, CBSI B3as2, B8as2)
Somalia (added listings for BNS B7as4, B8cs1)
Southern Rhodesia (added listing for SRCB B2b2s)
Uganda (added listing for BOU B54b)

5 December 2014
Burundi (added listing for BRB B30d)
Cuba (added listings for BCC B6p, B8i)
French Antilles (updated prices throughout; added listings for IEDOM B4as2)
Ghana (added MWR cross-references)
Guinea-Bissau (added MWR cross-references)
Haiti (added MWR cross-references)
Hong Kong (added MWR cross-references)
Jordon (corrected identification of CBJ signature 20)
Kuwait (updated prices throughout; added listings for KCB B3at, B4at, CBK B3at)
Lebanon (added listing for BDL B33b)
Mali (added listing for BRM B6as3)
Mauritania (added listing for BCM B9s1/2)
Mauritius (added listings for BOM B1as3, B2as3, B3as3)
Mongolia (added listing for BM B34b)
Morocco (added listings for BEM B12as, B21as3)
Pakistan (added listings for GOP B11cs, SBP B2bs, B11cs1/2)
Paraguay (added listing for BCP B10as3)
Qatar (added listings for QMA B1at, B2at, B3at)
Rhodesia (updated prices throughout; added listings for RBR B1s1-4, B2fs, B2gs)
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (added listings for various specimens)
Rwanda (added Looking Forward item regarding new 2,000- and 5,000-franc notes; added listings for BNR B10es3, B10fs)
Rwanda and Burundi (added listing for BERB B6as3)
Seychelles (added listing for GOS B24es)
Sierra Leone (added listings for BSL B1bs, B2as2, B3as3)
Solomon Islands (updated prices throughout)
Swaziland (added listing for CBS B1as2)
Syria (added listings for CBS B3bs, B4as, B5cs, BNP1a, B18as)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for CBTT B10ap)
Ukraine (added listing for NBU B52e)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.11.30 sheet)

28 November 2014
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B15t)
Belize (updated prices throughout)
Burundi (added listings for BRB B14as, B15cs, B16cs, B17ds, B20is)
Ceylon (added listings for CBC B13t, B29t)
Cyprus (added listings for CBC B9p, B50as, B50cs)
East Africa (added listings for EACB B23es, B24es, B27cs, B28as1/2, B29bs1/2)
East Caribbean States (added listings for ECCA B1a1s1/2, B2c8s, B3cas, B4cgs, B4cls, B4cvs, ECCB B1as, B2as, B3as, B6d1s, B6g2s, B6u1s, B7a1s, B8d1s, B8u1s, B9d1s, B9u1s)
Ethiopia (added MWR cross-references)
Equatorial Guinea (updated prices throughout)
Fiji (added MWR cross-references)
Gambia (added MWR cross-references)
German Democratic Republic (added MWR cross-references)
Germany, Federal Republic of (added MWR cross-references)
Ghana (corrected dates regarding cedi issues)
Gibraltar (added listings for GOG B16fs1/2, B16gs1/2, B17cs)
Indonesia (renumbered B69 to B73.5; added images for BI B67 and B68; added listings for B42s1/2, B70s1/2, B71s1/2)
Iraq (added listings for GOI B9as, B9bs, B11as1/2, NBI B8bt, CBI B2t, B11t, B19bs)
Jamaica (added listings for GOJ B6ms, BJOJ B4bs, B4cs, B5ds, B5es)
Jordan (added listings for CBJ B3bs1/2, B4as1/2, B7as1/2)
Katanga (marked BNK B4b as Unconfirmed)
Laos (added listings for BNL B8ap, B9ap)
Madagascar (added listing for BFM B27b)
Malawi (added listing for RBM B53b)
Malaysia (added listing for BNM B20as1/2)
Poland (added listings for NBP B1as, B3as1/2, B4bs, B5bs1/2, B6bs1/2, B7bs1/2)
Saudi Arabia (added listings for SAMA B3as3, B4as1/2)
Solomon Islands (added listings for SIMA B3bs and CBSI B1as)
South Vietnam (added listing for NBV B26as1/2)
Vietnam (added listings for SBV B29b1/2)
various (identified signatories by full name)

21 November 2014
Belize (corrected printer for MAB B1-B5; added listing for MAB B5as1/2)
Cuba (added MWR cross-references)
Cyprus (added MWR cross-references)
Czech Republic (added MWR cross-references)
Djibouti (added MWR cross-references)
Equatorial Guinea (added listings for BP B6as, B9as; added MWR cross-references)
Estonia (added MWR cross-references)
Gambia (added Looking Forward item about commemorative 20-dalasi note)
Indonesia (added listings for BI B1as1/2, B5as1/2, B6as, B7as, B8as1/2/3, B10as1/2/3, B16as1/2, B26as, B34p1/2, B41.5s; added illustrations for BI B41.5, B42; confirmed BI B92b; renumbered BI B90d-g)
Jamaica (added listing for BOJ B6cs)
Katanga (updated prices throughout; added prefix ranges throughout)
Mauritius (added MWR cross-references; added Pick cross-references for BOM B27-B31)
Moldova (updated prices throughout)
New Zealand (added listings for RBNZ B37-B41)
Samoa (renumbered CBS B16b as B20a)
Saudi Arabia (updated prices throughout)
Southern Rhodesia (added listings for SRCB B8c5s, CACB B3a7s1/2)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.11.16 sheet)

14 November 2014
Cambodia (added MWR cross-references)
Cayman Islands (added MWR cross-references)
Congo Democratic Republic (added MWR cross-references)
Croatia (added MWR cross-references)
French Afars and Issas (updated prices throughout)
Macedonia (updated prices throughout)
Malawi (updated prices throughout; added listing for RBM B58)
Malaysia (added listings for BNM B1as, B2as, B3as, B4as, B5as, B6as, B7t, B8t, B10as, B11as, B13as, B14as, B15as, B16as/bs, B17as/bs, B19bs, B20as, B21as, B22as, B23as, B24as, B25as, B26as1/2, B27as, B28as, B29as/bs, B31as1/2, B32as1/2, B32bs, B36as)
Moldova (added listing for BNM B15as)
Nepal (added listing for NRB B1b)
Nigeria (added listings for CBN B29i1/2)
Sarawak (added illustration for SGT B3)
Saudi Arabia (added listings for SAMA B2as1/2, B3as1/2, B11as, B13as1/2, B18as, B19as, B20bs, B21as, B23as, B24as, B25as/bs)
Slovenia (corrected pricing for RS B9)
Zambia (added listing for BOZ B56b, B57c)

7 November 2014
Belize (added MWR cross-references)
Bermuda (added MWR cross-references)
Bhutan (added MWR cross-references)
Brazil (added MWR cross-references)
Brunei (updated prices throughout; added listing for BCB B16es)
Burundi (added MWR cross-references)
Canada (added listing for BOB B72b)
Cape Verde (added Looking Forward item about new series)
Comoros (added listings for BMC B3s1/s2, B5as, BCC B1as, B3as; added terms of service to BCC signature table)
Croatia (identified signatories)
Ghana (added listings for BOG BFX1 and BFX2)
Madagascar (added listing for BFM B22c)
Malawi (added listings for RBM B9bp, B10bp, B11bp, B12bp, B13cs, B17ap, B29bs, B57a)
New Zealand (added listing for RBNZ B33h)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B35i)
Sao Tome and Principe (added listings for BCSTP B3d, B4d, B6e, B7c)
South Sudan (updated prices throughout)
Tajikistan (updated prices throughout; added listing for NBT B13as)
Ukraine (added Looking Forward item about new signature varieties)
Zambia (added listing for BOZ B58)

31 October 2014
Armenia (added MWR cross-references; added Pick cross-references for CBA B15-B18)
Aruba (added listings for CBA B16c, B17c)
Australia (added MWR cross-references)
Azerbaijan (added MWR cross-references)
Bahamas (added MWR cross-references)
Brunei (added listings for BCB B6fs, B9ds, and B13ds)
Cambodia (updated prices throughout; added listings for BNC B3as3, B13as3, B18as)
Ceylon (added terms of service for signatories; added listings for CBC B18t, B19t, B30t, B44as)
Guinea (updated prices throughout)
Jamaica (added listing for BOJ B4ds, 5cs, 6ds)
Kyrgyzstan (added listings for KB BNP2 and BNP3)
Malawi (added listings for RBM B13as1/2)
Nepal (added listings for NRB B23as1/2, B33as1/2)
Paraguay (corrected watermark info for BCP B48)
Trinidad and Tobago (added Looking Forward item for new 50-dollar polymer)
Turkmenistan (updated prices throughout)
Uruguay (added listing for BCU B11s1/s2)

24 October 2014
Angola (added MWR cross-references)
Bangladesh (added listings for BB B49d and B52c)
Barbados (added MWR cross-references)
Bostwana (added MWR cross-references)
East Caribbean States (corrected references to tactile features for 2012 issues)
Falkland Islands (updated prices throughout)
Mali (updated prices throughout)
Muscat and Oman (updated prices throughout)
Paraguay (added listings for BCP B15a1/2)
Trans-Dniester (added listing for TDRB B8bs; updated prices throughout)
Upper Senegal and Niger (added listing for GGAO B2b)
Zambia (added MWR cross-references)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.10.20 sheet)

17 October 2014
Afghanistan (added dates of introduction for DAB B19-B25)
Burundi (added listing for BDB B11as, B12as1/2, B13as, B14as1/2, BRB B10s; extended prefix ranges for various listings)
Central African States (added listings for BEAC B7Mb/c, B7Tb/c, B8Tc)
Egypt (corrected date ranges for CBE B16d/e)
Iraq (added listing for CBI B50d)
Jersey (added listing for SOJ B7as1/2; added MWR cross-references)
Kazakhstan (added listing for NBK B30b)
Lesotho (extended several prefix ranges)
Libya (extended several prefix ranges)
Malawi (extended several prefix ranges)
Moldova (added listing for BNM B8j)
Mozambique (corrected dates of introduction and demonetization of BDM B1-B4)
Myanmar (added listings for CBM B17a, B9as; added prefix ranges throughout; added MWR cross-references)
New Zealand (added listing for RBNZ B34f)
Nigeria (extended several prefix ranges)
Palestine (updated prices throughout; added listings for PCB B1at1/2, B2at, B2bt1/2, B2cs, B3at, B3cs, B3ds, B4cs)
Poland (extended several prefix ranges)
Rhodesia (added prefix ranges throughout; added listing for RBR B1bs, B2as, B3bs; added MWR cross-references)
Rwanda and Burundi (added listing for BERB B7bs)
Slovenia (updated prices throughout)
Tajikistan (correced prefix ranges for NBT B8)
Tanzania (updated prices throughout)
Trinidad and Tobago (extended several prefix ranges)
Uganda (extended several prefix ranges)
Ukraine (added listing for NBU B52d)
Zambia (extended several prefix ranges)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.10.06 sheet)

10 October 2014
Canada (added listing for BOC B75b)
Egypt (minor changes throughout)
Eritrea (added MWR cross-references)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B8t3)
Iraq (added listing for CBI B49d; corrected and expanded descriptions of 2013-dated notes)
Kazakhstan (added MWR cross-references; added Pick cross-references; added prefix ranges throughout; added listings for NBK B7b, B8b, B9b, B10b, B11b, B12, B16b, B31b1/2, B32b1/2, B33a1/2)
Macau (added listings for BDC B21, B22)
Malaya (added listing for BCC B18as1/2)
Malaya and British Borneo (updated prices throughout)
Oman (added MWR cross-references)
Solomon Islands (added MWR cross-references; added prefix ranges throughout)
Southern Rhodesia (added listing for SRCB B3f4s)
Swaziland (added listings for CBS BNP1 and BNP2; added MWR cross-references)
Tajikistan (added MWR cross-references; added Pick cross-references for NBT B14-B15; added listing for NBT B7b; added prefixes throughout)
Tanzania (added MWR cross-references)
Turkey (added listings for TCMB B94as - B99as, B100as, B101as/bs, B102as/bs, B103as/bs, B104as/bs, B105as/bs, B106as)
Turkmenistan (added MWR cross-references)
United Arab Emirates (updated prices throughout; added MWR cross-references; enhanced descriptions of several specimens; added listings for CBO B6as1/2, CBA B11as1/2, B12as)
Zaire (updated prices throughout)

3 October 2014
Afghanistan (added MWR cross-references)
Bahrain (added replacement note info; added MWR cross-references)
Belarus (added withrawal dates for NBRB B25 and B34)
Bohemia and Moravia (updated prices throughout)
Central African Empire (updated prices throughout)
Cook Islands (adjusted prices for CI B1/B2; added MWR cross-references)
Cuba (added listings for BCC B2b, B10i)
East Africa (corrected signature info for EACB B18h-k)
Kenya (added MWR cross-references)
Kuwait (added MWR cross-references)
Maldives (updated prices throughout; added MWR cross-references)
Mauritania (added listing for BCM B10s2; added MWR cross-references)
Nigeria (added listings for CBN B1as5, B2as7, B4as6, B5as4/as5, B6as4/as5, B7as5/as6, B8as6, B11as4, B26r/s, B27t1/2)
Panama (updated prices throughout)
Samoa (added listing for CBS B16b; added MWR cross-references)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for SAMA B26as; added MWR cross-references)
Serbia (added terms of service to signature table; updated Pick cross-references; added listing for NBS B20b; added MWR cross-references)
Seychelles (added MWR cross-references; added info about 35th anniversary 100-rupee notes available in sheets only)
Singapore (added MWR cross-references)

26 September 2014
Botswana (added listings for BOB B15as1/2)
Brazil (added listings for BCB B78as and B79as)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B9e3, n3, p3, s3, u3, v3, x3, y3)
Myanmar (added Looking Forward item about new 5,000-kyat note)
North Korea (added listing for DPRK B57)
Singapore (added listing for MAS B5g)
South Vietnam (corrected watermark descriptions for BOV B6 - B8)
Trinidad and Tobago (corrected dimensions of CBTT B16 - B33)
Turkey (corrected TCMB signature table entries for 30, 32, and 35)
Ukraine (corrected watermark descriptions for NBU B43 - B53)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.09.21 sheet)

19 September 2014
Bhutan (updated prices throughout)
Central African States (added listings for BEAC B6Tc and B7Tb)
Gambia (added GCB BNP1; updated prices throughout)
Israel (added listings for BOI B42 - B45)
Liechtenstein (updated prices throughout)
Saint Helena (identified 3rd signatory in signature 7)
Sao Tome and Principe (added prefix ranges throughout)

12 September 2014
Albania (added Looking Forward item about arrest of bank's governor)
Canada (improved illustration for BOC B26)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for BCC B19b)
Cuba (extended prefix ranges for various notes)
Falkland Islands (added handwritten signatures table; added listings for GFI B1t, B10as)
Germany, Federal Republic of (updated prices throughout)
Lithuania (added listing for LB B61as)
Namibia (added listing for BON B14as; updated prices throughout)
Netherlands Antilles (improved illustration of BNA B5)
Netherlands New Guinea (improved various illustrations)
Somaliland (updated prices throughout)
Ukraine (added listing for NBU B53c)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.08.31 sheet)

5 September 2014
Afghanistan (added listings for DAB B19as1/2, B20as, B22as1/2, B23as1/2, B24bs1/2, B25as1/2, B25bs1/2, B26as1/2, B27as1/2, B30as1/2, B32as1/2, B32as1/2, B33as1/2)
Bangladesh (added listings for BB B4as1/2, GOB B2as1/2)
Brazil (added listing for BCB B10as, B16as)
Burma (added listing for UBB B10t)
Burundi (added listing for BRB B21as)
French Pacific Territories (updated prices throughout)
Kuwait (added listing for CBK B26g)
Lesotho (extended prefix ranges of various listings)
New Zealand (added listing for RBNZ B31g)
Paraguay (added listings for BCP B20s and B24s)
Rhodesia (added info about Fidelity Printers)
Samoa (corrected prices for CBS B18 and B19)
Sierra Leone (extended prefix ranges for BSL B7g, B8c, and B12a; added prefix font info to description of BSL B9b)

29 August 2014
Afghanistan (added signatory terms of service for DAB signatures 7-20)
Barbados (added listing for CBB B29c)
Cambodia (added listing for NBC B17c)
Canada (added listing for BOC B71a; renumbered old B71a as B72b; added prefix ranges for B64 - B75)
Cuba (added Looking Forward item about new watermark issues)
Ethiopia (added replacement note info for NBE B32c)
Georgia (updated prices throughout)
Germany, Federal Republic of (added listings for BDL B13as3/4)
Guyana (corrected descriptions of backs of BOG B11, B13, B15, B17)
Israel (added listing for BOI B36c)
Jamaica (extended prefix range for GOJ B7c)
Kazakhstan (updated prices throughout; added listing for NBK B33as)
Malawi (added listing for RBM B56)
Nigeria (added listings for CBN B27s, B27t, and B28o; added prefix ranges for CBN B27)
Paraguay (added listings for BCP B1b3 and B24c2)
Samoa (updated prices throughout)
Sri Lanka (added listing for CBSL B21as)
Suriname (changed illustration for CBVS B4; added listing for B9b)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for TDRB BNP3 - BNP6)
United Arab Emirates (corrected Arabic dates for CBA B34 and B35)

22 August 2014
Afghanistan (added listings for DAB B43as and B45as; corrected signatory info for DAB signatures 8-14)
Albania (updated prices throughout)
Azerbaijan (added Looking Forward item about expected new 250- and 500-manat notes)
Croatia (added prefix ranges for NBH B1 - B9 and HNB B1 - B8)
Cuba (added prefix ranges throughout)
Democratic Republic of Yemen (added listing for BOY B3as)
Guinea-Bissau (updated prices throughout; added prefix ranges throughout; added listing for BCGB B4bs)
Guyana (extended prefix ranges for BOG B1c and B10a)
Kyrgyzstan (corrected minor typos)
Lebanon (added prefix ranges for BDL B13 - B39)
Liberia (added prefix ranges throughout)
Lithuania (added descriptions of watermarks to LB B26 and B27)
Macedonia (corrected signature info for NBRM B6i)
Malaya (corrected descriptions of watermarks of BCC B4, JG B7 and B9)
Malta (corrected printer imprints for CBM B19 and B20; added listing for GOM B23bs, CBM B8as1/2, B9as1/2)
Mauritius (added prefix ranges throughout)
Mongolia (corrected descriptions of watermarks of SB B1 - B15)
North Korea (corrected Looking Forward information)
Pakistan (added listing for SBP B31l)
Papua New Guinea (updated prices throughout)
Qatar (added prefix ranges for QMA B1 - B6)
Qatar and Dubai (added prefix ranges throughout)
Rwanda (added prefix ranges throughout)
Seychelles (added prefix ranges throughout; corrected descriptions of watermarks of GOS B18 - B20)
Sierra Leone (corrected dimensions of various notes)
South Arabia (added listing for SACA B2bs1/2)
South Sudan (added prefix ranges throughout)
Swaziland (added prefix ranges throughout)
Syria (added listing for CBS B30)
Tanzania (added prefix ranges throughout)
Trinidad and Tobago (extended prefix ranges for CBTT B22 - B24; added illustration for CBTT B32)
United Arab Emirates (added prefix ranges throughout)
Zambia (added prefix ranges throughout)

15 August 2014
Albania (added listings for BKS B2at, B3as1/2, B4as1/2, B4at, BES B11as)
Belarus (added listing for NBRB B33b)
Brazil (extended prefix ranges for BCB B74, B77, B78, B79)
Burma (added listing for UBB B7as)
Cook Islands (updated prices throughout)
Ethiopia (added listing for NBE B31d)
French Pacific Territories (corrected prefix ranges for IEOM B2c/d)
Gambia (exended prefix ranges for several notes)
Haiti (extended prefix ranges for BRH B1a, B13a, B13b, and B19a)
Iraq (added Looking Forward item about new 10,000-dinar note)
Jersey (updated prices throughout; added prefix ranges throughout)
Kazakhstan (added listing for NBK B39b)
Kuwait (improved images and descriptions for CBK B29 - B34)
Kyrgyzstan (updated prices throughout)
Lebanon (added listing for BDL B39as)
Lesotho (added prefix ranges throughout)
Malaya (added listing for JG B10bs)
Maldives (extended prefix ranges for GOB B6c)
Myanmar (updated prices throughout; added listings for CBM B5as, B6as, B8bs, B9bs, BFX1 - BFX4)
North Korea (added listing for DPRK B25as)
Poland (improved illustrations and information about NBP BNP17)
Qatar (added Pick cross-references to QCB B15 - B18)
Republic of the Congo (removed "Unconfirmed" from description of BEAC B7c)
Rwanda and Burundi (updated prices throughout; added prefix ranges throughout)
Sri Lanka (extended several prefix ranges)
Turkey (extended several prefix ranges)
Zambia (added Looking Forward item about new commemorative note due in October 2014)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.08.17 sheet)

8 August 2014
French Afars and Issas (added listing for TP B3as)
Gabon (added listings for BC B1as and BEAC B5as; updated prices throughout)
Gambia (added prefix ranges throughout; added listings for CBG B1ds, B1es, B4bs1/2; added Pick cross-references for CBG B26 and B27)
Jamaica (added listing for BOJ B32as)
Jersey (added listing for SOJ BNP1.5)
Kuwait (extended prefix ranges for CBK B27 and B28)
Maldives (added prefix ranges throughout; added replacement info for MMA B12)
North Korea (added Looking Forward item regarding new 5,000-won note)
Pakistan (added listings for SBP B33j and B34i)
Poland (identified signatory 17)
Samoa (added prefix ranges throughout)
Sri Lanka (added replacement note info for CBSL B28 and B29)
Ukraine (added listing for NBU B50e)
Upper Senegal and Niger (updated prices throughout)

1 August 2014
Afghanistan (added illustration of DAB B1.5 back; added listings for DAB B1as1/2, B2as, B3as1/2, B4as1/2, B5as1/2, B6as1/2, B6.5s1/2, B7as1/2, B9as1/2, B10as1/2, B11as1/2/3, B12as1/2, B13cs, B13ds, B14as1/2, B15as1/2, B16as1/2, B16cs, B17as1/2, B17t, B18as, B28as1/2/3, B29as1/2, B31as/bs, B36as; marked DAB B24a as Unconfirmed)
Australia (added listings for RBA B25h, B26g, B27h, B28k, B29d)
Bahrain (updated prices throughout)
Biafra (added prefix ranges throughout)
Brunei (added listing for BCMB B3b)
Canada (ammended description of back of BOC B72)
Cayman Islands (added prefix ranges throughout)
Fiji (added prefix ranges throughout; repaginated)
French Pacific Territories (added series ranges throughout; reformatted signature table; repaginated)
Namibia (added listings for BON B11as, B12as, B13as, B15as)
Pakistan (added listing for SBP B38l)
Papua New Guinea (added listings for BPNG B28as, B34ds, B37c, B37cs, B39cs)
Poland (added listing for NBP BNP17)
Sri Lanka (added Pick cross-reference for CBSL B29; added prefix ranges throughout; updated prices throughout)
Tonga (added listing for NRBT B14b; added prefix ranges throughout; added replacement note info for NRBT B12)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.07.24 and 2014.08.03 sheets)

25 July 2014
Bahamas (extended prefix ranges for some listings)
Belize (added prefix ranges throughout)
Bermuda (added prefix ranges throughout; added listing for BG B13t)
Brunei (extended prefix ranges for some listings)
Burundi (extended prefix ranges for some listings)
Comoros (added listing for BCC B9b)
Cuba (added listings for BCC B5b, B6o)
East Africa (add listing for EACB B9at)
Estonia (extended prefix ranges for some listings)
Ethiopia (added prefix ranges throughout)
European Monetary Union (added listings for ECB B4e3, B4g3, B7n3)
German Democratic Republic (updated prices throughout)
Italian Somaliland (added prefix ranges for Cassa per la Circolazione Monetaria della Somalia issues)
Jamaica (extended prefix ranges for some listings)
Kazakhstan (added listing for NBK B15b and B40b)
Kenya (extended prefix ranges for some listings)
Malawi (extended prefix ranges for some listings)
Malta (extended prefix ranges for some listings)
Pakistan (added listing for SBP B31k)
Poland (added listing for NBP B39cs; corrected description for BNP9)
Saint Helena (added prefix ranges throughout; updated prices throughout)
Sierra Leone (added prefix ranges throughout; added listing for BSL B5as, B6as, B7as, B8as)
Slovakia (added illustration for SNB B2a)
Sri Lanka (added listings for CBSL B22as, BNP2.5)
Trinidad & Tobago (added listing for GTT B1p, B3p, B7cs, B7ds, B8bs, B8ds, B9p, B9cs, B10s, B11as, CBTT B4.5p; added prefix ranges throughout)
Uganda (extended prefix ranges for some listings)
Vanuatu (updated prices throughout)

18 July 2014
Bahamas (added prefix ranges throughout)
Bangladesh (added listing for BB B19as)
Barbados (expanded prefix ranges throughout; added listing for GOB B4s, B5s; reclassified B6p as B6t; added illustration for B6)
British Caribbean Territories (updated prices throughout; added prefix ranges throughout; added listing for CB B2bs)
Brunei (added prefix ranges throughout; marked several date varieties as Unconfirmed; added listings for BCB B3s, B3t, B6gs, B6hs, B6is, B7ds, B7es, B9es, B9t, B10fs, B10t, B11ap, B12ap)
Ethiopia (added listings for BOE B5as and NBE B4as1/2; added replacement note info for NBE B28)
Jamaica (added listing for BOJ B49; added Pick cross-references for BOJ B44-B48)
Kenya (added prefix ranges throughout; added listings for CBK B7es, B10ds, and B27bs; repaginated)
Kuwait (added listing for CBK B23g)
Malawi (added prefix ranges throughout)
Nigeria (added listings for CBN B26q, B27s, B28n; added prefix ranges for CBN B28 and B29)
Poland (added Looking Forward item about new numismatic product expected in August 2015)
Qatar & Dubai (updated prices throughout)
Somalia (identified printer of CBS B15)
South Korea (extended block range for BOK B19b)
Sudan (added listing for BOS B47a)
Syria (added Looking Forward item about expected new 500-pound note)
Uganda (added prefix ranges throughout; added listings for BOU B56c, B57c)
United Arab Emirates (added Looking Forward item about Braille characters; updated Pick cross-references)
Vanuatu (added listings for RBV B9-B13; added prefix ranges throughout)
Zaire (marked BDZ B4b and B5e as Unconfirmed; added suffix range info for B4, B5, B8, and B9)
Zambia (added listing for BOZ B55b; added Pick cross-references for BOZ B52-B57)
Zimbabwe (updated prices throughout)

11 July 2014
Afghanistan (added illustration for DAB B1.5; added listing for DAB B2t)
Belarus (added watermark variety information to 1992 Issues introduction)
Burundi (added prefix ranges throughout; added listings for BRB B32c and B35c)
Cambodia (corrected watermark and security thread description for NBC B27)
Ceylon (added signature information for CBC B16c; added security thread information for CBC B33)
Comoros (added security thread information to various listings)
Croatia (corrected printer imprint typo for NDH issues; identified RH signatory 1)
Eritrea (updated prices throughout)
Fiji (combined specimen listings for CMBA B12-B16)
French Sudan (updated prices throughout)
Gibraltar (updated prices throughout)
Guyana (extended prefix ranges for several notes; corrected security thread and watermark info for BOG B5 and B6)
Haiti (extended prefix ranges for BRH B28 and B33)
Introduction (added several printer abbreviations)
Isle of Man (corrected security thread and watermark info for IOMB B12)
Jamaica (added prefix range info throughout)
Kuwait (added listings for CBK B29-B34)
Malta (added prefix range info throughout)
Mauritania (added Pick cross-references for BCM B19-B22)
Zaire (added listings for BDZ B51b and B52b)

4 July 2014
Botswana (updated prices throughout)
Comoros (updated prices throughout; added listing for BMC B1bp)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for BCC B24b; added Pick cross-references for BCC B19-B26)
Biafra (updated prices throughout; removed "Unconfirmed" notation for BOB B4r)
British Guiana (extended prefix range for BGB B7b)
Ethiopia (added listings for SBE B3cs1/2)
Gibraltar (added listing for GOB B11.5p)
Guyana (extended prefix ranges for several notes)
Haiti (extended prefix range for BRH B43b)
Hong Kong (added listings for SCB B4as and B6as)
Libya (added listings for CBL B1at, B2at, and B4bt; improved images for MAT B1, B4, and B5)
Malawi (added Looking Forward item about new note family due in August 2014)
Malaysia (added Pick cross-references for BNM B49-B53)
Poland (added illustration for NBP BNP2)
Saint Helena (added listings for GOSH B8bs and B9bs)
Turkmenistan (added Pick cross-references for TMB B22-B25; added listings for TMB B22b, B26, and B27)

27 June 2014
Afghanistan (added listings for DAB B12bs, B15as)
Bangladesh (added listing for BB B51; added Pick cross-references for post-2010 issues)
Barbados (added Pick cross-references for CBB B32-B37)
Botswana (added listing for BOB B13as1/2)
Central African Empire (improved image for BEAC B4)
Chad (updated prices throughout)
Comoros (added listing for IEC B3as1/2)
Croatia (added listings for HNB B8 and BNP1)
Gabon (added listing for BEAC B1bs)
Guyana (updated prices throughout; added prefix ranges; added Pick cross-references for post-2005 issues)
Iraq (added listings for CBI B47c, B48b, B49c, B51e)
Israel (updated prices throughout)
Kenya (added listings for CBK B19as, B20as, B23as)
Latvia (improved image for LB B29)
Papua New Guinea (added listings for BPNG B34d and B39c)
Malaysia (updated prices throughout)
Mauritania (added listing for BCM B23; deleted listings for BCM B6d and B7d; added prefix ranges for notes dated 2004-)
Tunisia (added Cornerstone info to description of watermark of BCT B36)
Zambia (updated prices throughout)

20 June 2014
Bangladesh (added listing for BB B48.5)
Malaysia (added listings for BNM B18as, B37as, B38as1/2)
Oman (added descriptions to specimens for OCB B1-B6; repaginated)
Pakistan (added listings for GOP B9as1, SBP B1as1/2, B4ds, B4t, B33as, B39as/es)
Saint Helena (added listings for GOSH B8b, B9b)
Straits Settlements (extended prefix ranges for GSS B3h and B18, added listing for GSS B22bs1/2)
Uganda (added listing for BOU B4bp1/2)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.06.16 sheet)

13 June 2014
Abyssinia (added listings for BOA B2p3, B3t1/2, B4p3)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B4h3)
Israel (added listings for APB B1p1/2, B2p, B3p, BOI B2as1/2/3, B5as3, B9as3, B9bs)
Kuwait (added listings for CBK B29-B34)
Latvia (updated prices throughout)
Mali (added listings for BRM B6as1/2, B7as1/2/3, B8as1/2, B9as1/2, B10as1/2/3)
Nicaragua (added listing for BCN B60as)
Oceania (added listings for JB B4as1/2/3)
Pakistan (added listings for GOP B15bs, SBP B1as, B32bs)
Zambia (added listing for BOZ B32bs)

6 June 2014
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B62c)
Belarus (added listings for NBRB B13b, B15c, B16b, B26a1/2, B27a1/2, B28a/12, B29a1/2)
Cayman Islands (updated prices throughout)
Croatia (updated prices throughout)
Cuba (added listing for BCC B12e)
Equatorial African States (corrected typos; added listings for EAE B1as, B3as, and B4ds)
Eritrea (added listing for BOE B12a)
Gilbert and Ellice Islands (updated price for GEI B3)
Israel (added listings for SOI B1p and B2p)
Latvia (removed illustrations for LG B16, B17, LB B14, and LSPR B1; temporarily removed chapter from download)
Lithuania (added Looking Forward item on adopting euro in 2015)
Nicaragua (added listing for BCN B30a1/a2)
North Korea (added listings for DPRK B3as and B4as)
Paraguay (added Pick numbers for previously unlisted notes)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for TDRB B8c, B8cs, B10b, and B10bs)
Ukraine (added listing for NBU B51c)
Uruguay (added listing for BCU B8f1/f2)

30 May 2014
Belarus (updated prices throughout)
British Guiana (removed "Unconfirmed" notation for GBG B4b; added prefix range info for all listings)
Burundi (added listing for BRB B19bs)
Croatia (removed listing for NBH B7p; added listing for HNB B7as)
Equatorial Guinea (corrected dimensions for BC B3; added listings for BP B2as - B5as)
French Guiana (added listing for BDG B7c)
Latvia (corrected description for LB B13; added listing for LG B4f1/2; deleted listing for LB B15e)
Pakistan (added listings for SBP B37h and B38k)
South Vietnam (expanded descriptions for NBV B32as - B36as)
Suriname (added listing for CBVS B7b, B8b)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.05.24 sheet)

23 May 2014
Aruba (updated prices throughout; added illustration for BNP1; added listing for CBA B14as)
Bangladesh (added listings for BB B32as, BB B50.5c, and GOB B6ds1/2)
British Guiana (improved illustration for GBG B5)
Germany, Federal Republic of (corrected prefix ranges for DB B1-B5 varieties)
Netherlands Antilles (added listings for BNA B24as-B28as)
Nicaragua (corrected accents in names in signature table)
Ukraine (added illustrations for NBU B10-B14)

16 May 2014
Afghanistan (corrected illustration of DAB B64)
Australia (added listings for RBA BNP7.5a/b)
Cambodia (changed illustration for NBC B27a)
Central African States (added terms of service and full names for some signatories; added bar codes to Country Codes table; added listings for BEAC B4Fas, B5Fas, B5Las, B5Nas, B6Tb, B7Ab, B8Ab, B8Cb, B9Ac, B9Fb/c)
Chad (added listings for BEAC B3as, B6s; added demonetization dates)
Equatorial African States (added listing for EAE B1bs, B2ds, B3ds, B4as, B4cs)
Georgia (added listing for NBG B50d)
Germany, Federal Republic of (added prefix ranges for DB B1-B5 varieties)
Uruguay (corrected watermark description for BCU B52a)

9 May 2014
Afghanistan (renumbered DAB B51d as B63a and B52d as B64a; added listing for DAB B65a)
Algeria (added withdrawal dates for BCA B9, B10, B12, B13, and B14)
Aruba (added listing for CBA B17c)
Bhutan (added listing for RMA B9as1/2)
Cambodia (added listing for NBC B27a/as)
Central African Republic (added demonetization dates; identified St. Anne's Basilica in Brazzaville on BEAC B7)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B4l3)
Georgia (added listing for NBG B51d)
Isle of Man (corrected description of color trial IOMG B3t, added listings for IOMG B5at and B7at)
Kenya (added listings for CBK B11s and B25as)
Lebanon (added listing for BDL B39a)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B29j)
Singapore (added listing for MAS B9d)
South Vietnam (added listing for NBV B23bt)
Ukraine (added illustrations for NBU B8 and B9)
Uruguay (added listing for BCU B52a)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.04.28 sheet)

2 May 2014
Cameroon (standardized descriptions of notes common to other countries)
Central African Empire (standardized descriptions of notes common to other countries)
Central African Republic (standardized descriptions of notes common to other countries)
Chad (standardized descriptions of notes common to other countries)
Equatorial African States (standardized descriptions of notes common to other countries)
Equatorial Guinea (standardized descriptions of notes common to other countries)
Gabon (standardized descriptions of notes common to other countries)
Kazakhstan (added IBNS Bank Note of the Year awards to NBK B39 and B42 listings)
Malawi (added listing for RBM B51b)
Mozambique (added location of FRELIMO monument and identity of artwork on front of bank HQ)
Repulic of the Congo (standardized descriptions of notes common to other countries)
Syria (corrected dimensions for CBS B1-B4; added illustrations of CBS B3 back and B4 back; added listing for CBS B1p, B1t, B2p, B2t, B4p, B13at, B20bs)
Uruguay (added listings for BCU B7.5p, B8.5p, B10gs, and B10.5p; repaginated)

25 April 2014
Afghanistan (added listings for DAB B51ds, B52ds, B59as, B60as, B61as, and B62as)
Bhutan (added listings for RGB B5as, B6as, B7as, B8as, B9as, B10as, B11as)
Burma (extended prefix range for GOB B3)
Cameroon (added terms of service and full names for some signatories)
Central African Empire (added terms of service and full names for some signatories)
Central African Republic (added terms of service and full names for some signatories)
Chad (added terms of service and full names for some signatories)
Equatorial African States (added terms of service and full names for some signatories)
Equatorial Guinea (added terms of service and full names for some signatories)
Ethiopia (added listing for NBE B7as1/as2)
Gabon (added terms of service and full names for some signatories)
Iraq (added security fiber info to caption for illustration of CBI B37 detail)
Jordan (added listing for CBJ B34g)
New Zealand (added listings for RBNZ B6as, B6ks, B8cs, B13as1/2/3, B14as1/2/3, B14ds1/2, B15as1/2, B16ap, B17ap, B18ap, B20ap, B22ap; repaginated)
Republic of the Congo (added terms of service and full names for some signatories)

18 April 2014
Cayman Islands (added full names for some signatories; added listings for CICB B1as, B2as, B3as, B4as, CIMA B18as-B23as)
Central African Empire (identified waterfalls on BEAC B1)
Cyprus (added listing for CBC B4t)
Fiji (added listing for CMA B6bs)
Somalia (added listings for CBS B2as and B3bs)
Suriname (added listings for CBVS B45b and B49b)

11 April 2014
Burma (added illustration for front of GOI B1)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listings for BNC B3p, B3fs1/2, B6as1/2, B9as1/2, B9cs1/2, B10es1/2)
Cuba (added AB prefix info for BNC B33a)
Eritrea (added prefix info, replacement info, and listing for BOE B11a)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B8z2)
Georgia (added info about designers of 1919-1921 Issues)
Jordan (added listing for HKJ B5as3)
Kenya (added some replacement note info)
Kuwait (added listing for CBK B27f)
Malaysia (added listing for BNM B49b)
Netherlands Antilles (added listings for BNA B26h, B27g, and B28g)
Pakistan (added some additional replacement note and prefix info)
Straits Settlements (corrected prefix info for GSS B13)
Tunisia (improved image for BCT B36)
Zambia (added listings for BOZ B53b, B54b, and B57b)

4 April 2014
Bangladesh (added listings for BB B5as1/2, B17as1/2, B18as, B23as1/2, B24as)
Cambodia (added listing for BNC B9bs)
Cape Verde (added withdrawal dates for various notes)
Germany, Federal Republic of (corrected several typos)
Ghana (identified buildings on back of BOG B46; corrected typo regarding Christiansborg Castle on BOG B49 and B51)
Iraq (added listings for CBI B47b and B49b)
Maldives (added listings for GOM B1as, B2as1/2, B3as1/2, B4as1/2)
Nigeria (added listings for CBN B24d1/2)
Solomon Islands (added listing for CBSI BNP2)
Uruguay (added signature 19e, found on BCU B29a)
Uzbekistan (added listings for BOU B3b and B4b)

28 March 2014
Angola (improved images for BNA B43-B48)
Aruba (added listing for CBA B19c)
Barbados (extended prefix range for CBB B26c)
Belize (added listings for MAB B4as, B5as; CBB B5as, B8as, B9as, B10as, B11as, B12as, B13as1/2, B14as, B15as, B18as, B19as, B20as, B21as, B22as, B23as, B24as, B25as, B26as, B27as, B28as, B29as; corrected dates for B27a and B29a)
British Honduras (corrected several typos; added listings for GBH B20as1/2)
Canada (various small changes throughout; added listings for BOC B24s, B28as, B48as, B49as, B50as, B51as, B52as, B53as, B54as, B55as, B56as, B57as, B58as1)
Georgia (added listing for NBG B48d)
Haiti (added listing for BRH B44b)
Myanmar (added replacement note info)
Russia (added info about private numismatic product of CBR B31)
Serbia (added listing for NBS B16b)
Uzbekistan (added listing for BOU B1b)

21 March 2014
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B52d)
Bangladesh (added listings for BB B20bs, B22ds; GOB B6bs)
Cameroon (small changes throughout; corrected identification of Paul Biya on BEAC B11 and B12; added listings for BEAC B1as, B2es, B10as)
Germany, Federal Republic of (added listing for BDL B13as1/2)
Hong Kong (identified SCB signatory 6)
Nepal (added listings for NRB B16a1/a2)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B35hs)
Oceania (corrected block letter descriptions for JG B1a/b)
Paraguay (added listings for BCP B54d and B58a)
Samoa (reassigned CBS B7as2 to B7cs)
Seychelles (added information about 2013 commemorative 10-rupee notes available in sheets only)
Trinidad and Tobago (added images for CBTT B33a)
Tunisia (added listing for BCT B36a)

14 March 2014
Hong Kong (extended prefix range for various notes)
Kuwait (extended prefix range for CBK B25g)
Libya (extended prefix range for CBL B42a)
Macedonia (added listing for NBRM B14c)
North Korea (added listings for DPRK B48 - B56)

7 March 2014
Brazil (added terms of service for Finance Ministers to signature table)
Russia (added info on watermark for CBR B27)
Singapore (added listing for MAS B6e and B7f)
Sudan (corrected dimensions for BOS B42 - B44)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.03.03 sheet)

28 February 2014
Botswana (added listing for BOB B27c)
Brazil (added listings for BCB B71s1/2 and B72s1/2)
Ghana (added listings for BOG B28cs/ds/es/fs/gs/hs)
Guyana (added listing for BOG B18as)
Jordan (added listing for CBJ B30e; renumbered signatures 25/26)
Uruguay (added image for signature 10 Vicepresidente; corrected spelling of signatures 2 and 3 Vicepresidente)

21 February 2014
Australia (added listing for RBA BNP1.5)
Barbados (extended prefix range for CBB B22d)
Falkland Islands (added listing for GFI B21b)
French Pacific Territories (added listing for IEOM B1i)
Hong Kong (added listings for BOC B16b, B17c, B18c)
Isle of Man (added listing for IOMG B17e)
Libya (extended prefix range for CBL B22c)
Malawi (added listing for RBM B50b)
Netherlands New Guinea (improved images for NB B4 and B5)
Uruguay (corrected signature info for BCU B17a)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.02.17 sheet)

14 February 2014
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for BCC B23bs)
Guinea-Bissau (removed references to Amílcar Cabral as president)
Vietnam (added listing for SBV B47f)

7 February 2014
Cuba (added listings for BCC B6n and B12d)
French Pacific Territories (added listings for IEOM B5 - B8)
Kyrgyzstan (added listing for KB B18as)
Singapore (added listing for MAS B10h)
South Vietnam (added listings for NBV B2as1/2 and NBV B5a/b; reassigned NBV B5as to B5bs)
Vietnam (added listing for SBV B43h)
spreadsheet (added New 2014.01.26 sheet)

31 January 2014
East Caribbean States (corrected and expanded identification of ECCA signatories 5-7)
Lebanon (added listing for BDL BNP1a)
Macau (added listings for BDC B13b, B14b, and B16b)
Mauritius (added listing for BOM B27b)
Vietnam (added info about 1985 currency revaluation)

24 January 2014
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B60c)
Cambodia (made various changes to descriptions throughout, including adding replacement note info; removed "Unconfirmed" notation for NBC B19c)
Cyprus (added prefix range info and expanded descriptions for ROC B1 - B4 and CBC B1 - B4)
Fiji (added listings for CMA B2bs1/2, B3bs1/2, B3cs1/2/3, B4bs, B4cs1/2, B5bs, B5cs1/2; repaginated)
Guyana (added listing for BOG B18a)
Kuwait (added listings for KCB B1t, B5t, and CBK B25h)
Nicaragua (added identification for signature 18; corrected identifications for signature 20 and 22)
Nigeria (added illustration for GON B2a)
Zambia (added listing for BOZ B52b)

17 January 2014
Bahamas (added full names to various entries in signature tables; flipped BG signatures 3 and 4; added listings for BG B8as, B9ds, B10bs, B15bs, B15cs; removed "Unconfirmed" notation for BG B15a; added dates of intro for BG signature varieties)
Bangladesh (added listings for BB B16as, B19cs, B20as, B21cs, B22bs, B24bs, B27as, B33as, B34as, B47cs)
Barbados (added prefix range information for 2013 issues)
British West Africa (corrected watermark info for WACB B3 and B4)
Cambodia (added listing for NBC B26as)
Cuba (added listing for BNC B22as3)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B9)
Jordan (added listing for CBJ B33d)
Kenya (added listings for CBK B26es and B27as1/2)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B32bs; repaginated)
Yemen (added information to introduction for 2009-2013 issues)
Zambia (added color change info to descriptions of BOZ B45c and B46c)

10 January 2014
Burundi (added cross-references to overprinted Rwanda and Burundi notes; added listing for BDB B13bs; corrected and expanded several note descriptions)
Hong Kong (corrected prefix range info for BOC B20b/c)
Rwanda and Burundi (added cross-references to overprinted Burundi notes)

3 January 2014
Bhutan (added info on change in printer/substrate for RMA B16 and B18)
Brunei (added listing for BCB B1t; B2t; B6t; B13as, B14as, B15as, B16as, B17as; B18as)
Congo Democratic Republic (corrected signature information for BNC B9d)
Hong Kong (added listing for BOC B20c)
Introduction (added printer abbreviation HKNPL)
Jamaica (added replacement note info for BOJ B44 and B45)
Kazakhstan (added listing for NBK B42as)
Kenya (added replacement note info for CBK B41; added listings for CBK B7as, B12as, B13as)
Morocco (completed listings for BAM B15a and B16a)
New Zealand (added signature 11 and listings for RBNZ B32g and B33g)
Tunisia (added Looking Forward item about new 5-dinar note in Q1 2014)
spreadsheet (added New 2013.12.29 sheet)

27 December 2013
Albania (added listing for BKS B2bs)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for BCC B23b)
Haiti (extended prefix ranges for BRH B37c and B40b)
Jamaica (added replacement note info for BOJ B40 and B46)
Palestine (identified signatories by full names; added signature 6; corrected description for PCB B1d; added PCB B1t, B5cs, and B6cs)
Papua New Guinea (corrected date for BPNG B50 and B51)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for CBTT B29a)
Tunisia (identified left signatory #10)

20 December 2013
Bangladesh (added listings for GOB B7cs and BB B47as)
Botswana (identified several signatories by full name; expanded descriptions of several notes; added listing for BOB B12as1/2)
Brazil (added terms of service and full names to signature table; added dates of withdrawl; added listing for BCB B36a1/a2; expanded descriptions of many notes; added replacement note info for BCB B65 - B79)
British Caribbean Territories (added prefix ranges for CB B1 - B6; added listings for CB B7js and B10gs)
Burundi (identified signatory 22)
Kazakhstan (changed illustration and some details in listing for NBK B42a)
Maldives (added listing for MMA B9as)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B34bs)
Russia (added prefix info for CBR B31a)
Sarawak (added signatory info for SGT B7a)
South Vietnam (added listings for NBV B21as1/2, B26t, and B27t)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for TDRB B12b/bs and B14b/bs)
Tunisia (improved illustration for BCT B35a)
Uganda (identified several signatories by full name)

13 December 2013
Bermuda (added various information throughout; repaginated)
Bhutan (added and corrected prefix and replacement info throughout)
Bohemia and Moravia (added dates of withdrawal for most notes; expanded some note descriptions)
British West Africa (extended prefix ranges for WACB B8 and B10)
Cambodia (improved illustration of NBC B26)
Central African States (added listings for BEAC B5Eas and B5Pas)
European Monetary Union (added listings for ECB B2y3, B3f3, and B3g3)
Guinea (added listing for BCRG B33b)
Moldova (reclassified BNM B17a as BNP2a)
Nicaragua (added replacement note info for BCN B104)
Kazakhstan (added listing for NBK B42a)
Kyrgyzstan (added listing for KB B1as)
Malagasy Republic (identified signatory 4 by full name)
Nigeria (identified signatory 3 General Manager by name)
Pakistan (added listings for SBP B33i, B38g, and B39f)
Saint Helena (identified several signatories by full name)
Sao Tome and Principe (added Decreto Lei numbers to BCSTP B3-B7 variety descriptions)
Slovakia (identified SNB signatories by full name)

6 December 2013
Bahamas (added illustration for BG B1a and corrected description of same; repaginated)
Barbados (replaced illustration for GOB B6)
British West Africa (expanded identification of several signatories)
Canada (corrected and expanded identification of Osborne signatory)
East Caribbean States (expanded identification of several signatories)
Moldova (added listing for BNM B17a)
Paraguay (added listing for BCP B52b)
Seychelles (added listings for CBS B9c and B17b)
Sri Lanka (added listings for CBSL B29a and BNP10a)
Tunisia (added listing for BCT B35a)
Turkmenistan (added new listing in Sources)
spreadsheet (added New 2013.12.02 sheet)

29 November 2013
Bangladesh (added listings for BB B28as, B29as, B30as, B41cs, B48c)
Barbados (deleted reference to legal tender status of 1973 notes in 2013 introduction)
Belize (added listings for GOB B3ap and B4p; expanded some note descriptions; added some replacement note info)
British Caribbean Territories (added listings for CB B1as, B2as, and B3as)
Ceylon (added listings for CBC B26as, B27as, B28as, B30as, B32as1/2, B33as, B34as, and B49s)
Cyprus (added listings for CBC B1qs, B1rs, B2ls, B8es, B8fs, B8ls)
Cuba (added listings for BCC B8h and B12c)
Danzig (expanded signatory names; deleted DZ B9as; renumbered BVD B8bt4 as B8bt2; corrected dates on SD B9-B11)
European Monetary Union (corrected color for ECB B4)
Jersey (added replacement note info to listings for SOJ B27-B31)
Kenya (added listings for CBK B19s, B20s1/2, B21s1/2; repaginated)
Lebanon (added listing for BDL B38)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B35h)
Papua New Guinea (added listings for BPNG B50 and B51)
Sudan (corrected description of BOS B31)
Trinidad and Tobago (added full name for signatory Hewetson)

22 November 2013
Barbados (added prefix ranges for GOB B3-B6, CBB B10)
Belarus (added terms of service for signatories; added listings for NBRB B24b and B25b)
Ghana (added listing for BOG B47d)
Guyana (updated the Looking Forward item regarding new 5,000-dollar note to be issued 9 December 2013)
Hong Kong (added replacement note info to listing for BOC B14)
Lithuania (added listing for LB BNP1a)
Maldives (added listings for GOM B2as, B3as, B4as, B5as2)
Nicaragua (corrected Spanish accents throughout)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B32l)
Paraguay (corrected typos in signatory names; corrected accent on guaraní)
Rwanda and Burundi (added listing for BERB B2as1/as2, B3as3, B4as, B6as1/2)
Seychelles (added illustration for GOS B4a; added full names for some signatories)
spreadsheet (added New 2013.11.18 sheet)

15 November 2013
Bangladesh (added cross-references to overstamped Pakistan listings; added listings for GOB B1as, BB B1as, B2as, B3bs, B6as, B12as2, B35ds, B38as)
Barbados (added listing for GOB B2bs, extended prefix ranges for various notes)
Canada (added images of issued BOC B71 and B72; corrected signature and intro dates for same)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B3h3)
French Pacific Territories (added listing for IEOM B3j)
Jordan (added listing for CBJ B29g)
Laos (removed references to BNL B1 - B5 being printed in Bulgaria)
Myanmar (added bank's URL; added Looking Forward item regarding new note to feature General Aung San)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B23d1/2)
North Korea (added watermark info for DPRK B19c)
Pakistan (added cross-references to overstamped Bangladesh listings; added listings for SBP B31j and B34g/h)

8 November 2013
Albania (added listings for BES B13d and B20b)
Australia (added listings for RBA B2b, B19g, B23d, BNP5.10, BNP5.20, and BNP5.50)
Azerbaijan (added listing for AG B1c)
Bahamas (added listing for BG B8bs; added info about Latin motto to 1964 Issues intro)
Bahrain (added dates of demonetization and introduction for several notes; corrected/expanded descriptions of several notes)
Brazil (corrected several typos in signatory names; added full names for several signatories)
East Caribbean States (added full names for several signatories)
Ghana (added listings for BOG B45e, B46d, and B48d)
Kuwait (added Looking Forward info about polymer notes in 2014; added listing for CBK B24g)
Macau (added replacement note info and extended prefix ranges)
Malaysia (added listings for BNM B49as and B50as)
Maldives (added listing for MMA B14c)
Mongolia (added illustration of intaglio/lithograph differences on MB B35)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for TDRB B11b and B11bs)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for CBA B27b)
spreadsheet (added New 2013.11.04 sheet)

1 November 2013
Armenia (corrected color description for CBA B4)
Aruba (corrected images for CBA B18-B20)
Australia (corrected various typos and added minor information throughout)
European Monetary Union (added listings for ECB B1v1s, B2x1s, B3z1s, B4x1s, B5s1s, B6p1s, B7s1s)
French India (extended series ranges for some notes)
Ivory Coast (added full name for signatory Antonetti)
Malta (corrected typos)
Solomon Islands (added listing for CBIS B21)
Straits Settlements (added signature 1.5; added listings for GSS B21as and B22bs)
Suriname (added listings for CVBS B40c, B41d, B42d, B43c, B44b)
Tajikistan (added info about laser-etching to NBT B12a description)

25 October 2013
Afghanistan (corrected watermark description for DAB B43)
Albania (added thread width information to BES B13)
Algeria (extended series ranges for BCA B2a and B14a; identified mosque on back of BOA B2)
Angola (corrected watermark description for BNA B6-B9; added demonetization dates for B17-B25; corrected size for B40)
Armenia (corrected typo)
Bangladesh (added listing for BB B53c)
Brazil (corrected color descriptions for medallions in BCB B11 and B12)
British Guiana (corrected identification of signatory Clementi)
European Monetary Union (corrected watermark description for ECB B8)
French India (extended series ranges for BIC B7 varieties)
French Pacific Territories (added Looking Forward item about new notes in 2014)
Kenya (replaced CBK B4as with B4bs; added B9t and B42as)
Laos (corrected description of replacement notes for BNL B1-B5)
Papua New Guinea (added replacement note info for B42)
spreadsheet (added New 2013.10.21 sheet)

18 October 2013
Albania (identified DREJTORI in BES signature 7)
Bohemia and Moravia (corrected watermark info for PBM B2)
Brazil (corrected thread description for BCB B39a; corrected intro date format for BCB B50-B52)
Haiti (extended prefix range for BRH B13b)
Lebanon (corrected thread description for BDL B11)
Mauritania (corrected date for BCM B10s; indicated B6d and B7d are "Unconfirmed")
Mongolia (added full name for MB signatory 6; added listings for MB B36a, B35b)
Nepal (added listing for NRB B85a)
North Korea (added info about security fibers to description of DPRK B22)
Oceania (corrected typo referring to JG B2 as JB B2)
Syria (corrected watermark info for CBS B26)

11 October 2013
Bermuda (added listings for BMA BNP1 and BNP2)
French Pacific Territories (added listings for IEOM B2m, B4h)
Lebanon (added listing for BDL B35b)
Mongolia (added listings for MB B21c, B30c, B31c, B32b, B33b)
Papua New Guinea (added listing for BPNG B10e; added replacement note info for B41)
South Korea (extended block ranges for many listings)
spreadsheet (added New 2013.10.06 sheet)

4 October 2013
Albania (added listing for BES B18c)
Central African States (added listings for BEAC B9Fb, B10Fb)
Equatorial Guinea (identified BEAC signatories by full names)
Libya (corrected signature information for CBL B43-45)
Mauritius (improved image of BOM B32)
Morocco (identified BAM signatory 9)
Nepal (added listing for NRB B84a)
New Zealand (adjusted values for RBNZ B1-B4)
Solomon Islands (added Looking Forward item on new 50-dollar note)

27 September 2013
Afghanistan (added illustration of change in DAB B51d)
Bangladesh (added illustration for BB BNP3a)
Ghana (added listing for BOG B52a)
Guinea (added info about 1917 issues; repaginated)
Jamaica (added full names for various signatories)
Kyrgyzstan (corrected capitalization of Datka)
Lebanon (added listing for BDL B37a)
Mauritius (improved images for BOM B30, B31)
Mongolia (added full names of MB signatories; added replacement note info for some listings)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B29i)
Rwanda (added listing for NBR B37a)
Tajikistan (corrected color description for NBT B7 and B15)
Turkmenistan (corrected color description for TMB B8 and thread description for B11)
spreadsheet (added New 2013.09.22 sheet)

20 September 2013
Botswana (added listings for BOB B24c, B28c)
Central African States (added listings for BEAC B6Ab, B10Ab)
Lebanon (added detail to description of BDL B2)
Malawi (added listings for RBM B52b, B54b)
Morocco (added illustration for BAM B17)
Nepal (added listing for NRB B83a)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B32k)
Papua New Guinea (added listing for BPNG B42as2)
Paraguay (adjusted value of BCP B50)

13 September 2013
Bhutan (added listing for RMA B20b)
Central African States (renumbered signature varieties for BEAC B10T)
Cuba (added listing for BCC B6m)
Namibia (corrected illustration for BON B3)
Nepal (added listings for NRB B81a, B82a)
Sri Lanka (added replacement note info for 2010 issues)

6 September 2013
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B59c)
Angola (added listing for BNA B37c)
Bangladesh (added listings for BB B49c, B50.5b, B51c, and B39h)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B3y3)
Gambia (added listing for CBG B25c)
Lebanon (added listings for DBL B32b, B36a)
Nepal (added listing for NRB B80a)
Uganda (corrected identification of notes in caption on page 5)
Rwanda (removed "unconfirmed" from description of BNR B5b)
Rwanda-Burundi (added cross-references to handstamped and embossed Rwanda notes)
Singapore (added listing for MAS B5f)
Zambia (identified printer for BOZ B31, B32)

30 August 2013
Bermuda (adjusted values for BG B12 and B13)
European Monetary Union (added listings for ECB B4p3, B4s3, B4v3, B4x3, and B4z3)
Mauritius (corrected printer info for BOM B30a and B31a)
Morocco (added listings for BAM B15 to B18)
United Arab Emirates (added listings for CBA B26b and B28b)
spreadsheet (added New 2013.08.25 sheet)

23 August 2013
Afghanistan (added listings for DAB B51c, B52c)
British Guiana (removed "Unconfirmed" from GBG B1b listing)
Central African States (renumbered varieties for BEAC B6U, B8U, B9U, and B10U; added listings for B6Fb, B9Ab, B9Tb)
Mauritius (added listings for BOM B30a, B31a, B32a)
Moldova (added listing for BNM B9g, B14d)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for GTT B3b)

16 August 2013
Bangladesh (added listing for BB B54c)
Mauritius (corrected order of front/back images for BOM B3, B8, and B11)
Moldova (added listings for BNM B10g, B11j B12f, B13c)
Pakistan (added listings for SBP B35j and B38j)
Singapore (changed descriptions of MAS B7b/c/d, added B7e)
United Arab Emirates (removed face values for pre-1989 issues)
spreadsheet (added New 2013.08.11 sheet)

9 August 2013
Bermuda (improved image for BG B1, B3, B9, B10, B12, B13, B14, B19, B20, B21, B22, B23; added listings for BG B6s1/2, B7p, B8as, B10bs, B11as, B14.5, B18as, B19p, B20p, B22as, B22t1/t2, B23t, B25as1/2, BMA B1es/fs/gs/hs, B2as/cs/ds, B3bs, B4as1/as2/cs/ds/es, B5bs, B7as/bs, B8as, B9as, B10as, B11as, B12as, B13as, B14as/bs, B15as/bs/ds, B16as/cs/ds, B17bs, B19as/bs/cs/ds, B20as, B21as, B28as, BNP3as; repaginated)
British Guiana (removed "unconfirmed" from GBG B2b)
European Monetary Union (added listings for ECB B3d3, B3e3, B3u3)
Israel (updated information on new NIS50 and NIS200 expected introduction dates)
Uzbekistan (added listing for CBU B13)

2 August 2013
Bangladesh (added 1- or 2-letter prefix info for BB B20f)
Falkland Islands (added illustration of GFI B1; replaced illustration of GFI B4; deleted GFI B2a)
Gambia (added listings for CBG B23c and B27b)
Georgia (added listing for NBG B52c)
Gilbert and Ellice Islands (added name for Treasurer signatory)
Mauritius (corrected images for BOM B4)
Pakistan (added 1- or 2-letter prefix info for SBP B16a and B17a)
Serbia (corrected intro dates for NBS B14b, B15b, and B17b; added listing for B18b)
Singapore (added info about diamond symbols indicating new printings)

26 July 2013
Libya (corrected description for CBL B45)
Lithuania (extended series/prefix ranges for LB B5 - B30)
Maldives (corrected spelling of dhivehi)
Pakistan (upgraded image of SBP B1)
Papua New Guinea (added listings for BPNG B9as/cs, B20as, B22as, B27as, B29as, B33as)
Solomon Islands (corrected description for SIMA BNP1)
Sri Lanka (distinguished between CBSL signature varieties 4a/b)

19 July 2013
Bahamas (corrected illustration for CBB B45a)
Ghana (added listings for BOG B5as2, B6as2, B7p, B18p, B20p, B21p, B21as2, B22as, B23p)
Leeward Islands (corrected signatory identification)
Papua New Guinea (added listings for BPNG B34c/cs, B36b/bs, B37b/bs, B38bs, B49as)
Straits Settlements (extended prefix range for GSS B15c)
Syria (expanded description for CBS B16as)
Trinidad and Tobago (corrected identification of middle signture 3)

12 July 2013
Bahamas (added listing for CBB B45a)
Bangladesh (added listings for BB B58a and BB BNP4a)
Bermuda (added full names for some signatories; added color change notation to description of BMA B30b)
Croatia (added listings for HNB B5b, B6b)
Falkland Islands (corrected name for signature 4)
Namibia (added listing for BON B9as)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B34e)
Republic of the Congo (corrected descriptions for BEAC B8, B9, and B10)
South Korea (extended block ranges for several listings)

5 July 2013
Falkland Islands (added GFI signature 1.5; added illustrations for GFI signatures 1 and 1.5; added 1901 variety for GFI B2 and renumbered subsequent date varieties)
Gambia (added listing for CBG B24c)
Serbia (corrected Cyrillic name of bank)
spreadsheet (added New 2013.06.29 sheet)

28 June 2013
Angola (replaced images and corrected descriptions for BNA B47-B49)
Cuba (added detailed images of BNC B11 varieties; added printer info to listings for BNC B4c, B5c, and B16b)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for SAMA B31c)
Sudan (corrected the image for BOS signature 2)
Trans-Dniester (added listings for TDRB B7c/cs and B13b/bs)
Uzbekistan (added Looking Forward item)

21 June 2013
Barbados (replaced images for CBB B32-B37)
Kenya (added listings for CBK B32bs, B33as, B34as, B35as, B36as, B37as)
Libya (added listing for CBL B45a)
Namibia (added listings for BON B14a, B15a)
Netherlands Antilles (added listings for BNA B1b, B2b, B3b)
Rwanda (added listings for BNR B25b, B26b, and B27b)
Tajikistan (deleted listing for NBT B12b)
Zimbabwe (added replacement note info for RBZ B76)
spreadsheet (added New 16.06.2013 sheet)

14 June 2013
Canada (corrected images for BOC B14; corrected printer prefix list for BOC B48)
Kenya (added listing for CBK B7t)

7 June 2013
Bermuda (replaced face values for withdrawal dates for BMA B2-B29)
Bhutan (added listing for RMA B16b)
Biafra (added listings for BOB B3as, B4as, B6as, B7as)
Germany, Federal Republic of (added listings for DB B30as, B31as, B32as)
Gibraltar (added listing for GOG B15es)
Namibia (added Looking Forward item about revised 10- and 20-dollar notes)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B36g)
Saint Helena (added listing for GOSH B4s)
Tajikistan (added listings for NBT B8b, B9b, B10b, B12b, B14a, and B15a)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for GTT B1as)
Uzbekistan (corrected description for CBU B10)
spreadsheet (added New 01.06.2013 sheet)

31 May 2013
Arab Republic of Yemen (added listings for ARY B2bs, B9t, B10as)
Comoros (added listing for IEC B3as)
Democratic Republic of Yemen (added listing for BOY B4as)
Kenya (added listings for CBK B18as, B21as, B22es, B23es, B29as, B30ds)
Liberia (added listings for CBL B6g and B6gs)
Pakistan (added listing for SBP B33h)
Madagascar (added listings for BFM B1as, B2as, B14as)
Qatar & Dubai (added listings for QDCB B1t - B6t)
Yemen (added listing for CBY B2t)

24 May 2013

Barbados (added listing for GOB B2t)
Bermuda (added listing for BG B8t)
British Caribbean Territories (added listings for CB B7t, B8t)
Cambodia (added listings for NBC B25a and B25as)
Cyprus (added listing for ROC B1t)
French Pacific Territories (added listing for IEOM B2fs)
Kenya (added listings for CBK B4t, B5t, B6as, B14s)
Lebanon (added listings for BDL B34as, B34b, and B35as)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for SAMA B30c)
Straits Settlements (corrected identification of Capper in signature 1)
Tanzania (added listing for BOT B6cs)
spreadsheet (added New 18.05.2013 sheet)

17 May 2013
Iraq (added listing for GOI B5as)
Kenya (added listing for CBK B8as and B10as)
Lebanon (changed illustration for BDL B19a; added listings for BDL B11bs1/2, B11cs1/2, B11ds1/2, B32as)
Liberia (added listings for CBL B6fs, B7fs, B8fs, B9es, and B10fs)
Rwanda (added Looking Forward article about new 500-franc note due by end of 2013)
Suriname (identified several signatories by name)
Zanzibar (added listings for ZG B4at1/2)

10 May 2013
Aghanistan (added listing for DAB B6t)
Bangladesh (added light/dark blue descritptions to BB B52a/b listings; added watermark description to BB B57a listing)
Bermuda (added listing for BMA B33b)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B8n3, B8s3, B8v3, B8z3; added 2013 Printing Code Locations table)
Nepal (corrected descriptions of NRB BNP1 and BNP2)
Netherlands New Guinea (revised values throughout)
North Korea (added watermark info for DPRK B27a)
Suriname (corrected signatures for CBVS B45-B49)
Vanuatu (added listing for RBV BNP1)
Yemen (added listing for CBY B28b)
spreadsheet (added New 04.05.2013 sheet)

3 May 2013
Bangladesh (revised description of BB B21c)
Barbados (added listings for CBB B32-B37)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B8u3)
Guinea (added listing for BCRB B30b)
Israel (added listings for BOI B3as2, B4as2, B5as2, and information on expected new notes)
Morocco (added BAM signature 9 to table; corrected signature number for BAM B14a)
Papua New Guinea (added listing for BPNG B32as)
Qatar & Dubai (added information about Bonhams auction of set of notes; replaced images of QDCB B4 and B5 specimens with issued notes)
Saint Helena (expanded description of East India Company coat of arms)
Suriname (added printer imprint information to CBVS B31 - B39)

26 April 2013
Angola (added listings for BNA B43-B49)
Barbados (extended prefix range for CBB B17b)
Congo Democratic Republic (revised descriptions for BNC B8, BCC B25, B26)
Ghana (identified several signatories by name)
Laos (added cautionary introduction to LPDR B1 as possibly privately produced)
Malagasy Republic (added listing for IEM B3c1)
Nigeria (identified several signatories by name)
Saint Helena (identified several signatories by name; repaginated)
Syria (corrected Pick cross-references for CBS B5)
spreadsheet (added New 21.04.2013 sheet)

19 April 2013
Albania (corrected dimensions for BES B20)
Bhutan (added listing for RMA B19b)
Ethiopia (confirmed signature for BOE B2c and B3c; added listings for NBE B19as, B21as, B22as)
Palestine (added listing for PCB B6bs)
South Vietnam (identified several signatories by name)
Trinidad and Tobago (added new Pick numbers from SCWPM 19th edition)

12 April 2013
Angola (identified several signatories by name; added listing for BNA B36c)
Bahamas (identified several signatories by name)
Belize (identified several signatories by name)
Bhutan (added listing for RMA B18b)
Burundi (identified several signatories by name)
Equatorial Guinea (identified several signatories by name)
Kuwait (added listing for CBK B28h)
Liberia (added listing for CBL B10f/g)
Libya (added listings for CBL B43a and B44a)
Malawi (added listing for RBM B55b; added new Pick numbers from SCWPM 19th edition)
Malaya and British Borneo (identified several signatories by name)
Malta (identified several signatories by name; added listing for CBM B5as1/2)
Memel (identified several signatories by name)
Netherlands Antilles (identified several signatories by name)
Nigeria (identified several signatories by name)
Papua New Guinea (added demonetization dates for all paper notes)
Rwanda (identified several signatories by name; confirmed BNR B2a)
Sao Tome and Principe (identified several signatories by name; added listings for BNSTP B8p, B9p, B10p, B11p)
Uganda (identified several signatories by name; added listings for BOU B1ap)

5 April 2013
Bangladesh (added listing for GOB B7c)
Bermuda (added listing for BMA B30b)
Biafra (identified several signatories by name)
Burundi (identified several signatories by name)
Ceylon (identified several signatories by name)
Chad (identified several signatories by name)
Gabon (identified several signatories by name)
Guinea (identified several signatories by name)
Kazakhstan (added listing for NBK B41)
Nicaragua (identified several signatories by name)
Rwanda and Burundi (identified several signatories by name)
Trans-Dniester (corrected dimensions for TDB B29)
Trinidad and Tobago (identified several signatories by name)

29 March 2013
Croatia (added listings for HNB B2b, B3b)
French Pacific Territories (added listing for IEOM B1h)
Gambia (corrected printer information for CBG B5 to B8)
Kazakhstan (added listing for NBK BNP1a)
Qatar (corrected order of prefix numerators for replacement notes)
Seychelles (added printer information for 1968 to 1983 issues)
Tunisia (added printer information for BCT B1 to B16; identified several signatories)

22 March 2013
Angola (identified several signatories by name)
Belize (identified several signatories by name)
Bhutan (added new Pick numbers from SCWPM 19th edition)
Biafra (revised maps)
British Caribbean Territories (identified several signatories by name; corrected dates for CB B11e/g)
Cambodia (identified several signatories by name)
Croatia (corrected dimensions for HDB B5)
Ethiopia (identified several signatories by name)
Jamaica (corrected two minor errors)
Lesotho (identified several signatories by name)
Liberia (identified several signatories by name)
Libya (added before/after illustrations for 1971-1972 issues)
Malawi (identified several signatories by name)
Netherlands Antilles (identified several signatories by name)
Nigeria (standardized signature table dates to format)
Sao Tome and Principe (identified several signatories by name)
Sierra Leone (identified several signatories by name)
Swaziland (identified several signatories by name)
Tanzania (identified several signatories by name)
Trinidad and Tobago (identified several signatories by name)
Zambia (identified several signatories by name)
Zanzibar (identified several signatories by name)
Zimbabwe (reversed descriptions of RBZ B64a/b for consistency with B65 and B67)

15 March 2013
Barbados (added listings for CBB B25c, B26c, and B27c; added new Pick numbers from SCWPM 19th edition)
British Caribbean Territories (identified several signatories by name)
British Guiana (identified several signatories by name)
Burundi (identified several signatories by name)
Congo Democratic Republic (corrected registration device description for BC B22-B26; replaced images of BCC B26 with issued note; added BCC B17c)
European Monetary Union (added listing for ECB B3x3)
Jamaica (combined prefix length varieties for BOJ B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B16, B39; added BOJ B3as1/2, B16as, B16bs2, B17as, B23bs)
Mauritius (identified several signatories by name)
Nigeria (identified printer for several notes)
Rwanda (identified several signatories by name)
Rwanda and Burundi (identified several signatories by name)
Tanzania (added replacement note info for BOT B40-B43; added listing for BOT B6as, B7as, )
Trinidad and Tobago (identified several signatories by name)

8 March 2013
Angola (added listing for BNA B35c)
Bahamas (identified several signatories by name)
Barbados (identified several signatories by name)
Bahrain (corrected starting page number)
Belize (identified several signatories by name)
British Caribbean Territories (identified several signatories by name)
British Guiana (identified several signatories by name)
British Solomon Islands (identified several signatories by name)
Burundi (illustrated minor differences in BRB B14 date varieties)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listings for BNC B4as, B4t, B6bs, and B7as; variety letters assigned to BNC B1, B2, B3; added prefix info to BNC B1 - B10)
East Caribbean States (added illustrations of differences between ECCB B20 and B25; added new Pick numbers from SCWPM 19th edition)
Ethiopia (added listing for SBE B5t, NBE B10bs, B16as, B17as, B24bs)
Fiji (added listings for RBF BNP4 - BNP9)
Isle of Man (added listing for IOMB B5e)
Jamaica (identified several signatories by name)
Singapore (added listing for MAS B6d)
Trinidad and Tobago (identified several signatories by name)

1 March 2013
Afghanistan (added new Pick numbers from SCWPM 19th edition)
Albania (added listings for BES B17bs, BES B18bs, and BES B21as; added new Pick numbers from SCWPM 19th edition)
Angola (added new Pick numbers from SCWPM 19th edition)
Bahamas (identified a few more signatories by full names)
British Guiana (identified a few more signatories by full names)
Congo Democratic Republic (identified CMRC signatories; variety letters assigned to CMRC B2)
Falkland Islands (corrected and expanded names of several GFI signatories)
Nigeria (added new Pick numbers from SCWPM 19th edition)
Qatar (added new Pick numbers from SCWPM 19th edition)
Seychelles (identified musical instrument on back of CBS B5)
Singapore (added listing for MAS B10g)
Sudan (added name and terms of service for CBS signatories; added mention of 8/9-digit serial numbers for BOS B41c)
United Arab Emirates (added new Pick numbers from SCWPM 19th edition)

22 February 2013
Afghanistan (minor correction to introduction to 1936 issues)
Belize (identified additional signatories)
Trinidad and Tobago (identified additional signatories)

15 February 2013
British Caribbean Territories (corrected and expanded various signatory identifications)
Burundi (added listing for BRB B35b)
Libya (extended confirmed prefix ranges for various notes)
Malaysia (added prefix ranges for most listings)
Nicaragua (added known prefixes for BCN B48, B52, and B53)
Pakistan (added listings for GOP B13as, B15as, B16as, B17bs; SBP B4bs1/2, B6as, B7as, B8bs, B10as, B11as, B12bs, B13as, B14as, B15as, B16as, B17as, B18as, B19as, B20as, B21as, B22as, B27as; repaginated)
Singapore (corrected signature for MAS B8f and B9c)
Sudan (added illustrations of watermark varieties for CBS B1a/b)

8 February 2013
Botswana (added listing for BOB B25c and B26b)
British Guiana (identified several signatories by name)
Liberia (added listing for CBL B9c1)
Libya (extended confirmed prefix ranges for CBL B15a, B24a, and B33a)
Mauritius (added listing for BOM B22f)
Mozambique (added listings for specimens of BDM B34-B39 and replacement note info for same)
Nicaragua (added listing for BCN B101p)
Trans-Dniester (added listing for TDRB B9b)
Trinidad and Tobago (identified several signatories by name)

1 February 2013
Bangladesh (added listings for BB B57 and BNP3)
Cambodia (added listing for NBC B24)
Fiji (replaced illustrations for RBF B26-B30)
Libya (extended known prefix ranges for several listings)
Malaysia (corrected dimensions of BNM B52)
Malawi (added signature varieties RBM 8a/b)
Netherlands Antilles (added illustration for BNA B5a)
Nigeria (identified signatory by full name for GON B1-B3)
Seychelles (added dimensions for GOS B12)
Suriname (upgraded illustration for CBVS B4a and B5a)
Uzbekistan (added listing for CBU B2.5p)
Zambia (added listing for BOZ B47h)

25 January 2013
Belize (removed marks in checkboxes)
Ethiopia (added listing for NBE B33f)
Israel (added illustration for APB B10as; repaginated)
Gambia (added full names for several signatories)
Guinea (added listing for BCRG B7as)
Malaysia (corrected printer info for BNM B17; deleted BNM B29d)
Oman (identified printer for CBO B2, B9, B10, B19-26; added replacement note info for CBO B21, B31, B34, and B35; repaginated)
Sao Tome and Principe (added original signature information to BNSTP B3-B7)
Zambia (replaced illustrations and adjusted descriptions for BOZ B52-B57)

18 January 2013
Ghana (added listing for BOG B45d)
Kenya (added listings for CBK B35f1/f2, B36e1/e2)
Nicaragua (added specimen listings for BCN B61-B65, B68as, B70as, B71as, B72as2; added listings for BCN B23b and B24b)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B9as3, B14as4, B15as3/4, B16as3, B18as1/2, B21as, B22b1/b2, B23as, B27r; repaginated)
Samoa (added listings for CBS B13b, B15b, B19a)

11 January 2013
Fiji (corrected spelling of kacua in descriptions of RBF B13 and B19)
Gambia (added listing for CBG B22c; removed replacement note info from CBG B1 - B4)
Jordan (corrected description of several notes to remove error regarding King Hussein wearing kuffiyeh)
Nicaragua (added listing for BCN B31b, B31bs, B32as1/2, B32b, B32bs, B33as1/2, B33b, B40b; added illustration of BCN B33.5)
Rwanda (replaced images of BNR B4 and B5; added values for same)
Sao Tome and Principe (corrected description of back of BCSTP B3)
Suriname (identified flowers on CBVS B16 - B21)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for CBTT B15bs)
Uzbekistan (added listing for BOU B5b)
Zambia (revised face values and demonetization dates as a result of rebased currency; corrected descriptions of new notes)

4 January 2013
Bermuda (replaced illustration of BMA B36 specimen with issued note)
Liberia (added listings for CBL B8g and B9f)
Nicaragua (identified several unknown signatories; corrected replacement note info for BCN B38-B40 and B45-B53; corrected description of BCN B15b; deleted BCN B61b; added listings for BCN B1as, B2as1/2/3, B3as1/2/3, B4as1/2, B5as1/2, B6as1/2, B7as1/2, B8as1/2, B9as1/2, B9b, B10as1/2, B11as1/2, B12as1/2, B13as1/2, B14as1/2, B17as1/2, B68bs, B70bs, B71bs, B73a, B74a, B75as, and B77as; repaginated)
Singapore (added listings for MAS B5e, B8f, and B9c)

28 December 2012
Angola (added Looking Forward item about new 5,000- and 10,000-kwanza notes)
Barbados (extended prefix ranges for CBB B11b and B22b)
Fiji (corrected printer imprints for RBF B6 and B8; added listings for 2013 notes)
Netherlands Antilles (added listing for BNA B26g dated 01.06.2012)
Nicaragua (added date for BCN B103; repaginated)
Seychelles (added illustration for GOS B6 1918 1-rupee note)

21 December 2012
Cameroon (added series ranges to help distinguish intaglio/litho varieties for BC B5 and B6)
Liberia (added listing for CBL B6f, B7f, B10f, all dated 2011)
Mauritania (upgraded image for BCM B22)
Zambia (added listing for BOZ B49h)

14 December 2012
Equatorial Guinea (added listing for BP P1as)
South Korea (extended block number ranges for various notes)

7 December 2012
Bangladesh (added listing for BB B49b; repaginated)
Cambodia (added listings for KR B1-B5 and MTC B1-B7)
Croatia (added listings for HDB B5as, NDH B8as, B1as, B2as, B3as)
Guinea (added listing for BCRG B20r remainder)
Kazakhstan (added listing for NBK B14b; repaginated)
Malagasy Republic (added listing for IEM B11as, BFRM B1as3, B2as3, B3as3)
Mauritania (added listing for BCM B22, new 5,000 ouguiya)
Uganda (added demonetization date 31.12.2013 for many pre-2010 notes)

30 November 2012
Congo Democratic Republic (added replacement note info for BCC B23)
Fiji (added Looking Forward item about new notes due 02.01.2013)
Ghana (corrected spelling of Larabanga mosque on BOG B16; corrected spelling of Akosombo Dam on BOG B17; revised introductory text for BOG B51)
Guinea (added listing for BCRG B3as2)
Iraq (renumbered CBI B41c to B41d, making room for new B41c)
Lebanon (renumbered duplicate B16as listing as B16bs; identified unknown signatory 10)
Memel (combined HDM B1a/b; added remainder listings for HDM B1-B5; repaginated)
Moldova (added listing for BNM B8i without security thread)
Nigeria (added listings for CBN B28m and B32j)

23 November 2012
Falkland Islands (adjusted values for GFI B9, B11, B12, B14)
Ghana (added many specimen listings; repaginated)
South Sudan (adjusted values for all notes)

16 November 2012
Azerbaijan (added Looking Forward item about new 200- and 500-manat notes)
Belize (added listing for CBB B25; repaginated)
Botswana (added listing for BOB B4as2, B5as2, B6as2, B7as2, B8bs2, B9bs2, B11as2; repaginated)
Gambia (added specimen listings for CBG B6 - B12; identified printer for same as TDLR; repaginated)
Israel (added Looking Forward item about new note series due in 2013)
Malawi (added listings for RBM B5as2 - B8as2, B5t - B8t, B13bs, B14as-hs; adjusted some valuations)
Mauritania (added listing for BCM B21)
Mozambique (added demonetization date for BDM B10 - B18)
Nepal (added "plain/detailed feathers in plumed crown" to descriptions for NRB B25 varieties)
Saar (adjusted value for TRE B6a)

9 November 2012
Belize (added listing for CBB B26d)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for BNC B11p)
Croatia (corrected spelling of printer Tumba Bruk)
German Democratic Republic (identified SDDR BNP1 signatory as Horst Kaminsky and added remainder variety for same)
Germany, Federal Republic (corrected spelling of Elsbeth Tucher; repaginated)
Gambia (added listings for CBG B1p, B2p, B3p, and B4p; reclassified several other proof notes as specimens; repaginated)
Ghana (added listing for BOG B1as2, B3as3, and B29as2)
Kenya (added listing for CBK B27as; reclassified several proof notes as specimens)
Laos (corrected numbering of specimen varieties for BNL B10)
Mauritius (removed prefix ranges from descriptions of UV overprint varieties for BOM B6, B10, and B11)
Moldova (added listing for BNM BNP1)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B14as3)

2 November 2012
Congo Democratic Republic (replaced image of BCC B26, corrected details about same)
Cyprus (added images of watermark varieties for CBC B21)
North Korea (added images of watermark varieties for DPRK B16)
Zaire (combined several variety listings which were based upon 1- vs 2-letter prefixes)

26 October 2012
Bangladesh (corrected overprint color in listing for BB B7as)
Barbados (added listing for CBB B29b)
Ghana (added listing for BOG B3ds2)
Palestine (improved illustration for PCB B5)
Lesotho (combined 1- or 2-letter prefix varieties for CBL B18 and B19; repaginated)
Uganda (added listing for BOU B56b 5,000-shilling note dated 2011)

19 October 2012
Barbados (extended confirmed prefix ranges for CBB B26-B29)
French Pacific Territories (added listing for IEOM B2l)
Mauritania (added listings for BCM B14cs, B15as, B16as, B17as, B19as, and B20as)
Nepal (added listing for NRB B9as2)
Turkmenistan (added listings for TMB B22-B25, new notes dated 2012)

12 October 2012
Cambodia (added listing for BNC B7bs)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for BNC B8as2)
Ethiopia (added listing for NBE B5as2)
Ghana (added listings for BOG B11as2, B12as2, B13as2)
Malaya (corrected description of JG B6a variety to include MB block letters)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for SAMA B13as; adjusted values for B7as, B9as)
Singapore (added listings for BCCS B3as, B8as)
South Vietnam (added listings for NBV B28as2, B29as2)

5 October 2012
Belarus (corrected identification of museum on NBRB B36)
Liberia (added images for RLTD B5a and B8a)
Macedonia (added listing for NBRM B6i 10-denar dated 2011)
Malaya (added listing for BCC B8c, 5 cents with portrait type C)
Myanmar (added Looking Forward item regarding abolishment of FECs; identified Royal Palace of Mandalay on back of CBM B16)
Namibia (added listing for BON B6cs)
New Zealand (added listing for RBNZ BNP4b)
Solomon Islands (added listing for CBSI BNP1)
South Korea (expanded confirmed block ranges for several notes; deleted serial number ranges for BOK B36)
Tajikistan (identified printer of NBT B13 as G&D, added variefeye thread info to listing for same)

28 September 2012
Bangladesh (added listing for BB B52b 100-taka note dated 2012)
Bermuda (added listing for BG B21t; adjusted several prices based upon recent auction results)
Brunei (added specimen listings for BCB B11as and B12as)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for BCC B20bs G&D specimen)
Falkland Islands (added listing for GFI B20b, 10-pound note dated 2011)
Maldives (added listing for MMA B15c dated 2008)
Trans-Dniester (added listing for TDRB B8b with corrected text)

21 September 2012
Bangladesh (added listing for BB B48b "light portrait" variety)
Congo Democratic Republic (corrected security thread descriptions for BCC B23-B25)
Malaysia (renumbered BNM BNP4 to BNP5 to fix duplicate number)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for B33c and B35c, both dated ١٤٣٣/2012)
Singapore (deleted BCCS BNP6b listing; corrected intro date for BNP6a; various other minor changes)
Tanzania (corrected description of front of BOT B31)

14 September 2012
Bahrain (added listing for BMA B4as)
German Democratic Republic (changed printer from Deutsche Notenbank to VEB Wertpapierdruckerei, Leipzig; added illustrations for DB B10-B12; repaginated)
Kazakhstan (deleted NBK B1c and B2c "no watermark" varieties)
Kenya (added listings for CBK B23s and B30as; added replacement note info for B34 and B43)
Nigeria (added Looking Forward item regarding abandonment of polymer)
Rhodesia (added dates of intro for RBR B4-B6)
Tanzania (added listing for BOT B18as)
Turkmenistan (revised listing for TMB B21s to indicate unissued status)
Uganda (added listings for BOU B4bs2, B5as, B28as, B45as, and B47as; added mention of "war notes")

7 September 2012
Congo Democratic Republic (corrected security feature descriptions for BCC B23-B25)
Georgia (added listing for NBG B49 10 lari dated 2012)
Ghana (added listing for BOG B14c with serif and sans serif font in year)
Kazakhstan (various minor changes)
Madagascar (removed "unconfirmed" notation for BDM B6a)
Pakistan (added listing for SBP B31i 10 rupee dated 2012, and SBP B39e 5000 rupee dated 2012)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listings for CBTT B27 and B28 50-dollar notes)

31 August 2012
Abyssinia (added proofs for all listings and upgrade illustrations of all notes)
Bangladesh (added listing for BB B50b, and B53b)
Congo Democratic Republic (corrected dimensions for BCC B23-B25)
Ghana (added listing for BOG B51)
Guinea (added listing for BCRG B36, 10,000 francs dated 2012)
Pakistan (added listing for SBP B35, 100 rupee dated 2012)

24 August 2012
Congo Democratic Republic (upgraded image for BCC B25; added specimen listings for BCC B23-B25)
Nigeria (added Looking Forward item about new notes due Q1 2013)
South Korea (extended verified block number ranges for several listings)

17 August 2012
Bangladesh (added listing for GOB B7b, 2-taka note dated 2012)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listings for BCC B23-B26)
Kyrgyzstan (added prefix information for KR B1-B3)
Sierra Leone (identified governor of signatures 10-12 as James S. A. Funna, and signature 14 as Stephen Swaray)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for CBA B33a, new 50-dirham note dated 2011)

10 August 2012
Bangladesh (added listing for new 20-taka note)
Bermuda (added identification of signatories for BMA signature 40)
Jamaica (added scans of actual 2012 commemorative notes)
Tanzania (added listing for BOT B5as specimen)

3 August 2012
Bermuda (added listing for BMA B36 revised 50-dollar note)
Ethiopia (added listing for NBE B34f 100 birr dated 2012)
Malaysia (corrected description of security threads on BNM B53)

27 July 2012
Comoros (added specimen listing for BCC B4; repaginated)
Saudi Arabia (added listing for SAMA B32b/c 10-riyal dated 2009 and 2012, respectively)

20 July 2012
Bangladesh (added listing for BB B51b, corrected 50-taka note)
Cameroon (identified signatories for 1914 and 1922 issues)
Madagascar (added listings for BFM B6as and B7as)
Malawi (added replacement note info for RBM B53 and B54)
Namibia (added Looking Forward item about 10- and 20-dollar notes cracking)
Zambia (added listing for BOZ B38j 50-kwacha dated 2010)

13 July 2012
British Caribbean Territories (added listings for CB B6 dated 1951, both issued and specimen)
Brunei (added listing for BCB B25as specimen)
Ghana (added Looking Forward item regarding new 50-cedi note; confirmed BOG B34e; repaginated)
Malawi (added replacement note info for RBM B55)
Singapore (added listing for MAS B5d)
Trinidad and Tobago (split GTT B7a into fractional and number/letter prefix varieties)

6 July 2012
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B53c)
Guinea (added listings for CGF B1 and B2 specimens)
Guyana (replaced listing for unconfirmed BOG B14as with confirmed B14cs; added Looking Forward item regarding proposed 5,000-dollar note)
Iraq (added listing for CBI B33.5; repaginated)
Jordan (added listings for unissued emergency notes CBJ B13.1 - B13.7)
Malaysia (added images for BNM BNP3 and BNP4; repaginated)
Samoa (added CBS B18, 50-tala commemorative; corrected dimensions for CBS B13 - B17)
Solomon Islands (added listing for CBSI B16c)
Zambia (added listings for BOZ B50h, B51d, both dated 2012)

29 June 2012
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B60b dated 2010)
Jordan (corrected spelling of signatory name Hashim Al Jayoosi)
Kazakhstan (added listing for NBK B40 non-commemorative 10,000-tengé)
Kuwait (corrected variety letters for CBK B25; repaginated)
Malta (added Sources citation; repaginated)
Namibia (switched order of BON B8b/c 8- and 7-digit serial number varieties)
Papua New Guinea (added listing for BPNG B11 with signature 6; relettered B11c-e)
Samoa (added CBS BNP2 set of 2008 specimens in folder)
Serbian Krajina (corrected typo in denomination for NB B28)
Sierra Leone (added Looking Forward item regarding new notes; repaginated)
South Vietnam (corrected watermark description for NBV B23b)

22 June 2012
Belarus (added 01.04.2014 demonetization date for NBRB B23/B24)
Bermuda (corrected date for BMA B17a; removed prefix info from listings for BMA B25/B26)
Falkland Islands (added image for GFI B4 1 pound color trial; expanded descriptions of QEII portraits; repaginated)
Georgia (corrected desciption of color and upgraded image for NBG B38)
Jamaica (added listing for BOJ B40 500 dollars dated 2011, specimens for B42/B43, and 2012 commemoratives)
Jersey (added listing for specimen SOJ B32 100 pounds)
Malawi (added replacement note info for RBM B49; repaginated)
Myanmar (added listing for CBM B16a 10,000 kyats)
Namibia (adjusted prices for BON B9-B13)
New Zealand (corrected dates of intro from RBNZ B8c/d; corrected signature for RBNZ B35b)
Nigeria (split listing for 200-naira notes dated 2010 into CBN B27o1/o2)

15 June 2012
Bangladesh (added detail to descriptions of 1971 Protest Issues)
Bermuda (added images of signature 1 and BG B1a issued note)
Cambodia (confirmed NBC B18d exists dated 2007 as issued note; repaginated)
Kazakhstan (changed pre-1997 TDLR references to H&S)
Maldives (corrected description of back of GOM B7)
Papua New Guinea (added detail to description of back of BPNG B48/B49)
Trinidad and Tobago (corrected price for GTT B8a in XF)
Uganda (added specimen listings for BOU B37a and B38a)

8 June 2012
Ethiopia (corrected name of NBE signature 2 as Taffara Deguefé)
Jersey (added new 100-pound commemorative and numismatic products; repaginated)
Malawi (added listings for new 2012 notes)
Mauritania (added info about BCM B14c printed on Hybrid)

1 June 2012
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B59b and B62b, both dated 2010)
Guinea (added listing for BCRG B28b dated 2012)
Kazakhstan (added Looking Forward item regarding new 10,000-tengé note like NBK B38, but without the 20th anniversary logo on back, and a new date of 2012)
Swaziland (added information about Hybrid substrate to introductions of CBS B29-B35; repaginated)
Uganda (added listing for BOU B30bs)

25 May 2012
Afghanistan (added listing for DAB B61b, 1,000-afghani dated 2010; added detail to descriptions of DAB B40 and B42; corrected typo in thread description of B46 and B47)
Albania (repaginated)
Azerbaijan (added listing for CBA B2, 5-manat dated 2009)
Belize (added listing for CBB B30; expanded descriptions of QEII portraits; repaginated)
Bermuda (expanded descriptions of colors for some notes)
Croatia (corrected dimensions of BH B12; repaginated)
Ethiopia (added specimen listings for BOE B2-B6 dated 1933; adjusted values for SBE B1-B6 specimens and color trials)
Kazakhstan (added IBNS Bank Note of Year 2011 info to NBK B38 listing; added varifeye Magic notation to NBK B35 listing)
Namibia (added Oberthur Technologies as printer of new 2011-2012 family; expanded descriptions of security features)
Nigeria (added various listings for CBN B5 to B20 specimens; B26, B27, and B29 dated 2012; B29 and B34 dated 2011; repaginated)

18 May 2012
Jordan (added listing for CBJ B32 dated 2012; repaginated)
Malawi (added Looking Forward item about new notes expected 23.05.2012)
Namibia (added listings for new 2011-2012 family; repaginated)
Netherlands Antilles (added images for BNA B6a; repaginated)
Nigeria (added Looking Forward item about possible new 2,000- and 5,000-naira notes; repaginated)
Papua New Guinea (reclassified BPNG B39c as new type, B49a; repaginated)

11 May 2012
Azerbaijan (added Looking Forward info about plans for new 150-, 200-, and 500-manat notes)
Guyana (added listing for BOG B14c with new electrotype watermark)
Malaysia (added proof listing for BNM B31bp; repaginated)
Uganda (added listing for BOU B57 dated 2011)
Zambia (added listing for BOZ B39 dated 2010; repaginated)
Zimbabwe (corrected printer for RBZ B62 from G&D to FPZ; repaginated)

4 May 2012
Azerbaijan (corrected various typos)
Bahrain (corrected minor typo; repaginated)
Bangladesh (corrected minor typos)
Laos (added kip corrected variety for BOL B2)
Slovenia (repaginated)

27 April 2012
Afghanistan (added listing for 50-afghani note dated 2008: DAB B62a)
Liberia (added new date variety for RLTD B1b; added new date variety and dimensions for RLTD B3a)
Madagascar (added specimen listings for BFM B17-B19)
Nigeria (added new titles in table above signature 19)
Singapore (swapped Pick cross-references for BCCS B28 and BCCS BNP5; added specimen listing for BCCS BNP5; repaginated)
Somalia (added specimen listings for various notes; repaginated)
Somaliland (added specimen listing for BOS B7bs)
South Sudan (added specimen listings for BSS B3as and B4as)
Zambia (added specimen listing for BOZ B46cs)
Zimbabwe (enhanced descriptions of various notes)

20 April 2012
Fiji (corrected typo in 1986-1995 subhead)
Gibraltar (added Sources listing and advertisement for Gibraltar's Currency & Banknotes 1898-2011)
Guinea (added listing for 100-franc note dated 2012: BCRG B24c)
Italian Somaliland (added 1957 numismatic product; added CCMS B5as; repaginated)
Malaysia (revised intro dates for BNM B49-B53)
Mali (repaginated; added BRM B7a notation: Available with 1-letter and letter-number prefixes.)
Mauritania (added listing for new 2,000-ouguiya note: BCM B20)
Samoa (added new CBS B8 - B10 varieties: solid security thread with printed CBS)
Sierra Leone (collapsed 1- and 2-letter prefix varieties for BSL B21-B24)
Somalia (added replacement note info for various listings; added specimen listings for BNS B5, B7-B9)

13 April 2012
Eritrea (added listings for new 50- and 100-nakfa notes dated 2011)
Oman (added replacement note info for CBO B19, B32, and B34)

6 April 2012
Belarus (corrected number for new 200,000-ruble note)
Cambodia (adjusted value for NBC BNP1)
Malawi (added subvarieties for signature 4; repaginated)

30 March 2012
Belarus (added listing for new 200,000-ruble note)
Laos (added listing for BOL B18 100,000-kip specimen)
Republic of Congo (removed "Unconfirmed" notation from description of BEAC B9 dated 1-01-1989)

23 March 2012
Afghanistan (corrected Islamic dates for DAB B37-B38)
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for CMRC B2 dated 29.06.63)
Czech Republic (added notation about premium for CNB B3a prefix U; adjusted price for CNB B4a)
Georgia (corrected spelling of Dmitri Gvindadze, Minister of Finance in NGB signature 7; identifed printers for NGB B1-B14; corrected several dates of intro)
Kazakhstan (split upper/lower left serial number varieties into separate listings for NBK B1-B6; added no watermark variety for NBK B1)
Kyrgyzstan (added KR B1b watermark variety; added precise intro dates for KR B1-B3)
Sao Tome and Principe (deleted specimen listings for BNSTP B3, B6, and B7 pending verification; added specimen listings for BNSTP B11as1, BCSTP B3c-B6c)

16 March 2012
Overall (revised regional classifications to comply with CIA World Factbook)
Introduction (made minor changes throughout)
Afghanistan (added proof listing for AT B6 5 afghanis; added DAB B45 sig. 10)
Malawi (added Looking Forward item about new series due in 2012)

9 March 2012
Falkland Islands (corrected currency code; repaginated)
Gibraltar (included full names and terms of service for signatories)
Guinea-Bissau (added specimen BNGB B7as2)
Mauritania (added Looking Forward item regarding new 2,000-ouguiya note; repaginated)
Oman (revised specimen descriptions throughout; added new 2010 listings)
Trinidad and Tobago (added listing for CBTT B8 with signature 3)
Uganda (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM; added specimen listings for BOU B7b, B22, B23, and B30)

2 March 2012
Cape Verde (added security thread and watermark details to BCV B16 listing)
Chad (identified BEAC signatories 9 and 10; repaginated)
Georgia (added 2011 variety for NBG B51 50 lari)
Mauritania (corrected left-hand signature title as General Treasurer)
Monaco (corrected abbreviation typo BDM to PDM)
Papua New Guina (added 2012 variety for BPNG B39 100 kina)
Sao Tome and Principe (added 10.12.2010 variety for BCSTP B5)
Tanzania (added info regarding 500-shilling note replaced by coin; repaginated)
Zambia (added 2011 variety for BOZ B47 5,000 kwacha)

24 February 2012
Belarus (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM; added info about microprinting error on 50,000-ruble note)
Brunei (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Cape Verde (identified aircraft on back of 200-escudo notes; corrected color and watermark description for BCV B12; added new specimen varieties for BCV B1-B3)
Cayman Islands (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM; repaginated)
Ghana (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Gibraltar (added listings for 1- and 5-pound notes dated 1965 with MacKay signature)
Guinea (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Jamaica (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Kazakhstan (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM; added specimen listing for NBK B39)
Laos (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Lesotho (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Macedonia (added listing for NBRM B8b specimen; repaginated)
Malawi (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Mauritania (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Myanmar (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Netherlands Antilles (removed reference to Leeward Islands in introduction)
Oman (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Papua New Guinea (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Sierra Leone (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
South Sudan (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Sri Lanka (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Swaziland (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Tajikistan (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM; repaginated)
Tanzania (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Vanuatu (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)
Yemen (added new Pick numbers from 18th edition of SCWPM)

17 February 2012
Botswana (added listings for BOB B24-B28 dated 2010)
Gibraltar (revised listings of 1927 notes to indicate watermark patterns)

10 February 2012
Congo Democratic Republic (added listing for CMRC B2 dated 19.06.63)
Gibraltar (added listings for GOG B30-B34 specimens; corrected first name of GOG signature 12 as Brian Traynor; added first names for some other signatories)
Jamaica (corrected image of binder for BOJ BNP5)
Maldives (expanded listings for MMA B1-B6 specimens; added MMA B10e dated 2011; added MMA B13b dated 2008)
Uganda (added BOU B48-B52 specimens; added values for BOU B54-B59 specimens)
Zaire (added listing for BDZ B26b with KA prefix)

3 February 2012
Belize (added listing for CBB B28d 50-dollar note dated 2010)
Ghana (added listing for BOG B47c 10-cedi note dated 2011)
Maldives (added listings for MMA B10, B11, and B14 specimens)
Solomon Islands (added listing for CBSI B20c 100-dollar signature variety)

27 January 2012
Comoros (amended listing for BMC B5b as "Unconfirmed")
German Democratic Republic (added new specimen varieties for DN B18-B22)
Ghana (confirmed BOG B16f; amended listing for BOG B34e as "Unconfirmed"; added listings for BOG B37bs and BOG B44as)
Guinea (added new specimen varieties for BCRG B20-B23)
Liberia (added 2011 variety for CBL B8f 20-dollar note)
Malaysia (added 3.5-mm tall prefix variety for BNM B39)
Somaliland (added listings for new 1,000- and 5,000-shilling notes)
Zambia (added news about 1000:1 revaluation of kwacha)

20 January 2012
Brunei (added specimen listing for BCB B19; repaginated)
Eritrea (added Looking Forward notice about new 50- and 100-nakfa notes)
Ghana (amended listings for BOG B16f and BOG B27e as "Unconfirmed.")
Kazakhstan (corrected description of NBK B32a to indicate error on front only)

13 January 2012
Belize (corrected date for CBB B26a 1st MARCH 2003)
Biafra (identified Director signatory as Dr. Uzoaga; adjusted values for BOB B6)
Equatorial Guinea (adjusted UNC value for BGE B2; added 7-digit sn variety for BGE B3)
Kazakhstan (added listing for new 5,000-tengé, NBK B39; repaginated)
Malaysia (added listings for 2011 "Fourth" issues)
Nigeria (added 2011 listings for CBN B36 and CBN B28); 2010 listing for CBN B26)
Samoa (added subvariety for signature 1; repaginated)

6 January 2012
Croatia (added images of NDH B10 and HDB B2)
Jordan (added listing for 2011-dated 1-dinar note CBJ B29f)
Kuwait (added information and illustrations regarding error on CBK B15/B20)
Muscat and Oman (added information about monetary system)
Palestine (improved illustration for PCB B3)
Somalia (adjusted values for 1962 issues)
Somaliland (added replacement note info for BOS B22)
United Arab Emirates (corrected name of Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid al Maktoum; improved image and corrected description of CBA B32)

30 December 2011
Belize (identified unknown CBB signature 13c as Darrell Bradley)
Congo Democratic Republic (added 08.07.63 variety for CMRC B2)
Georgia (added 2011 date variety for 5-lari note)
Ghana (added 2011 date variety for 5- and 20-cedi notes)
Guyana (changed illustrations to issued notes for new 500- and 1,000-dollar)
Laos (added specimen for BOL B17 2,000 kip dated 2011)
Liberia (added 2011 date variety for 50-dollar note)
Somalia (added replacement note information for CBS B6-B12)

22 December 2011
Cameroon (added back image for TDC B2; specimens for BC B2as2; BEAC B6as)
Comoros (added specimen variety for BMC B2as2)
Congo Democratic Republic (added two date varieties for CMRC B2)
Madagascar (replaced date varieties for BDM B1 with date range)
Malawi (added specimen for RBM B2as, RBM B3as, RBM B10as)
Mali (added specimen for BCM B3as2 and B4as2; repaginated)
Mauritania (added specimen for BCM B4es)
Solomon Islands (added new signature variety for CBSI B17)
Suriname (adjusted value of CBVS B19b)
Zambia (added new 2011 date varieties for BOZ B45, B46, and B49)

16 December 2011
Guyana (added specimen listing for BOG B17, new 1,000-dollar note)
Saudi Arabia (added new governor and terms of service in SAMA Signature Table)
The Banknote Update (added to the World section in the Content tab; a $15 value)

9 December 2011
Italian Somaliland (added listing for CCMS BNP1, a set of notes and coins in album)
Malawi (added listing for RBM B45, 100-kwacha dated 30th JUNE 2011)
South Sudan (added listings for piaster notes, BSS B7-B9; adjusted pound prices)
United Arab Emirates (added listing for new 1,000-dirham note, CBA B32)
Zambia (corrected printer imprint for BOZ B50)

2 December 2011
Croatia (changed prices for VG and VF NBH B7 and B8 to face value)
Georgia (added value for NBG B38 500 lari)
Guyana (added specimen for BOG B16; corrected descriptions of B16-B17; repaginated)
Malta (added GOM B11as; repaginated)

25 November 2011
Chad (added BEAC B5as specimen variety)
Congo Democratic Republic (added 15-08-1962 date for BNC B1)
Croatia (updated pricing for NBH B6; improved illustration for HNB B6)
Gabon (added BEAC B2ds specimen variety)
Kenya (added CBK B39g variety dated 16th JULY 2010)
Macedonia (added all-zero serial number specimens for NBM B1, B4, B6)
Rhodesia (extended prefix range for RBR B8p to K/152 - K/160)
Zambia (added 2011 date variety for BOZ B51; updated face values)

18 November 2011
Malawi (added Looking Forward item concerning dropping of 20-kwacha notes)
Nigeria (added CBN B37 variety dated 2011 with 6-digit serial numbers)
Swaziland (added CBS B25bs specimen)
Uganda (added Looking Forward item concerning possibility of 100,000-shilling note)
Zimbabwe (corrected 2006-2008 Bearer Cheque Issues intro to "from 1 cent to Z$100,000")

11 November 2011
Belarus (corrected date of intro for NBRB B26b)
Cameroon (added information about BEAC)
Central African Empire (added information about BEAC)
Central African Republic (added information about BEAC)
Chad (added information about BEAC)
Gabon (added information about BEAC)
Kenya (added CBK B1, B3, and B13 color trials with pricing)
Liberia (corrected year for RLTD B2a)
Nigeria (added CBN B32i and B35f varieties, both dated 2011; repaginated)
Rwanda and Burundi (repaginated)
Zambia (added proofs for BOZ B1-B3; added specimen for BOZ B3; repaginated)

4 November 2011
Aruba (added specimen varieties for CBA B11-B13; repaginated)
Gambia (added proof varieties for CBG B6-B8, B12; repaginated)
Kenya (added proof varieties for CBK B20-B23)
Sierra Leone (added proof variety for BSL B9)
Singapore (added explanation of use of symbols on backs of modern notes)
Solomon Islands (added new signature variety for CBSI B15)
Vanuatu (added new signature variety for RBV B3; repaginated)

28 October 2011
Belarus (added news about 200,000-ruble note expected in 2012)
Bhutan (added BMA BNP1 for new 100-ngultrum numismatic product)
Cameroon (added image for TDC B2)
Uganda (added specimen listings for 2010 notes; repaginated)
Italian Somaliland (replaced image of CCMS B5 with better condition note)
Liberia (added image for RLTD B3)
Malaysia (added news report about new banknote printers having been selected)
Maldives (added specimen listings for GOM B6a and B7a)
Mali (added specimen listings for BCM B3-B5)
Nigeria (added listing for CBN B29, 1,000-naira dated 2011)
Slovakia (adjusted valuations for earlier issues)

21 October 2011
Belarus (added NBRB B29b variety for windowed thread)
Bhutan (added RMA BPN1 listing for 100-ngultrum royal wedding commemorative)
Botswana (added 2010-dated varieties for BOB B25 and B28)
Guyana (removed marks from checkboxes; added listings for new $500 and $1000 notes)
Nigeria (added specimen varieties for CBN B13-B16 & B20)
Somalia (made various minor corrections; expanded descriptions of CBS security threads)

14 October 2011
Cameroon (added specimen varieties for BEAC B1 and B2)
Chad (added specimen variety for BEAC B1; added proof variety for BEAC B2)
Gabon (added proof variety for BEAC B1)

30 September 2011
Israel (corrected typos regarding spelling of new sheqel)
Papua New Guinea (added 2-kina 2008 Numismatic Product BNP4.5)

23 September 2011
Guinea (identified printers for 1985 and 1998 issues)
Lesotho (added values for CBL B11b)
Malta (added Maltese pound info to Monetary System section)
Slovenia (correct introduction date for BS B18)

16 September 2011
Chad (added specimen varieties for BEAC B1, B2, B4)
Ghana (added specimen varieties for BOG B1-B3)
Malawi (added proof variety for RBM B10; repaginated)
Malta (added and improved images for early issues; adjusted prices for same)
Sierra Leone (added Looking Forward item)

9 September 2011
Ghana (added listing for BOG B4 specimen)
Gibraltar (added dimensions to 2011-dated notes)
Malaya and British Borneo (repaginated)
Malaysia (added value for B39a)
Rhodesia (added listings for RBR B2 and B3 specimens; repaginated)
Somaliland (identified signature 4 governor as Abdi Dirir Abdi)
Sri Lanka (corrected image for CBSL BNP8; added values for CBSL BNP4-9)
Tanzania (identified TDLR as printer for BOT B1-B28; repaginated)

2 September 2011
Bhutan (corrected replacement note info for RMA B16-B22)
British Caribbean Territories (added signature 11 to CB B11c; repaginated)
Ghana (corrected date printed on BOG B22b)
Kenya (upgraded image of B4a)
Slovenia (deleted images of BS BNP1 and BNP2 dark green folders; repaginated)
Somaliland (added signature 4 image for new Governor)
Zimbabwe (repaginated)

26 August 2011
Albania (added detail to descriptions of specimens; repaginated listings)
Bhutan (added listing for RMA B22b, 500 ngultrum dated 2011)
Bostwana (added to description of BOB B18as)
Brunei (added info about error in Braille dots on AMBD B1-B3 notes)
Comoros (added detail to descriptions of specimens)
Eritrea (added detail to descriptions of specimens; repaginated listings)
Gabon (added detail to descriptions of specimens; repaginated listings)
Guinea-Bissau (added detail to descriptions of specimens)
Guyana (added detail to descriptions of specimens; repaginated listings)
Kazakhstan (added detail to descriptions of specimens; added replacement note info)
Lesotho (added listing for CBL B11b, 50-maloti dated 1993)
Malta (added detail to descriptions of various notes; corrected CBM BNP2 note list; added image for GOM B9a)
Myanmar (added detail to descriptions of CBM B13as; repaginated listings)
Papua New Guinea (added detail to descriptions of specimens; repaginated listings)
Somaliland (added detail to descriptions of specimens)
Sri Lanka (added detail to descriptions of CBSL B18cs; repaginated listings)
Swaziland (added detail to descriptions of specimens; repaginated listings)
Zaire (added detail to descriptions of specimens)
Zambia (added detail to descriptions of specimens)

19 August 2011
Chad (added BC B1as2 specimen listing)
Gibraltar (added images for GOG B1-B5; corrected date on GOG B30, B32, and B34)
Guinea-Bissau (removed reference to Guinean franc in Monetary System)
Kazakhstan (added NBK B38as specimen listing; added replacement info for NBK B20 & B35)
Papua New Guinea (restored listings for BPNG B43-B48 which were inadvertently dropped)

12 August 2011
Belize (added CBB B27d variety for note dated 1st. AUGUST 2010)
Katanga (corrected Gouvernment typo; corrected GK B2b and B3b dates to 05.10.60)
Namibia (adjusted values for BON B7c)
Somaliland (added BOS B22e variety for note dated 2011)
Uganda (added BOU B40d variety for note dated 1999)
Zaire (added BDZ B10p uniface proof)

5 August 2011
Botswana (added replacement prefix Z/1 for BOB B7)
Georgia (replaced "withdrawn 2005" with face values for NBG B31 to B45)
Gibraltar (added images of GOG B7 - GOG B11 and identified printer as TDLR)
Jersey (added Looking Forward info on new 100-pound commemorative due in 2012)
Lesotho (deleted CBL B2b and CBL B3c varieties as they have not been verified)
Malawi (corrected RBM B25b signature to 7a and B25c to 7b)
Malaysia (added specimen and color trial listings for BNM B12; added specimen listings for BNM B35, B38, B39, B41, B42, and B43; corrected printer for same as TDLR)
Somaliland (added PCS1 cross-references for BNP1)
Zambia (added BOZ B28ds specimen listing)

29 July 2011
Belarus (corrected denomination of NBRB BNP4 to 20,000 rubles)
Bhutan (added 5- and 100-ngultrum note varieties dated 2011 RMA B17b and B21b)
Brunei (added three new notes issued 18 July 2011; revised earlier descriptions; added images of folders for numismatic products BCB BNP1 and BCMB BNP1)
Cambodia (changed description of BNC B13; other minor changes)
Georgia (corrected various dates of intro; added NBG B50c 20-lari dated 2011)
Malaysia (added "wearing tengkolok headgear" to portrait descriptions)
Mauritania (identified portrait on BCM B9 as President Moktar Ould Daddah)

22 July 2011

Belarus (added news about revised 100- and 5,000-ruble notes; updated FVs)
Cambodia (corrected denomination to plural for BNC B10 and PBK B5, B7, and B9)
Kuwait (corrected duplicate CBK B25c variety listing)
Lesotho (corrected LMA B3 cross-reference to P3)

15 July 2011

Bhutan (added proof variety for RMA B5ap)
Bohemia and Moravia (added several prefix format varieties; swapped NBM B4/B5)
Cambodia (added $400 value for NBC B3as)
Equatorial Guinea (raised values for BGE B2; added s/n variety for BGE B1; corrected typo)
Georgia (confirmed that NBG B38 500-lari note was unissued)
Jersey (added DLR specimen variety for SOJ B10as2)
Kazakhstan (added listing for new 10,000-tengé commemorative)
Kyrgyzstan (corrected typo in spelling of "mountains")
Papua New Guinea (added $370 value for BPNG B17as2)
Turkmenistan (adjusted value of TMDB B7a)
Zimbabwe (added iridescent stripe variety for RBZ B70b)

8 July 2011
Israel (added BOI B39d, dated 2010 with new signature)
Oman (added TDLR as printer for CBO B10-B18; identified building on CBO B25 as bank)
Rwanda and Burundi (changed illustration for BERB B7 from color trial to issued note)
Saudi Arabia (corrected printers for SAMA B22, B24, and B25)
Sri Lanka (corrected price for CBSL B28)
Zimbabwe (corrected detail image showing differences between RBZ B22 font varieties)

1 July 2011
Bohemia and Moravia (corrected typo in caption for NBM B4)
Central African Republic (corrected BEAC B16 to BEAC B12)
French Pacific Territories (removed stray signature illustration from atop B1 scan)
Kazakhstan (added specimen variety and replacement note info to NBK B37 listing)
Kenya (identified most previously unknown signatories and printers)
Kuwait (corrected demonetization dates for first two series; identified minaret on 1-dinar notes)
Saudi Arabia (added withdrawal dates; corrected identifications of various design elements)
Zambia (added Looking Forward item about proposed currency changes)
Zimbabwe (revised some valuations of less-common notes)

24 June 2011
Bhutan (upgraded image of RGB B4)
Georgia (corrected variety letter for NBG B23)
Malawi (added new sig/date variety for RBM B48)
Zimbabwe (added images of backs of RBZ B13-B18)

17 June 2011
French Pacific Territories (identified Rusa deer and Cook pines)
Guinea (updated early specimen prices based upon Lyn Knight auction)
Liechtenstein (identified signatories by name)
Kazakhstan (updated illustration of NBK B37 1,000 tengé commemorative)
Malawi (added news about reported new 50- and 1,000-kwacha issues)
Swaziland (corrected middle initial for Martin G. Dlamini)
Zaire (corrected date on BDZ B16)

10 June 2011
Albania (added/corrected several dates of intro/demonetization)
Botswana (updated prices for B7cs and B9ds)
British Caribbean Territories (removed "mountains" from descriptions)
Cayman Islands (made several minor corrections)
Chad (added illustration of B10 and B11 details)
Gambia (added B10bs variety)
Gibraltar (corrected descriptions on 1975 notes; added images of 2010 notes)
Maldives (identified MMA signature 3 as Fazeel Najeeb)
Somaliland (corrected thread description of BOS B22c)
United Arab Emirates (identified Al Hosn Palace in Abu Dhabi)

3 June 2011
Belarus (changed image for BNP3 folder)
Gambia (corrected foil patch description for CBG B26)
Georgia (added specimen varieties for 1995 issues)
Kazakhstan (added new 1,000-tengé commemorative note)

27 May 2011

Botswana (added replacement note info for early issues)
Federal Republic of Germany (added intro dates for later issues)
German Democratic Republic (added intro/withdrawal dates for some issues)
Guinea (added listings for early specimens)
Kazakhstan (added dates of demonetization for some issues)
Malaysia (added press release about 2012 new note issues)
Vanuatu (added identification of post office on back of RBV B8)

20 May 2011

Gibraltar (revised prices, fixed B17 varieties, added withdrawal/intro dates)
Israel (minor changes, such as adding dates of introduction)
Sri Lanka (added prices and images for recent numismatic productsA)